Need advice from GW2 Vet's !
A1: I’m going to be honest with you, if you are only able to put in 2 hours a week for the game, gearing one character is full ascended is going to take a very long time. But not impossible or even unfeasible, once we use some Time Management-jutsu.
Backpiece. Unless you can find a guild or a static group to run Fractals with, let’s assume that’s out of the question. That leaves us with the other two methods of making an ascended back piece, i.e. Mystic Forge and crafting. The cheapest of these are the book/quiver ascended back pieces from the Mystic Forge, the recipe being (taken from Dulfy’s guide):
General formula: 1 Vial of Condensed Mists Essence or 250 Bloodstone Dust + 250 Philosopher’s Stone/40 Crystal + 50 Glob of Ectoplasm + 250 T6 Fine Crafting material (except for venom sacs and totems)
So for example Bowyer’s Delight (Berserker) would, at the time of writing, cost around 86g in purchasable materials. This is an overestimate since you will eventually get Ectoplasm and Vicious Fangs while gathering the gold.
Well, if the goal is to make gold, let’s consider some of the most time-efficient methods. You can play the commodity market, of course, but I can’t really speak much on the subject as I’m terrible at it. Otherwise, another fast method would be to run dungeons. Each Ascalonian Catacombs (AC) explorable path, when done with a competent group takes about 10 minutes, and rewards 1.81g for the first run of the day. That’s 5.43g in 30 minutes, per day, excluding the loot sold to NPC vendors and the TP. So if you only did AC P1, 2 and 3 daily, spending about 30-40 minutes total, you’ll be able to buy the Ectoplasm and Fangs in less than 16 days.
Amulet. Just spend 5 minutes a day to login to claim the login reward and logout. By the 23rd login, you’ll have the 30 Laurels needed for the amulet.
A2: I’d set world exploration as a lower priority until you complete the above, but it’s a great distraction now and then. When you do, don’t discount the gathering nodes. Of everything you do in the map, they are your biggest source of gold income during map completion.
A3: Of course you’ll be able to subsidise the cost of the legendary with the stuff you pick up while working on the above goals. Just find out what materials you actually need and sell the rest.
If you’re only going to have 2 hours max per week to play, then you’re just going to have to accept that your goals will need to be fairly modest. But that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the game. My advice would be to completely forget about best-in-slot gear or a legendary weapon. If you’re going to be playing so little, then you just need to enjoy the game for the sake of the game. However, world completion could still be an achievable goal. It will take a while, but its something you could still make noticeable progress on even with only a couple hours per week. Pick a zone, and just start working your way through it. Even if you can only play for 30 – 60 minutes at a time, you can knock out some hearts, skill challenges, vistas and points of interest, and complete any dynamic events you run across along the way. The nice part of world completion is that its very easy to stop right where you are and pick up again later at the same spot.
Just about everything you do will in some way contribute to your progress toward a legendary. But you need a vast amount of crafting materials, gold, karma and some other very rare items. A legendary is a pretty high goal, even for someone who plays a lot. At only 2 hours per week… well, like I said, I think you need to keep realistic goals that are in-line with the time you have available. And trying for something as lofty as a legendary, on only two hours per week, is probably going to only lead to frustration and burn out because your progress will be so slow that it will feel like you’re not even moving (or even going backwards as you spend your resources on more immediate needs). Maybe set an ascended weapon as your long-term goal. Same stats as a legendary, but much more realistically obtainable.
Kudos for keeping your priorities straight. :-)
2 hours a week is not much:/ I would try my best to log in at least once a day as the log in reward is pretty nice and you can get nice shinnies (ascended accessories) with laurels.
After that I would focus on just having fun. Two hours a week is not much and spending that time doing something you feel as a grind can hurt your love for playing. Eventually you’ll start to build up a decent treasury and you than can consider a legendary.
On days you feel like exploring go ahead and map a zone. Remember WvW can be the trickiest so start there. Pick a character you enjoy playing and has good mobility to make mapping a smoother process.
So just have fun and maybe someday your schedule might change or a long weekend will allow you to accomplish more. Good luck and happy hunting!
A1: I’m going to be honest with you, if you are only able to put in 2 hours a week for the game, gearing one character is full ascended is going to take a very long time. But not impossible or even unfeasible, once we use some Time Management-jutsu.
