New Player to the game
1. Yea
2. Dungeons not for story mode but decent gear and knowledge needed for paths. Raiding I have read most people wanting full ascended gear. I have not raided yet and I’m still needing a few pieces of ascended armor. I’m not sure if this is actually true though.
3. Personally I’d start from scratch and find a class that I like and get to see the content. In sPvP you can boost any character to basically lvl 80 with all skills unlocked so you can go that route if you want to skip ahead.
As far as tips I’d say take it slow. Enjoy the world, explore, meet new friends, learn your class, do your personal story etc … Welcome back, hope you enjoy.
Dungeons not so much, raids need some time.
I’d level up the long way and save the boost to re-familiarize yourself with the game.
Just play and don’t be scared of the wiki , type /wiki “what you want to know about” with no quotes.
1: Yes, very. It’s never at WoW levels but even at its lowest point the Megaserver system means that you would never know.
2: Dungeons, no. Not if you pay attention and can play at a decent level of skill. Raids, yes by specific design. The biggest portion of time will be of course learning how the content works but once you and your group know how to do so it isn’t a problem.
3: If you want to go straight into the newer content, yes, but if you level up the traditional way you’ll learn the skills you need to succeed at the newest content instead of getting out of depth. Personally I’d recommend levelling a character first and then using the level 80 boost on a different class once you figure out what type of classes you like best.
4: Pro-tip: some people care way too much about the meta, and some people don’t care enough. Don’t listen to people who say you need to have specific gear and a specific build, but remember that the meta is the meta because it is the most efficient. Experiment with your builds to find something you like, but don’t expect others to be pleased if it causes them to fail in group activities. Multiple sets are your friend in this way.
Fractals are your best friend. Easy at the start and work their way up, and a fairly reliable and cash positive way of getting ascended gear. When you start fractals, SAY SOMETHING when you don’t know what to do. People will explain. It’s kittenty to not say anything and then cause the group to wipe because you don’t know how it works.
“Beware he who would deny you access to information,
for in his heart he dreams himself your master.”
1. Yes
2. Dungeons are possible with the regarding level, but better start them with lvl 80 <3 most of the peeps in the lfg are looking for experienced players, but there is always a start, don’t be afraid to say your new to it and I’m sure there are some lovely people helping you. Raids are the absolute high skill end game content. You need a coordinated group, TS and skill. Ascended armor helps, but it’s not nessisary.
3. I’d recommend to level old fashion, the long way. Use your lvl80 booster in another character someday. Safe it for now. Just enjoy the low level exploration.
4. Enjoy the game, study your skills properly (it’ll help you to know your class well) and try to understand the Trading Post ^^ It’ll safe you a lot of gold! (There are buyers and sellers. If you wanna sell something expensive, don’t instantly sell it, better place and offer for the item and wait till someone buys it. If you wanna buy something, place and order and wait till someone sells it.)
I may be wrong, but I’m pretty sure the lvl 80 boost can be used in a “trail mode” of sorts. It will send you to the Silver Wastes, and let you test out your profession at lvl 80 in a sort of trail area. Just be sure to not fully activate it.
Or you can go to PvP and try things out that way. Either one works.
1 – The game is pretty active. Especially with mega-servers and map instances.
2 – Dungeons – no. You can pick up dungeons fairly quickly, and runs generally don’t take over 40 minutes. Raids – yes (sortof). You will need to invest a lot of time practicing raids and getting good at them if you want to clear them consistently. But after you do that, boss-fights don’t take longer than 20 minutes (finding 9 other people set up the way the group needs probably takes longer).
3 – I say go and level normally. It will give you plenty to experiment with and you will allow yourself to be slowly introduced to your profession, rather than being bombarded with everything you need to know all at once.
4 – It kind of depends on what game-mode you will be spending the most time in, but I can try to provide some general tips.
- Active-defenses (blocks, blinds, evades/dodges, interrupts, stealth, invuln) are stronger than passive defenses (regen, toughness, etc…). But using them together and learning how your profession is designed to survive and flow is crucial to success. (Dodging is imperative!)
- Don’t worry about gear in your early levels. Just equip the best stuff you get naturally from enemy drops. Save your gold for when you hit level 80 and want to begin really specializing yourself.
- Pretty much the entirety of the core-game is easy-peesy. And takes somewhat of a difficulty jump in newer maps. That is part of the reason it is important to get familiar with your profession early on. Many people never needed to know anything past their auto-attack and maybe their #2, and were in for a rude awakening when they were suddenly expected to dodge out of Area-of-Effect (AoE) attacks and Character Control (CC) breakbars.
- Be sure to go through your settings when you start the game and check/uncheck/bind all the things you want to in order to customize your game for yourself. If you don’t understand what something is, just leave it for then. You can always come back to stuff later.
- Clicking the gear-icon in the upper right of your inventory UI and clicking “Deposit all collectibles” will send any “collectibles” in your inventory to your bank’s collectibles tab. Also, when you craft stuff, these collectibles are considered available to you without you having to put them in your inventory.
- You can have a default of 2 different crafting professions per character. When you level a crafting profession but then want to replace it with another, your progress is saved, and you can come back to it later for a small silver fee equated from your previous crafting level in that profession.
- The “Renown Hearts” on the map are simply used to point you in the right directions. They are not the “main content” on the map. But rather, they are generally near places where “Dynamic Events” take place. This is the ultimate game for people with ADHD; there is no linear path to take — instead, just go wherever, explore, have fun, and do what you want to do. (very little ‘hand-holding’)
This is all I can think of off the top of my head. Sorry for the wall-o-text. Hopefully this will help somewhat. And if you have any questions, feel free to ask them in map-chat! You can also join good guilds who will love to help you out and give you pointers.
Cheers, and happy adventuring <3
1 – Yes, the game is active. The recent sale on character slots makes it a good time to start, too.
2 – Dungeons are quick, 10-30 min. depending. Raiding does need more time and effort. Getting into a guild will help with both.
3 – I recommend trying a couple of classes that interest you for the first 10-20 levels, at least. If you’re impatient, you can boost your favorite— and as someone else mentioned, you do get a trial period to test the character at 80 before you accept it. The boost also grants you full gear and accessories for L80, though you don’t get to choose its stats.
4 – Learn to dodge well. From the forum collective: