Need advice on following CPUs

Need advice on following CPUs

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: demetrodon.1457


So at the moment, I’m using an i5 4690, and all I play is mostly, WvW. Runs fine in medium settings, in blobs. However, I’m always travelling between two points, so decided to build a second budget rig, just for GW2, and programming. As for GPU, will be getting a r7 370, it’s cheap. My budget for a CPU is around 120 $. In that range, the CPUs are, Pentium G3258/G3260, i3 4170(haswell)/6100(skylake). No clue about AMDs though. All I know that FX is pretty bad for gw2. I am fine running in low-med settings with decent FPS on WvW, which is around 25-30 in fights, and above 50 in roaming. Resolution will be, 1920×1080.
Now you see my dilemma here. Halp..

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Need advice on following CPUs

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


AMD doesn’t have all that great single core performance which is important as the limiting factor in this game is the performance of the game’s main thread. Threads can’t exceed the performance of a single core which is why, even though the game is multi-threaded, single core performance is so important.

As for those two Intel CPUs, I would favor the i3-6100 because it does have slightly better performance but mainly because there is a better upgrade path with it.

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