Backpiece. Unless you can find a guild or a static group to run Fractals with, let’s assume that’s out of the question. That leaves us with the other two methods of making an ascended back piece, i.e. Mystic Forge and crafting. The cheapest of these are the book/quiver ascended back pieces from the Mystic Forge, the recipe being (taken from Dulfy’s guide):
General formula: 1 Vial of Condensed Mists Essence or 250 Bloodstone Dust + 250 Philosopher’s Stone/40 Crystal + 50 Glob of Ectoplasm + 250 T6 Fine Crafting material (except for venom sacs and totems)
So for example Bowyer’s Delight (Berserker) would, at the time of writing, cost around 86g in purchasable materials. This is an overestimate since you will eventually get Ectoplasm and Vicious Fangs while gathering the gold.
Well, if the goal is to make gold, let’s consider some of the most time-efficient methods. You can play the commodity market, of course, but I can’t really speak much on the subject as I’m terrible at it. Otherwise, another fast method would be to run dungeons. Each Ascalonian Catacombs (AC) explorable path, when done with a competent group takes about 10 minutes, and rewards 1.81g for the first run of the day. That’s 5.43g in 30 minutes, per day, excluding the loot sold to NPC vendors and the TP. So if you only did AC P1, 2 and 3 daily, spending about 30-40 minutes total, you’ll be able to buy the Ectoplasm and Fangs in less than 16 days.
Amulet. Just spend 5 minutes a day to login to claim the login reward and logout. By the 23rd login, you’ll have the 30 Laurels needed for the amulet.
A2: I’d set world exploration as a lower priority until you complete the above, but it’s a great distraction now and then. When you do, don’t discount the gathering nodes. Of everything you do in the map, they are your biggest source of gold income during map completion.
A3: Of course you’ll be able to subsidise the cost of the legendary with the stuff you pick up while working on the above goals. Just find out what materials you actually need and sell the rest.
That recipe for the ascended backpiece, is that a 100% surefire way of getting an ascended back? Or is there chance of failure? O.o
I mean im a frugal guy so i have about 150gold atm. But ill start running dungeons for the money since ill need lots haha
30 laurels for the amulet? I thought it was 40 + 50globs of ecto? Cuz i have 32 laurels now…
Ahhh ok ok so its better for me to do dailies + dungeons then do my world complete some other time eh
Guess my legendary will accumulate its own materials as i start my world explore this summer?
If you’re only going to have 2 hours max per week to play, then you’re just going to have to accept that your goals will need to be fairly modest. But that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the game. My advice would be to completely forget about best-in-slot gear or a legendary weapon. If you’re going to be playing so little, then you just need to enjoy the game for the sake of the game. However, world completion could still be an achievable goal. It will take a while, but its something you could still make noticeable progress on even with only a couple hours per week. Pick a zone, and just start working your way through it. Even if you can only play for 30 – 60 minutes at a time, you can knock out some hearts, skill challenges, vistas and points of interest, and complete any dynamic events you run across along the way. The nice part of world completion is that its very easy to stop right where you are and pick up again later at the same spot.
Just about everything you do will in some way contribute to your progress toward a legendary. But you need a vast amount of crafting materials, gold, karma and some other very rare items. A legendary is a pretty high goal, even for someone who plays a lot. At only 2 hours per week… well, like I said, I think you need to keep realistic goals that are in-line with the time you have available. And trying for something as lofty as a legendary, on only two hours per week, is probably going to only lead to frustration and burn out because your progress will be so slow that it will feel like you’re not even moving (or even going backwards as you spend your resources on more immediate needs). Maybe set an ascended weapon as your long-term goal. Same stats as a legendary, but much more realistically obtainable.
Kudos for keeping your priorities straight. :-)
Hehe ty for the info and reality check!
i knew legendary was gonna be waaaaaaaaaaaaaay down the line when i have a chance to play with a solid amount of time so your response didn’t really come as a shock haha i did think however that ascendeds were just as hard to get as legendarys for weapons? O.o i guess i was wrong? :P
Any tips on making map completion easier to do? I found this guide on how to do things efficiently however, just the bore factor is bugging me haha
2 hours a week is not much:/ I would try my best to log in at least once a day as the log in reward is pretty nice and you can get nice shinnies (ascended accessories) with laurels.
After that I would focus on just having fun. Two hours a week is not much and spending that time doing something you feel as a grind can hurt your love for playing. Eventually you’ll start to build up a decent treasury and you than can consider a legendary.
On days you feel like exploring go ahead and map a zone. Remember WvW can be the trickiest so start there. Pick a character you enjoy playing and has good mobility to make mapping a smoother process.
So just have fun and maybe someday your schedule might change or a long weekend will allow you to accomplish more. Good luck and happy hunting!
See I’m a weird gamer haha because what I enjoybest is doing things the fastest, safest and most efficient way of doing things lol so which profession would you say will have the least trouble mapping WvW?
Those are all some long term goals. Which is not a bad thing!
{The following is my opinion.}
Since you have exotic armor/weapons, you are more than equipped to do world completion. I’d say go for #2 and slowly work on #3 at the same time.
With that in mind, here are some tips:
- Do events near hearts. Especially “kill X” type of events. They fill hearts super fast.
- Gather whatever you come across but don’t go out of your way for a node if it isn’t Orichalcum. Any and everything in your material storage can be sold to fund your Legendary.
- Slot the trait or signet with the speed boost. You don’t need the extra utility/damage if you’re mapping.
- If you can’t get to a POI or Vista, don’t be afraid to ask in /map or /wiki the area you’re in.
- Grab yourself a mystic salvage kit if you can get it or a master’s salvage kit. Use this one to salvage rares you come across for ectoplasm. If the price of the rare on the TP is less than an ecto, salvage. Otherwise sell.
- Also grab a Fine Salvage kit. Use this one to salvage all the Fine (blue) items you get, except for Light armor. Light armor usually salvages to Silk, which is sought after for Ascended armor, so it’s usually safe to sell on TP. The rest of the items will salvage to mats and luck.
- For Masterwork items, either salvage with the Fine kit for more luck/mats or hold onto them and Mystic forge them after clearing a map. Dropping them in the forge gives a 20% chance to upgrade to a rare item and thus more ecto.
- Use the dailies to your advantage. If there’s a [region] logger/miner/forager achievement, go to that region to map. Completing the achieve will net you bonus materials.
-Same for the daily world boss achieves. Check “/wiki list of world bosses” to see if the daily boss fits in your schedule. The small ones (Fire Elemental, Svanir Shaman, Shadow Behemoth, Jungle Wurm) only take 10 minutes if you get there at the right time and reward you with a minimum of two rares (one from the achieve, one from beating it that day) to salvage with chances at other nifty stuff. Ignore the larger bosses (with the possible exception of Shatterer) as they take way too long.
- Ignore jumping puzzles in the interest of time. Some of the areas are required for map completion so just get in and get out.
- When your material storage gets filled with Mithril and Elder wood, craft rare weapons with them for more ectos.
- Skip vista movies
- Map WvW as soon as you can and map as much as you can in one session. You can run through most of the map unhindered if you’re smart but towers and keeps need to be owned by your world (or broken into) for you to get at the POI/Vista within. This is probably the most annoying part of map completing. Luckily, the worlds swap positions every match so you can get at what was before closed to you.
- Work on getting Mystic clovers before focusing on the other tier 6 mats. It’s RNG so you’ll invariably get other stuff you need while trying for them.
- Talk to scouts to find hearts. Some have wonky active areas.
- don’t waste money trying to get the precursor from the mystic forge. Save gold and place a buy order.
I’m currently using these tactics to work on my first legendary as well. I hope some of this helps.
Thanks everyone by the way for all the extremely quick responses!
Above not consider playing this game as an obligation..if you are happy or just able to play two hours due to other be it. Do not let your real life get in the way hahahaha.
That recipe for the ascended backpiece, is that a 100% surefire way of getting an ascended back? Or is there chance of failure? O.o
100% success rate. And apologies for the mistake: Bowyer’s Delight is Soldier stats (Power, Toughness, Vitality). Berserker stats are from Quiver of Swift Flight, which costs approximately 97g worth of materials.
