New player and questions it drops or you buy it
2. It depends what level the area is, but I recommend going on the wiki and researching legendary weapons
4. I recommend selling it, it it boils down to personal opinion, just post that your searching for one in LA and try some out
6. I’m sorry but I have no clue on this one
Hope I helped
For the latency one:
-Alt-tab when in game and go to start menu→run
-type in resmon and press enter, it will bring up resource monitor
-go to network tab and look under TCP Connections for GW2.exe
-There will be 3 GW2 processes, you will be able to see the latency there
1. Do you need a crafting profession to get exotic gear?
You can get exotic armor from a crafting profession, although a very cheap way to get it is to buy one with Karma from a Temple event in Orr (giving as an example one of the vendors, take note that each temple has different armor in stats):
2. I finished an area the other day (100%) and got rewarded with some yellow items. So i finished another area today, but this time i did not get anything. Why not?
Check on the level of the area, you are surely going to get a yellow item if you explore fully a high level zone.
3. Someone talked to me about legendary thingies. Do you need special crafting training for this?
Kind of, there is a item that you need to craft, here’s a list of the legendaries (each has the material / crafting requirement):
4. When i get items from killing things i usually salvage it. Would i be better of selling it?
As you like, I usually sell white, blue and green items, salvage yellows and sell on the Trading Post exotics… but that’s just me ;D
5. Im on the gunnars hold server, is there a way to find a guild ingame? Like a guild browser thingie?
Not really, your best bet would be the in-game chat or use the article here in the forums:
6. Is there a way to see your latency ?
Well answered above…
Hope this helps and welcome!! (although you have reached a high level xD)
Guerreros de la Ultima Alianza [GDUA]
#TeamKiel #TeamPrecipice
1.- You can craft exotics, but the way crafting is now it’ll be much cheaper to buy them directly off the trading post. Stats distribution varies but no exotic is more powerful than other, the price usually reflects the looks of the item, so you can gear up quickly at 80.
2.- Yellow items are for areas above 35, IIRC. You’ll always get an item of the highest quality you can get at the area level. Map completion in orr, for example, gives you exotics.
3.- You need a crafting profesion at 400 (max level) for one of the materials needed. Crafting a legendary, if you’re interested, is a very long term thing, though, because there are LOTS of materials to get and the precursor needed is very hard or expensive to get.
4.- My rule in general is white – salvage, blue and green – sell to vendor, yellow (rare) – if I’m not going to use it, check TP for how much it sales, if it sells for less than 25s or so, salvage with a good salvage kit, sell a glob of ectoplasm if I get one or more on TP as well as the signet/rune and orange (exotic) – if not going to use, check TP for how much it sells, check for how much the signet/rune sells (some are more expensive than the items), and then decide whether to sell or salvage. Usually they’re better to salvage unless it’s some specific skin, or if you’re incredibly lucky, a precursor.
5.- In-game not that I know of other than checking on map chat for guilds recruiting. You can also check this forum and
6.- what kokocabana said..
wrapped up in some crazy ritualist hoo-ha from Cantha.
A real grab bag of ‘you can’t hurt me. They’re called Guardians.
Hello everyone, im pretty new to all this and ive got a whole bunch of questions involving the game. Im currently playing an engineer level 60.
I met some very nice people during the various travels of my character, and they bombarded me with terms and information, making me more confused.
1. Do you need a crafting profession to get exotic gear?
2. I finished an area the other day (100%) and got rewarded with some yellow items. So i finished another area today, but this time i did not get anything. Why not?
3. Someone talked to me about legendary thingies. Do you need special crafting training for this?
4. When i get items from killing things i usually salvage it. Would i be better of selling it?
5. Im on the gunnars hold server, is there a way to find a guild ingame? Like a guild browser thingie?
6. Is there a way to see your latency ?Thats it for now
. Thanks for reading.
Cause most posts have some different views I’ll just give mine one by one:
1: no, even though a crafting professions can craft exotic gear, it can also be bought from the tradepost, get it as an (ultra rare) drop, get it for map completion in the highest level area’s, buy it with karma from a special merchant or get it with repeating an explorable mode dungeon (the dungeon tokens can be traded for that).
2: You always get something for finishing an area (a map). What you get depends on the map and the level of the map.
