New Player - is leveling on a "megaserver"
The GW2 wiki is one of the best resources in all of gaming and answers most of our questions before we even thought to ask. In game, you can type
/wiki megaserver
You’d see the article on megaservers
In response to your specific questions:
Hi I’m trying to figure out if it matters what server I’m on for leveling.
It does not.
I’d like to level with active players around. I’ve seen megaserver mentioned,
In PvE, it doesn’t matter what server you are on. Everyone gets grouped together. When there are multiple instances of the same map, you are grouped with your friends & guildies first, your server mates after, and otherwise randomly.
(There are some additional nuances that create edge-case issues; you don’t have to worry about them yet.)
but in WvW there are separate servers that compete?
Yes, WvW remains separate.
Although to balance populations, some servers are linked with others.
Also, is there an active list of servers and player activity levels?
Only for WvW. As noted, for PvE, it doesn’t matter. You can find it in game at the character select screen (by clicking on “World Selection” and sorting by population). Or on the wiki, at /wiki world
Finally, is there an RP PVP server (one that isn’t dead – I primarily play saturday and sunday mornings Eastern time).
There are no distinctions for PvP; everyone in NA is grouped up in the same lobby.
Thanks Illconceived Was Na.9781 !
This probably goes without saying, but if you know which WvW server you would like to be on for any reason (e.g. IRL friends) play there from the start to avoid having to transfer later.
Do note that the World Selection window will only give a general population range, such as Full, High, Medium. The order within each range means little, and will change with each ‘click’ of the population tab. It also only applies to WvW, and is not associated with PvE. There are no ‘RP PvP’ servers, but some loosely player-designated RP PvE Server/Worlds. NA being Tarnished Coast; I forget the EU one.
Welcome to Tyria, and good luck.
Do note that the World Selection window will only give a general population range, such as Full, High, Medium. The order within each range means little, and will change with each ‘click’ of the population tab. It also only applies to WvW, and is not associated with PvE. There are no ‘RP PvP’ servers, but some loosely player-designated RP PvE Server/Worlds. NA being Tarnished Coast; I forget the EU one.
Welcome to Tyria, and good luck.
The eu one is piken square
Ahh, thanks. =)
I just couldn’t remember which one it was. Though, I think being in an RP Guild would probably have more influence than the Server/World choice.