30 laurels for the amulet? I thought it was 40 + 50globs of ecto? Cuz i have 32 laurels now…
Wiki says Amulets are 30 Laurels. Accessories are 40 + 50 ecto.
- For Masterwork items, either salvage with the Fine kit for more luck/mats or hold onto them and Mystic forge them after clearing a map. Dropping them in the forge gives a 20% chance to upgrade to a rare item and thus more ecto.
kitten …didn’t know that..thanks!
See I’m a weird gamer haha because what I enjoybest is doing things the fastest, safest and most efficient way of doing things lol so which profession would you say will have the least trouble mapping WvW?
From the three professions you have I would recommend warrior for map completion. Warriors are not too hard to play and have a good health pool, dps and armor but most importantly great mobility. Greatsword and a sword/warhorn offhand will allow you to move around quickly and kill quickly as well. The mobility is a life-saver and time-saver in WvW.
Since efficiency is important try to find a decent sized guild that fits your time table and needs. Having a friendly group of players to assist you in dungeons, WvW, answering questions or whatever can really speed things up.
Those are all some long term goals. Which is not a bad thing!
{The following is my opinion.}
Since you have exotic armor/weapons, you are more than equipped to do world completion. I’d say go for #2 and slowly work on #3 at the same time.With that in mind, here are some tips:
- Do events near hearts. Especially “kill X” type of events. They fill hearts super fast.
- Gather whatever you come across but don’t go out of your way for a node if it isn’t Orichalcum. Any and everything in your material storage can be sold to fund your Legendary.
- Slot the trait or signet with the speed boost. You don’t need the extra utility/damage if you’re mapping.
- If you can’t get to a POI or Vista, don’t be afraid to ask in /map or /wiki the area you’re in.
- Grab yourself a mystic salvage kit if you can get it or a master’s salvage kit. Use this one to salvage rares you come across for ectoplasm. If the price of the rare on the TP is less than an ecto, salvage. Otherwise sell.
- Also grab a Fine Salvage kit. Use this one to salvage all the Fine (blue) items you get, except for Light armor. Light armor usually salvages to Silk, which is sought after for Ascended armor, so it’s usually safe to sell on TP. The rest of the items will salvage to mats and luck.
- For Masterwork items, either salvage with the Fine kit for more luck/mats or hold onto them and Mystic forge them after clearing a map. Dropping them in the forge gives a 20% chance to upgrade to a rare item and thus more ecto.
- Use the dailies to your advantage. If there’s a [region] logger/miner/forager achievement, go to that region to map. Completing the achieve will net you bonus materials.
-Same for the daily world boss achieves. Check “/wiki list of world bosses” to see if the daily boss fits in your schedule. The small ones (Fire Elemental, Svanir Shaman, Shadow Behemoth, Jungle Wurm) only take 10 minutes if you get there at the right time and reward you with a minimum of two rares (one from the achieve, one from beating it that day) to salvage with chances at other nifty stuff. Ignore the larger bosses (with the possible exception of Shatterer) as they take way too long.
- Ignore jumping puzzles in the interest of time. Some of the areas are required for map completion so just get in and get out.
- When your material storage gets filled with Mithril and Elder wood, craft rare weapons with them for more ectos.
- Skip vista movies
- Map WvW as soon as you can and map as much as you can in one session. You can run through most of the map unhindered if you’re smart but towers and keeps need to be owned by your world (or broken into) for you to get at the POI/Vista within. This is probably the most annoying part of map completing. Luckily, the worlds swap positions every match so you can get at what was before closed to you.
- Work on getting Mystic clovers before focusing on the other tier 6 mats. It’s RNG so you’ll invariably get other stuff you need while trying for them.
- Talk to scouts to find hearts. Some have wonky active areas.
- don’t waste money trying to get the precursor from the mystic forge. Save gold and place a buy order.I’m currently using these tactics to work on my first legendary as well. I hope some of this helps.
-yah too bad not all hearts can be done with ‘kill x’ events xD how i wish lol
-with my current guardian settup, im able to run around with perma swoftness + teleport for some hella quick movement lol just sucks to have to alt tab every now and then to update which way im supposed to run to. Does making GW2 windowed and having a map guide open on the left side work?
