Need advice on profession

Need advice on profession

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Danith.3264


So, I decided to give GW2 a go again since Legion isn’t quite cutting it for me.
However, I’m totally overwhelmed by what to play.

I want a fast-paced melee class that has high APM and looks kitten good. So far, I’ve been looking at Warrior, Thief, and Necro. Thief seemed like the best fit, but I’m not so sure about Daredevil. Warrior gets a lot of hate everywhere I look, and Reaper looks kitten amazing but it’s a lot of time spent as a ranged DPS leveling while waiting. Help!

Need advice on profession

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Danith.3264


Revenant was the answer. Heavy armor, melee, mobile, herald..yup.

Need advice on profession

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: gryph.8734


As I’ve said so many times in the past, I don’t think there is a right or wrong answer to this question. Based on OP, I would have narrowed it down to thief or rev based on your stated desires, but in the end it’s all about what you feel most comfortable with. And I’m glad you found something you like. I have a lot of fun with the dragon auras, myself.

Need advice on profession

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ophidia Moonstone.2587

Ophidia Moonstone.2587

The only melee class I enjoy besides my Reaper is my guardian. I like his speed buffs. I like his defensive traits. I like his weapon options. I have looked for ways to make my Warrior and my Rev faster, they are so slow in the open world, perhaps I am overlooking their speed traits, but I haven’t found a way to make them faster, so I don’t play them other than to farm iron ore or elder logs.

Need advice on profession

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: bearshaman.3421


The only melee class I enjoy besides my Reaper is my guardian. I like his speed buffs. I like his defensive traits. I like his weapon options. I have looked for ways to make my Warrior and my Rev faster, they are so slow in the open world, perhaps I am overlooking their speed traits, but I haven’t found a way to make them faster, so I don’t play them other than to farm iron ore or elder logs.

Their only speed buff is on the staff (which I can’t stand).

Need advice on profession

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Pretty Pixie.8603

Pretty Pixie.8603

Ophidia, Warrior is way faster than a Guard. The Warrior’s Sprint Trait (+25% if melee wpn equiped), Greatsword 3 and 5 skills, Warhorn, Sword 2 will have you zooming across the map.

Base Rev is slower, but you can use Shiro’s leap to move around if you click a distant target first. It won’t put you in combat if you can’t reach them. ‘White’ creatures are handy for this as well. Also, blasting Jalis’ lightning field with a Hammer or Mace will stack swiftness.

If worst comes to worst, you can always look at things like Rune of Speed or Traveler runes.

Relentless Inquisition [PAIN] – FA

Need advice on profession

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: EriskRedLemur.7153


Guardian – Traveler Runes – Retreat – speed. Staff = endless swiftness. Yes, having to use skills/weap or runes to compensate for lack of speed isn’t ideal. But Traveler runes actually do compliment Guardian well. but OP said fast-paced not literal movement speed of char. And Guardian does have awesome melee combat there. Sword/x have nice shadowstep – scepter is quick – GS is never “quick” but have mobility. I love melee support.

Warrior – don’t not be one because of “hate” – Warriors are just one of the most solid classes. EVERY class has hate – either whining OMG NERF OPPP hate or class sucks hate.

I would agree try Rev – I vastly preferred over Warrior; but that’s all personal. I also preferred over thief despite thief being very fast-paced. Rev can kinda border between a thief and warrior.

King Slacker, GM LXS (NA) League of Xtraordinary Slackers

Need advice on profession

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sartharina.3542


I’d suggest either Warrior or Thief, but that’s because I can’t figure out Revenant and its stances (It doesn’t help that my favorite stance, Demon, doesn’t have a stunbreak on Absorb Pain.)

Initiative is an amazing mechanic on thieves, and once you get Daredevil, with Physical utility skills and an extra dodge (That can be traited to be either Swiftness+Defense, or attack), the speed of actions can get pretty insane (And, thanks to initiative, you don’t have to wait on cooldowns)

Warrior is also great, thanks to its Burst Skill class mechanic. Berzerker makes the class get even more fast-paced (And you catch yourself on fire)