New computer tips
GW2 is poorly optimized developed on an old game engine designed for single threaded CPUs from 1996 IBM x386 unfortunately.
So any laptop with powerful single CPUs would get the job done. Personally I would go for Intel i3 or if you have more money go for Intel i5/i7….
You’re looking for something in a core i5-i7 with Nvidia 750m (or higher) graphics.
I think I’ve seen a couple i7/755m laptops in the $900 range recently. Go dig around. Check manufacturer sites as well.
Priorities, what to do?
Spend hours with dye
My long winded post failed to upload….
CPU clock speed is of utmost consideration for running GW2 specifically. In general, higher numbers mean better CPU. The CPU is the brains of the computer and it delegates tasks to the other hardware.
Number of cores and threads is another important thing to consider, too. But GW2 mainly runs on ONE core even on my intel i7 quad core (8 thread) CPU. A faster clock speed will process GW2’s and others’ codes faster. However, it is likely that multi-threading will likely play a much larger role in future programs, so more cores will run things better. Clock speed is main consideration no matter what.
Next consider a laptop that has a Dedicated or discrete graphics processing unit (GPU). The integrated graphics on AMD’s and Intel’s current generation CPUs is just not sufficient to run GW2 optimally, but they can run games like LoL. Again, higher numbers generally mean better GPU. DDR5 memory is faster than DDR3.
RAM- consider 4-8 GB of RAM. Anything more or less than that range will either be too much or too little.
Harddrive space is really up to you depending on what types of data you typically save. Higher numbers mean more capacity and faster data transfer rate. An SSD is faster and much more expensive than a Hard disk drive (HDD). Aim for 500+GB. 250 GB will suffice.
Check out this website below for more information about specific hardware components and their real world tests and results.
Here’s the rig I’ve played almost 1k hours on:
Sony Vaio Laptop 2012
Intel i7 3632QM @ 2.20 GHxz
AMD Radeon HD 7570M/ HD 7670M GPU
with 2 GB DDR5 dedicated graphics memory
It runs GW2 on medium settings, with a couple others on high at about 20-30 FPS overall
It runs Star Citizen’s alpha Hangar module on medium settings at about 20-30 FPS
While running several other programs and open web browsers at once
Guild Wars 2 needs a Public Beta Environment
(edited by buckeyecro.9614)
Thanks yeah Looking for something around 900 going to look around abit msi got nice laptops
I’m using this one, and never had any issues running anything. Granted I may not be able to go ultra high end on the graphics, but min to med on certain settings works fine. Although I wouldn’t mind getting a newer one…
Edit: Just found out its easy to upgrade the CPU, GPU, HDD, and RAM.
I might look at this GPU and this CPU Which would be a far cheaper alternative to buying a whole new machine.
CPU should run about $800-100 on ebay, and the GPU $120-150. Which isn’t bad at all…
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”
(edited by pdavis.8031)