-i thought only exotics give you ectos? O.o
- i have a copper fed salvage kit so i hope that suffices? >. <
-hmmm what if it was kryta mining the previous day then maguuma wood chopper the next? Isnt it more efficient to just go around one zone at a time? I also do my dailies in pvp since its the quickest way and i could use those tomes of experience or whatever xD
-yah WvW i think will be the hardest one to map lol just takes time for it i guess haha xD
-hmmm true… about precursors lol i heard some ppl waste more gold going to mystic than buying it straight up xD
Above not consider playing this game as an obligation..if you are happy or just able to play two hours due to other be it. Do not let your real life get in the way hahahaha.
Haha i wish i had more playtime though! >. <’ i love gw2 lol its a beautiful and extremely fun game. Too bad its excruciatingly time consuming lol
That recipe for the ascended backpiece, is that a 100% surefire way of getting an ascended back? Or is there chance of failure? O.o
100% success rate. And apologies for the mistake: Bowyer’s Delight is Soldier stats (Power, Toughness, Vitality). Berserker stats are from Quiver of Swift Flight, which costs approximately 97g worth of materials. laurels for the amulet? I thought it was 40 + 50globs of ecto? Cuz i have 32 laurels now…
Wiki says Amulets are 30 Laurels. Accessories are 40 + 50 ecto.
-ohhhh ok 97 gold isnt as bad as i thought haha guessing i need 400-500 craftmanship on a couple of crafts though eh?
-ohhh then i got mixed up sorry lol what im missing are the ones that cost 40+50 ectos >. < apologies!
See I’m a weird gamer haha because what I enjoybest is doing things the fastest, safest and most efficient way of doing things lol so which profession would you say will have the least trouble mapping WvW?
From the three professions you have I would recommend warrior for map completion. Warriors are not too hard to play and have a good health pool, dps and armor but most importantly great mobility. Greatsword and a sword/warhorn offhand will allow you to move around quickly and kill quickly as well. The mobility is a life-saver and time-saver in WvW.
Since efficiency is important try to find a decent sized guild that fits your time table and needs. Having a friendly group of players to assist you in dungeons, WvW, answering questions or whatever can really speed things up.
-oh true haha i haven’ttouched my warriof ever since I got back from my hiatus haha forgot how quick they are at movement and killing xD thanks for the reminder!
-hmmmm any advice where i can find such a guild? Haha
-oh true haha i haven’ttouched my warriof ever since I got back from my hiatus haha forgot how quick they are at movement and killing xD thanks for the reminder!
-hmmmm any advice where i can find such a guild? Haha
For a guild either check the looking for forum –
Or check out your servers community website.
The Family Deuce. Asuran Adventure Specialists.
So I’m new to GW2 and bought it at release and have been playing it on and off. I have 3 80’s, 1 Warrior, 1 Elementalist and 1 Guardian. I rushed them all to 80 so world complete is not on my accomplishments. Since I’m busy with work, volunteer, school and girlfriend, I’m struggling what to prioritize. This is what I’m struggling with and if anyone can help me in any way with information or anything, it would be deeply appreciated!
Note I maybe have 2 hours max per week to play so please keep that in mind >.<
1) My gear pretty much I get what to do. I need exotics for armor and weapons to get started. I have done that. I also have ascended necklace and 2 ascended rings. I’m struggling to get ascended amulets and backpiece. Especially the backpiece since i"m only reward 17 in FoTm and it seems like no one is doing low lvl fractals at this age of the game. How would I get enough fragments for a backpiece? I’m also not rich so I can’t really craft them…
Amulets I know cna be bought with Laurels (which is hella slow) or Guild Comms right? I can’t seem to find a guild who does Guild Comms during the days I do get to play so what do I do?! >.<
2) I don’t know what to do about world completion lol I only have so much time right? I did some research and it seems it takes like 45mins to 1 hour just to finish one zone so is this what I should be pumping my time into?
3) I want a legendary but it takes forever or a crapton of money if you’re rich. Is it possible to gather materials and money while I’m doing #1 or #2?Thanks once again if anyone can help me with this! This noob greatly appreciates it >.<
I can sympathise, I often don’t have many hours to play and find myself lusting after the same achievements as yourself.
