Need Some Help

Need Some Help

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DiablosCarnage.7640


I just started to play Guildwars 2 after having it since beta as i didn’t quite enjoy the initial experience. It seems to have only gotten worse as i cannot find a single person to team with and have no way of starting out in the game. Is everyone just level 80 now ? Any help for a newbie trying to get into the game before i finally give up and quit..

Need Some Help

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Brother Grimm.5176

Brother Grimm.5176

What server are you on? I run into players in all areas of the game all the time. You don’t have to join in a party to play with other players (that’s one of the things I find great about GW2).

I’m not sure I understand WHY you have to have a party to play the game? Beyond taking on Champion level enemies, the game is almost fully solo-able. I get you may WANT to be in a party, but it’s not a requirement to play (or succeed).

Also, all players scale down to the area they are in, so while LVL 80s will have some skill advantages in lower areas, they will not be uber-powerful 1 hit killers either. There are also plenty of reasons for higher level players to be in lower level areas (mostly Champion farming at this point, however).

People start new characters all the time. You really should not be having problems finding other players. Granted there are likely scarcely populated areas, but I’ve been in all the starter areas recently and run into other players quite often. If you are on a predominately PvP server, that could present a population issue in PvE areas (or visa versa).

We go out in the world and take our chances
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances

Need Some Help

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Athryl.9372


I’m new and have also had trouble meeting people in game. There are people around, but no one really talks much! I enjoy soloing so it’s not been too bad, but a couple friends would be nice in such a social game! Anyways I am on Tarnished Coast if you need anything, my mesmer is mid 50s and her name is Arden Kynaston. I have a few other alts under 10 as well. I am new and consequently I am sure not very good, but I’m having fun regardless!

Arden Kynaston – Tarnished Coast

Need Some Help

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ZigZach.1693


Hey, I’m a fairly new play too, I play on the Ehmry Bay server. I haven’t had too difficult of a team finding players to team with, yes not as many people as when i first played last year, but a fair amount. Try visiting a hub city and asking if anyone wants to team up, just don’t do it in Lion’s Arch. Also feel free to add me, my character name is Zak Sequoia.

Need Some Help

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

As being said, there are people leveling all the time. I have several level 80 characters but also play e.g. my level 23 thief to level up. The problem is that I mix things up, so im a slow leveler.

Also this game is made very sociable. You can meet someone doing an event or two together, and then you split again. So that means you don’t always team up, but you can still be social and make friends. When I meet the same person three times in a map I often say in local chat ‘Hey Stalker’, and sometimes that results in new friends.

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

Need Some Help

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: iKeostuKen.2738


Add me if anyone wanna to party up in game juss to have some fun, explore, chat, dungeons, or needs help

Im probably gonna be on my elementalist. Hes a lvl 20 atm :o