Need Help please.
Depends on what you play, no single class can really be described as “OP” anymore, tho thieves are hella strong in PvP.
D/D thief has some niche places they are used but in general everone runs staff nowadays because dps on single target is the same but it has superior cleave and the dps is easier to acquire. Edit: staff for PvE, D/P for evetrything else.
Guards have loads of dps and are wanted in literally every game mode across the board.
Rev just doesn’t hold up anymore because nerfbat hit it pretty hard a couple of times. It’s bad in PvE, relatively weak in PvP, then again I hear it’s still useful in WvW
(edited by Rayden.3695)
Guards still pretty much lead the pack/zerg in WvW
DH are pretty much low risk high reward in PvP (even with the nerfs, although there was some buffs this patch)
Thiefs still roam WvW to pick off people. (either staff or d/p these days)
Rev, meh WvW
Rev kinda in the middle in pvp