1) For amulets, just wait and save laurels, it might take a month or so of logging in but to be honest its something you can get just by logging so there is no point actively going after it if you have limited time.
2) The way I did world completion was doing a zone a day. After a while you’ll get there. Trust me when I say it doesn’t take 45mins-1 hour per zone. Realistically, if a zone is completely uncharted it might take 30mins or so. Load up an online map with all the WPs, POIs and Vistas as reference to make life easier.
3) As a casual player, its gonna take you a long time to get a legendary, unfortunately that is just a fact. I suggest following two routes for this. Firstly, do some Orr karma trains to farm heavy mouldy bags for T6 mats (both needed in the legendary recipes as well as worth a lot to sell for other components). Secondly try your hand at TP flipping. That why you can make money through investments even when your not online.
So with your 2 hours i’d suggest:
1) Log in for laurels
2) Complete a zone (30mins)
3) Run a fractal (30mins)
4) Karma train in Orr (40mins)
5) TP flipping (20mins)
That gives you a 2 hour sceduele that will help you work towards acsended amulets and backpiece as well as legendary.
Guardian / WvW Enthusiast
-oh true haha i haven’ttouched my warriof ever since I got back from my hiatus haha forgot how quick they are at movement and killing xD thanks for the reminder!
-hmmmm any advice where i can find such a guild? HahaFor a guild either check the looking for forum –
Or check out your servers community website.
Oh ok ty so much! ^^
So I’m new to GW2 and bought it at release and have been playing it on and off. I have 3 80’s, 1 Warrior, 1 Elementalist and 1 Guardian. I rushed them all to 80 so world complete is not on my accomplishments. Since I’m busy with work, volunteer, school and girlfriend, I’m struggling what to prioritize. This is what I’m struggling with and if anyone can help me in any way with information or anything, it would be deeply appreciated!
Note I maybe have 2 hours max per week to play so please keep that in mind >.<
1) My gear pretty much I get what to do. I need exotics for armor and weapons to get started. I have done that. I also have ascended necklace and 2 ascended rings. I’m struggling to get ascended amulets and backpiece. Especially the backpiece since i"m only reward 17 in FoTm and it seems like no one is doing low lvl fractals at this age of the game. How would I get enough fragments for a backpiece? I’m also not rich so I can’t really craft them…
Amulets I know cna be bought with Laurels (which is hella slow) or Guild Comms right? I can’t seem to find a guild who does Guild Comms during the days I do get to play so what do I do?! >.<
2) I don’t know what to do about world completion lol I only have so much time right? I did some research and it seems it takes like 45mins to 1 hour just to finish one zone so is this what I should be pumping my time into?
3) I want a legendary but it takes forever or a crapton of money if you’re rich. Is it possible to gather materials and money while I’m doing #1 or #2?Thanks once again if anyone can help me with this! This noob greatly appreciates it >.<
I can sympathise, I often don’t have many hours to play and find myself lusting after the same achievements as yourself.
1) For amulets, just wait and save laurels, it might take a month or so of logging in but to be honest its something you can get just by logging so there is no point actively going after it if you have limited time.
2) The way I did world completion was doing a zone a day. After a while you’ll get there. Trust me when I say it doesn’t take 45mins-1 hour per zone. Realistically, if a zone is completely uncharted it might take 30mins or so. Load up an online map with all the WPs, POIs and Vistas as reference to make life easier.
3) As a casual player, its gonna take you a long time to get a legendary, unfortunately that is just a fact. I suggest following two routes for this. Firstly, do some Orr karma trains to farm heavy mouldy bags for T6 mats (both needed in the legendary recipes as well as worth a lot to sell for other components). Secondly try your hand at TP flipping. That why you can make money through investments even when your not online.
So with your 2 hours i’d suggest:
1) Log in for laurels
2) Complete a zone (30mins)
3) Run a fractal (30mins)
4) Karma train in Orr (40mins)
5) TP flipping (20mins)That gives you a 2 hour sceduele that will help you work towards acsended amulets and backpiece as well as legendary.
1) i agree with that and its easy to do so. Unfortunately laurels are like 3 times in a month so i just have to wait haha
2)what class are you using to do a full zone in 30 mins? O.o as in hearts, vista,poi,skill and wps all in an avg of 30 mins?
