Need some advice

Need some advice

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Timotej.2346


Hey everyone,

I hope you are having a good time.

Now to my question. Could anyone give me some advice on races? I just cant decide which race shoud I play. They all have so awesome lore.

I wanna be a necromacer, its the perfest class for me, I just love it,….. I just cant decide on which race this would fist best.

All suggestions are welcome.

Thank you very much and have a nice day.

P. S. sry if my english is a bit bad, its not my native language.

Every choice is the death of all other possibilities.

Need some advice

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Blacklight.2871


There’s really no good reason to choose one race over another, just to support your choice of profession. None of them offer any benefits that would make them a better choice than another. You pick a race because it appeals to you on it’s own. Your drawn to its lore, its aesthetics, its story or just its name.

Gameplay wise, they each have a handful of racial skills only available to them. But I’ve found that those skills don’t really do much to support any particular profession. They are generally useful, but I don’t have a single build that uses them, much past the early levels.

Basically, do what you want. Races and professions were designed without interdependency so no one would feel compelled to choose one, in order to create an “optimal build”.