New Player
I believe most people would tell you Elementalist. I don’t play one though, so I can’t say for sure.
Yak’s Bend Server
Crimethink [ct]
Ranged DPS is always less than melee DPS in GW2, at least if you don’t account uptime on moving targets (such as other players in PvP).
That said, Elementalist, Engineer or Ranger are your best bets for RDPS.
Mesmer can be a good Ranged DPS! With GS and Phantasms build!
Thanks everyone, going to check out elementalist and ranger and see which one I like better.
Hi! Since it’s on topic, I’d like to ask for assistance on creating a quiz/test that will help new guys find their class! If you want to help, please head to the following link:
This is the “evolution” of my already existing test that can be taken at
If you want you can take this one and see if it helps you create your new character!
if you’re new do NOT, and i repeat, do NOT play an elementalist. My first toon was an elementalist and i hate him now, i cant even log onto him because of how hard he was on me when i started game. I would say warrior or guardian or ranger.
It’s a personal thing. Elementalist was my first main class (played a mesmer for a few days at launch, but it didn’t click for me and I dropped it) and after the first few levels, I fell in love with it, to the point that I began seeking out (and completing) challenges like soloing champions, just to see how far I could take the class. Over a year later, I am still maining elementalist (and in fact have two fully-geared level 80 eles), and though I dabble into other classes on the side, I always drift back to my eles and can’t bring myself to main anything else.
I do feel like having ele as my first class made me a better player- to this day, I’ve seen and ran with many guardians/warriors/rangers who don’t know how to dodge or counter attacks. With those three classes, you can get away with standing in place and not dodging for much open-world content- however, ele forces you to learn how to evade, watch enemies, apply (not spam) skills, and move in combat from the onset. You get somewhat more leeway at level 80, when you have your traits, but at early levels, playing carelessly will get you killed. (On the flip side, though, the godliest player I know was a warrior from the onset and still wrecks challenges left and right. Individual success is more about how much initiative you have when learning rather than the class itself- it’s just easier to develop bad habits on warrior/guardian/ranger.)
Overall, again, it’s a personal thing. I would recommend playing any class that catches your eye, regardless of what someone says about it. If you find yourself having an unbearably hard time, you can switch to an easier class until you get the hang of basic combat mechanics.
Ember Solace [SOL] – A guild welcoming of newbies and those at the margins.
New Player Outreach Thread
(edited by Falunel.7645)
Mesmer is high ranged burst damage. Ranger is high ranged sustain dps. Warrior (rifle) sits somewhere in the middle.