3)i find it hard finding a party for fractals… unless im using the lfg system wrong…
4)doesnt karma train in orr depend on your server and the time of day as well?
5)can you elaborate on tp flipping? O.o
-yah too bad not all hearts can be done with ‘kill x’ events xD how i wish lol
-with my current guardian settup, im able to run around with perma swoftness + teleport for some hella quick movement lol just sucks to have to alt tab every now and then to update which way im supposed to run to. Does making GW2 windowed and having a map guide open on the left side work?
-i thought only exotics give you ectos? O.o
- i have a copper fed salvage kit so i hope that suffices? >. <
-hmmm what if it was kryta mining the previous day then maguuma wood chopper the next? Isnt it more efficient to just go around one zone at a time? I also do my dailies in pvp since its the quickest way and i could use those tomes of experience or whatever xD
-yah WvW i think will be the hardest one to map lol just takes time for it i guess haha xD
-hmmm true… about precursors lol i heard some ppl waste more gold going to mystic than buying it straight up xD
- Yeah…>> There are a few annoying hearts I won’t deny that.
- lol “perma swoftness” sounds like you’re making whooshing noises while running around. XD.
But yeah, GW2 works just fine windowed.
- Ectos can be salvaged from both rare and exotic pieces of equipment of level 68 or higher. Globs of Dark Matter is limited to salvaging exotic stuff but that’s only used for ascended.
- Your copper fed salvage kit can replace the Fine salvage kit. I’d still suggest getting a Master’s/Mystic to salvage rares. It has a higher chance for salvaging rare mats (ecto, Ori, Ancient Wood). Specific info here: LINK
- If your two hours a week is spread out over the week (25 minutes a day?) instead of one chunk on the weekend, go ahead and stay in one map for consistency. Then jump based on dailies when you finish a map.
With the changes to the daily system, I’d ignore them if the immediate reward isn’t beneficial or nearby (thus my suggestion with gatherer and world boss dailies). The rewards you get from AP are nice but not time effective. Also PvP dailies only reward PvP xp so it only indirectly helps your legendary through mats from reward tracks. Time better spent world exploring IMO.
Best of luck. d(^_^)
1) i agree with that and its easy to do so. Unfortunately laurels are like 3 times in a month so i just have to wait haha
2)what class are you using to do a full zone in 30 mins? O.o as in hearts, vista,poi,skill and wps all in an avg of 30 mins?
3)i find it hard finding a party for fractals…unless im using the lfg system wrong…
4)doesnt karma train in orr depend on your server and the time of day as well?
5)can you elaborate on tp flipping? O.o
Oh, I can answer a couple of these.
1) yeah that’s a drag. Festivals might reward more later if they follow this previous Wintersday’s example.
2) I don’t know about him but the maps without hearts are faster to map in general. Otherwise, wow. Quite the speedrunner.
3) dunno lol
4) Thanks to megaservers, it no longer matters what server you’re on but time of day will still be a factor to have enough people.
5) There are or were a number of threads about making money on the TP. It’s really just playing the TP like a real life commodities market. Buy low, sell high. Good for accumulating wealth if you have the capital to start but there’s risk involved as well. Others can elaborate more than I.
-yah too bad not all hearts can be done with ‘kill x’ events xD how i wish lol
-with my current guardian settup, im able to run around with perma swoftness + teleport for some hella quick movement lol just sucks to have to alt tab every now and then to update which way im supposed to run to. Does making GW2 windowed and having a map guide open on the left side work?
-i thought only exotics give you ectos? O.o
- i have a copper fed salvage kit so i hope that suffices? >. <
-hmmm what if it was kryta mining the previous day then maguuma wood chopper the next? Isnt it more efficient to just go around one zone at a time? I also do my dailies in pvp since its the quickest way and i could use those tomes of experience or whatever xD
-yah WvW i think will be the hardest one to map lol just takes time for it i guess haha xD
-hmmm true… about precursors lol i heard some ppl waste more gold going to mystic than buying it straight up xD- Yeah…>> There are a few annoying hearts I won’t deny that.
- lol “perma swoftness” sounds like you’re making whooshing noises while running around. XD.
