New Player Class Suggestions?

New Player Class Suggestions?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: fish.5237


Hello all,

I’ve really only ever played a Warrior and I have a friend who is trying out GW2. He has tried a Ranger, which is the default class he normally goes with but didn’t enjoy it. Mainly he didn’t like the fact that every single ability, outside of the auto attack, had a cooldown on it. Admittedly he only played with the Longbow for about 15 levels, so things may change.

I’m here looking for suggestions for him though. Which class/weapons are less cooldown-based and based more on a resource/mana management type system?


(edited by fish.5237)

New Player Class Suggestions?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: nowitsawn.1276


Sounds like a thief to me. All their weapon skills use Initiative instead of a cooldown, and it regenerates over time (or with some trait effects).

That’s just basing it off his issues with cooldowns, though. I’d suggest having him try out every class in the spvp testing area at least once.

I shot the seraph~
But I didn’t shoot the thackeray

New Player Class Suggestions?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lord Kreegan.8123

Lord Kreegan.8123

The thief class has a whole lot of other issues…

Just tell him to keep pressing the “1” key… That’s pretty true for all classes. Other skills are situational.