3: as mentioned, if you are interested in a legendary then study the wiki page first. it is a lot of work to get a legendary and it requires skill in almost all facets of the game. This includes having maxed two specifick crafting professions (wich one depends on the legendary weapon you are aiming for), Keep in mind a legendary weapon cost you many hundreds of gold, and maxing a crafting profession (and not farming) only 20 gold. So don’t worry bout it too much right now. The items you need to craft are account bound so can be done later on with alts anyway.
4: I sell most items and there are many opinions bout this. My advise is to sell everything that isn’t yellow or orange colored. also don’t sell the salvagable trophy’s and the things you can deposit as crafting material. Salvagable trophy’s are great for doing daily’s and even monthly achievements. Yellow (rare) and orange (exotic) items. First off all check if you can use it yourself. Second check the value on the tradepost. If the value is below 30 silver then salvage it using a master salvage kit or a black lion salvage kit. if it is below 30 silver then sell it on the tradepost.
5: no. Ask in lion’s arch (make sure your not in overflow) or in the guild recruitment section on this forum to find a guild.
6: no not your latency, but you can see your fps, just press F11.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Thank you guys for all the answers :-) It really helps.
Up until now I’ve been salvaging everything possible, so I guess I’m stacked with stuff I don’t even know why I have it.
Some other questions I didn’t think of earlier:
1- Living story
What exactly is that? Is it content only for this patch? Does it go away and never to come back? (comparable to episodes in STO)? Also, is it only for level 80 players?
2- Personal story
I’ve done a bit of the story and it is really cool. Is it better to wait to complete it at maximum level?
3- I’m running around as an Engineer, and I like to use the dancing flamethrower combat style :-)
Actually what that means is I have no freakin idea what I’m doing most of the time. I ride with the flamethrower, the flame-turret and the scrap mine thingy (Charr racial).
So I do pretty decent delayed damage to stuff in the word, and I believe I need to focus on gear that has condition damage right? I also chose to focus a bit on thoughness, because the traits where you get 200 extra TH while wielding it sounds nice.
Hope this helps and welcome!! (although you have reached a high level xD)
Yeah, it’s amazing what one can achieve with a flamethrower and a couple of mines :-) (while running away and screaming murder)
only salvage whites and the salvage items (metal scrap, piece of cloth,…) Rares if above lvl 80 and preferable with a master’s salvage kit or Black Lion Salvage kit, if your rares are around 60, you can always toss 4 in the Mystic Forge in LA and hope to get a lvl 68 one
Thank you guys for all the answers :-) It really helps.
Up until now I’ve been salvaging everything possible, so I guess I’m stacked with stuff I don’t even know why I have it.
Answered this above
Some other questions I didn’t think of earlier:
1- Living story
What exactly is that? Is it content only for this patch? Does it go away and never to come back? (comparable to episodes in STO)? Also, is it only for level 80 players?
They are 2 weekly content updates, wich leave permanent things behind, most are tempory, but some will come back yearly: like Shadow of the Mad King(Halloween) or Dragon Bash(June), these are Holiday events.
2- Personal story
I’ve done a bit of the story and it is really cool. Is it better to wait to complete it at maximum level?
No, you can do it ofcourse, if things get a little bit too hard, but it gives nice XP and lvl appropriate items, watch out though some of the LvL 80 reward items are the only PvE skins avaible of that item!
3- I’m running around as an Engineer, and I like to use the dancing flamethrower combat style :-)
Actually what that means is I have no freakin idea what I’m doing most of the time. I ride with the flamethrower, the flame-turret and the scrap mine thingy (Charr racial).
So I do pretty decent delayed damage to stuff in the word, and I believe I need to focus on gear that has condition damage right? I also chose to focus a bit on thoughness, because the traits where you get 200 extra TH while wielding it sounds nice.
I haven’t played a lot of Engineer, but while the Flamethrower is pretty awesome, I suggest using Grenade Kit, it’s the most powerfull one._
In answer to your question 2 (in the first post):
If you explore a city for 100%, you only get a very small reward. That’s because there are no enemies inside cities.
An explorable zone will always give 2 good quality items (depending on the level of the zone), about 40 crafting materials, some coin and a gem shop item.