But yeah, GW2 works just fine windowed.
- Ectos can be salvaged from both rare and exotic pieces of equipment of level 68 or higher. Globs of Dark Matter is limited to salvaging exotic stuff but that’s only used for ascended.
- Your copper fed salvage kit can replace the Fine salvage kit. I’d still suggest getting a Master’s/Mystic to salvage rares. It has a higher chance for salvaging rare mats (ecto, Ori, Ancient Wood). Specific info here: LINK
- If your two hours a week is spread out over the week (25 minutes a day?) instead of one chunk on the weekend, go ahead and stay in one map for consistency. Then jump based on dailies when you finish a map.With the changes to the daily system, I’d ignore them if the immediate reward isn’t beneficial or nearby (thus my suggestion with gatherer and world boss dailies). The rewards you get from AP are nice but not time effective. Also PvP dailies only reward PvP xp so it only indirectly helps your legendary through mats from reward tracks. Time better spent world exploring IMO.
Best of luck. d(^_^)
-lol QUITE a few haha
-gotta make sound effects to feel fast haha xD
-ohhh dang haha i didnt even notice xD i dont pay attention to pop up windows or tutorials lol
-ok ok will keep spares on me!
-i cant haha my laptops at my gfs place and i only go there during weekends. One day to play for 2-4 hrs while she works then back to spending time with her or studying >. <
-ohhh true! :o i didnt think of it that way. Thanks for the insight!
1) i agree with that and its easy to do so. Unfortunately laurels are like 3 times in a month so i just have to wait haha
2)what class are you using to do a full zone in 30 mins? O.o as in hearts, vista,poi,skill and wps all in an avg of 30 mins?
3)i find it hard finding a party for fractals…unless im using the lfg system wrong…
4)doesnt karma train in orr depend on your server and the time of day as well?
5)can you elaborate on tp flipping? O.oOh, I can answer a couple of these.
1) yeah that’s a drag. Festivals might reward more later if they follow this previous Wintersday’s example.
2) I don’t know about him but the maps without hearts are faster to map in general. Otherwise, wow. Quite the speedrunner.
3) dunno lol
4) Thanks to megaservers, it no longer matters what server you’re on but time of day will still be a factor to have enough people.
5) There are or were a number of threads about making money on the TP. It’s really just playing the TP like a real life commodities market. Buy low, sell high. Good for accumulating wealth if you have the capital to start but there’s risk involved as well. Others can elaborate more than I.
-if i can get on for festivals lol
-yah im guessing perma +33% move speed + kittenton of mobility abilities
-yah i find fotm is harder to find groups for now lol i remember the gw2lfg days when everyone was looking for groups. Now i barely see any advertisements kn the lfg tab…
-ohhh i never understood what happened with servers. Last time i recall, if im in EB, i only play with EB players everywhere unless i guest a server
-ohhhh i don’t like risky maneuvers lol i prefer solid ways of making money. Guessing daily dungeons will have to suffice lol
-ohhhh ok 97 gold isnt as bad as i thought haha guessing i need 400-500 craftmanship on a couple of crafts though eh?
Quivers and Books from the mystic forge do not require any crafting professions.
-ohhhh ok 97 gold isnt as bad as i thought haha guessing i need 400-500 craftmanship on a couple of crafts though eh?
Quivers and Books from the mystic forge do not require any crafting professions.
Oh so i can essentially craft it next time im online eh?
-ohhhh ok 97 gold isnt as bad as i thought haha guessing i need 400-500 craftmanship on a couple of crafts though eh?
Quivers and Books from the mystic forge do not require any crafting professions.
Oh so i can essentially craft it next time im online eh?
Yeah, the Mystic Toilet (so-called because of the RNG recipes that mean flushing your money away) is open to all.
-ohhhh ok 97 gold isnt as bad as i thought haha guessing i need 400-500 craftmanship on a couple of crafts though eh?
Quivers and Books from the mystic forge do not require any crafting professions.
Oh so i can essentially craft it next time im online eh?
Yeah, the Mystic Toilet (so-called because of the RNG recipes that mean flushing your money away) is open to all.
im thinking of just grinding FoTm on my spare time haha i mean i’m about 300 away from non-infused backpiece so why not right?