Need Help with Survey for term paper.

Need Help with Survey for term paper.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lalangamena.3694


Hi guys /gals
I am conducting a research about online friendships among MMO players. The research is a part of a graduation paper in Psychology.
I mainly interested in adults who were diagnosed with learning disabilities as children, but I will be happy if people who were not diagnosed with learning disabilities will answer also for my control group.

the survey has three parts,
first part you have to rate from 1 to 5 twenty (20) statements about real life behavior.
second part you have to rate from 1 to 5 thirty (30) statements about online friendship.
third part is a demographic survey with twelve standard questions.

the survey is anonymous
No one will be able to identify you or your answers, and no one will know whether or not you participated in the study.

new survey link

if you have any remarks about the survey, please reply to the post

thank you very much.

EDIT: changed the survey to shorter version (removed approx 25% of the statements) with more explanations for each part.

(edited by Lalangamena.3694)

Need Help with Survey for term paper.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Buttercup.5871


Your questions stink. You’re hiding (in part or in full) what the purpose of your questions is, ie. what the real topic of your research is. I’ve seen questionnaires like these so many times in different MMO forums over the years; when do people learn?

Start with taking your audience seriously. Then get back to us.

Need Help with Survey for term paper.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


I agree that you should be upfront about your study.

I’ll also point out that you should never but the questions about personal information (gender, age, etc) at the front of a survey. They should be at the end.

Need Help with Survey for term paper.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Urthona.3198


In number 2, are you referring to gender or to biological sex? In your field, you need to be clear on these things.

Need Help with Survey for term paper.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


How is he unclear about gender?

(edited by Ayrilana.1396)

Need Help with Survey for term paper.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sera.6539


How is he unclear about gender?

I assume he means that gender can include a larger range, not just male and female. Which is true.

Gelda Nebilim – Nagare [NGE] – Crystal Desert

Need Help with Survey for term paper.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


EDIT: I disagree with you.

This topic we’re going off about is beyond the scope of these forums. I can discuss it with you in PM’s but not here. This is the end of my discussion in this thread regarding this topic.

(edited by Ayrilana.1396)

Need Help with Survey for term paper.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Urthona.3198


I had no intention of causing controversy or derailing the thread. I simply wanted to know how I should respond to the question. I’ve been required to do this kind of thing for classes, so I try to help others out when I can.

Need Help with Survey for term paper.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


Understandable. They should just go with whatever they identify most with then.

Need Help with Survey for term paper.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lalangamena.3694


Your questions stink. You’re hiding (in part or in full) what the purpose of your questions is, ie. what the real topic of your research is. I’ve seen questionnaires like these so many times in different MMO forums over the years; when do people learn?

Start with taking your audience seriously. Then get back to us.

I thought I am not hiding anything, the survey is about online friendships among MMO players.
the “sensitive” variable was also disclosed in my OP.
if you need more info, please let me know.

In number 2, are you referring to gender or to biological sex? In your field, you need to be clear on these things.

I meant biological sex.

I agree that you should be upfront about your study.

I’ll also point out that you should never but the questions about personal information (gender, age, etc) at the front of a survey. They should be at the end.

this part called ‘demographics survey’, the information there for statistical cross-section of the data only.

Need Help with Survey for term paper.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Curuniel.4830


Doing it now, but I do think some of the questions are a little odd. It’s not very clear whether you want information about online friends specifically, real life friends as well, real life friends I play GW2 with…? My answers would be different. And while I can understand if you don’t want to tell us what you’re looking for right at the beginning because it might influence results, your topic is not very clear – you say you’re looking at learnings disabilities, but suddenly start asking about online friends, for reasons not made clear. I don’t think I have an online friend of the kind you’re asking about, but I didn’t know I needed to have one when I started the survey.

It would also benefit from a note saying about how long you expect it to take to fill out the survey at the beginnings, so respondents don’t get stuck halfway through it without realising. Hope this feedback is helpful.

Need Help with Survey for term paper.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lalangamena.3694


I have added more information and explanations in the OP and in the survey.

also tried to remove somewhat redundant questions, the new questionnaire have 25% statements less.

thank you

hope you will take the survey.

online friends are people you meet online ans see them as your friends, online or in real life but the important part is that you have met online.
if you have a long time real life friend that you play together GW2 , he is real life friend not “online” friend.

(edited by Lalangamena.3694)

Need Help with Survey for term paper.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Fatfox.4915


Using surveymonkey myself for my work as a Uni Faculty Rep, I’ve wrestled with survey-making before. I’m not being critical here, I’m merely suggesting some improvements, that may perhaps, depending on whether or not your collection is assessed give you better marks. shrug Take what you want and leave what you want.

Your statement of ‘we do not collect Ip addresses’ is misleading. If you are using the free version (I don’t use the premium so cannot comment on that) , SurveyMonkey records the IP automatically if you go into analysing the responses of an individual, it’s their way of making sure that the same person does not take the survey twice. So that statement about privacy may need tweaking if you can see it.

With regards to the second section- it’s good that you’ve now stated the definitions there, but maybe make it a bit clearer as to whether or not those with no online friends (people who just play with friends from work/school etc) have to answer the questions or not.

I know you’re surveying mmo players but for those new to it, give mmo it’s full title at first and then put the acronym in brackets- it could be that someone’s just got GW for Xmas and it’s their first game of that kind. Covers all bases- no lost results then. Maybe define ‘read between the lines’ as well, it might not be a saying in all countries.

Your personal information section needs a bit of polish. Never married should be broken down further into ‘single’ as well as ‘co-habiting’ – it’ll make analysis easier.

I’m also not sure what a graduate degree is, so maybe putting some common (BSc, BA, MSc MA’s after each one would help. Don’t forget PhD’s to- or just put higher.

Employment- don’t forget the student option, or an ‘other’ section.

And forcing people to say whether they’ve got a learning disability or not- I can see why you’ve done it, but put a prefer not to say option there, as some people might not feel comfortable with answering it and you lose some potential data.

And a quick heads up- you can only collect 100 responses on the free one before it fills up and you’ll have to collect the responses, empty it and start it afresh, any over that 100 are lost.

Hope it all helps!

(edited by Fatfox.4915)

Need Help with Survey for term paper.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lalangamena.3694


ty for all the replies

the survey is still open, if anybody feels like answering a (not so short) survey, please do.

it will be very appreciated.


Need Help with Survey for term paper.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Danikat.8537


Before I start can I just ask – when you’re asking about online friends do these have to be people we play MMO’s with? I have a lot of online friends but none I play MMOs with, most of them are people I met through a music fan site and aren’t gamers.

Also a lot of the questions seem to be asking about a friendship with one particular person – are we supposed to pick one friend and answer based on that friendship or give generalised responses based on all the online/real life friends we have?

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