New Char and New Friends on Piken Square

New Char and New Friends on Piken Square

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Garambola.2461


I’ll address the last part of my topic first though it is tied with the first part in a way. We are playing on Piken Square, the unofficial EU RP server. It would be wonderful to meet new (or old) friends who would like to play with us. Since I especially would love to have new friends for the character that is still being planned, nothing would delight me more than meeting with other starter characters. New player would be an even greater honour!

Now the second part. I have all other professions created, only Thief and Warrior are missing. I have just one character slot bought, so I have to make a choice. The problem is, I have not yet found the inspiration for either one. Please, share what you find fun about your Warriors and Thieves, it may be just the spark needed for a new guy to be born! (Yes, this character will be male even though I’m a woman.)

I’ll be creating him after I deal with rl shopping and cooking, in a couple of hours. Anyone who would like to come play with me and my crew, please, contact me either here, private message or in game. We are already in a guild and not currently looking for another.

New Char and New Friends on Piken Square

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Wolfheart.1938


Apologize for being OT, but weren’t you playing on Seaferer’s Rest untill like a week ago? Or am I wrong?

“We have no first-person view because stupid people would lock into it”
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”

New Char and New Friends on Piken Square

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Garambola.2461


I’m sorry, you are wrong. I have never played on Seafarer’s Rest. In the past I did play on Gandara and Ruins of Surmia.

EDIT: I have done several dungeons this month. Maybe we were in a same party.

(edited by Garambola.2461)

New Char and New Friends on Piken Square

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Donari.5237


My Thief is my RP main, and my Warrior is fairly deeply RPd as well just now. So, let’s see.

Why is my Thief fun? He’s a swashbuckling ladies man, a brilliant charmer, agile, nimble, a con man with a heart of gold. I started him well before the first BWE, using forum RP. Game mechanics support his acrobatic skill (hello, Death Blossom and plenty of caltrop-flinging dodges). ANet said back when they announce the thief profession that it wasn’t meant to be all skulky shadowy assassin types. He’s got the most depth of story and personality of all my characters.

Why is my Warrior fun? She’s a grungy street rat who grew up with a gift for violence. She may not start a fight, but she will always finish it. She’s handy at improvised weapons and brilliant with things meant for the purpose. The game lets her wield just about any weapon there is and I’ve got her in an armor set that covers her and dyes well in dull greys and browns as she won’t wear bright colors. She’s surly, quiet, and acts as the “muscle” for a showy gang.

I think for RP either one will suit. You can make a character to fit the archetype you like best. For game play, the warrior is much sturdier. She just mangles mobs, where my thief is more about dodging and outlasting them. I don’t tend to take the thief in dungeons any more (usually my guardian gets that honor), but he’s my go-to for WvW due to all the get-out-of-danger skills.

New Char and New Friends on Piken Square

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Garambola.2461


Cool Donari! I appreciate your insight. Your characters sound interesting. Thank you for sharing.

I still haven’t gotten to create the character due to dungeon troubles… But at the latest tomorrow he should see the light.