Thank you guys for all the answers :-) It really helps.
Up until now I’ve been salvaging everything possible, so I guess I’m stacked with stuff I don’t even know why I have it.
Some other questions I didn’t think of earlier:
1- Living story
What exactly is that? Is it content only for this patch? Does it go away and never to come back? (comparable to episodes in STO)? Also, is it only for level 80 players?
2- Personal story
I’ve done a bit of the story and it is really cool. Is it better to wait to complete it at maximum level?
3- I’m running around as an Engineer, and I like to use the dancing flamethrower combat style :-)
Actually what that means is I have no freakin idea what I’m doing most of the time. I ride with the flamethrower, the flame-turret and the scrap mine thingy (Charr racial).
So I do pretty decent delayed damage to stuff in the word, and I believe I need to focus on gear that has condition damage right? I also chose to focus a bit on thoughness, because the traits where you get 200 extra TH while wielding it sounds nice.
Hope this helps and welcome!! (although you have reached a high level xD)
Yeah, it’s amazing what one can achieve with a flamethrower and a couple of mines :-) (while running away and screaming murder)
1: living story is indeed temporary content. parts of it might be repeaten (e.g. annually), but since the game is less then one year old we don’t know. It is designed for people who have beaten the game to give them new things to do, but as a bonus they making sure that lower level’s can participate. for example last month the living story was in a level 80 area, but everyone who went there below level was buffed till 80.
2: No, you can do the personal story whenever you want. Just understand that you can’t do stories that are (much)above your level. So if you don’t want to break the story with gaps where you need to level up, you might want to wait.
3: My first character to level 80 loves her flamethrower. Though some people say the grenadekit is better, I find the flame thrower easier to control (grenadekit uses ground targets for all skills), besides that it looks awesome!!
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Thanks again :-)
I’m going to try the Mystic Forge next time. Good tip :-)
I have tried the Grenade kit, but to be honest, my wrist started to complain. And indeed the Flamethrower looks pretty slick, and it works with the mines and flameturret. Often when I have a pack on me they concentrate on my flame turret or healing turret, which gives me plenty of time to spread the fires of doom :-).
That’s what I really like about this game, the way you can adjust your profession and playstyle. Sure I may not be super best damage, but it works. And so far I haven’t seen anyone go mental over it (not like in that other big fantasy MMO game, brr … the horrors there …).
I’ve been reading up on the wiki a bit, and phew, they don’t call it a legendary for nothing.
Many thanks again!
Thanks again :-)
I’m going to try the Mystic Forge next time. Good tip :-)
I have tried the Grenade kit, but to be honest, my wrist started to complain. And indeed the Flamethrower looks pretty slick, and it works with the mines and flameturret. Often when I have a pack on me they concentrate on my flame turret or healing turret, which gives me plenty of time to spread the fires of doom :-).
That’s what I really like about this game, the way you can adjust your profession and playstyle. Sure I may not be super best damage, but it works. And so far I haven’t seen anyone go mental over it (not like in that other big fantasy MMO game, brr … the horrors there …).
I’ve been reading up on the wiki a bit, and phew, they don’t call it a legendary for nothing.
Many thanks again!
Yeah just play with what you like, don’t worry about the DPS… trust me I’m runnning a support guardian and I do 0 damage… no really I do ZERO damage (can’t crit for christ sake >.<).
Still with the amounts of buffs, specially giving almost full stacks of might, I’m still able to provide everyone with huge boosts of damage, I believe that compensates a bit my lack of damage. So far I haven’t met a single group that asks me what I’m running or needs me to go full berserker.
And yeah the legendary takes some time to get, something I’m trying to do is to purchase exotics weapons with the dungeon tokens and then use them on the Mystic Forge, still if I don’t get a precursor at least I managed to save/get some gold out of those tokens ;D
Tip: DO NOT buy those T6 materials yet, try to get the Mystic Clovers using the “1 clover recipe”, this is by far the safest way to go if you are aiming for those Clovers and you will get some materials in the process.
Guerreros de la Ultima Alianza [GDUA]
#TeamKiel #TeamPrecipice
As you level up past 60, there is a gear stat combo called rabid that fits what you are seeking. It has condition damage, toughness, and precision. I use it myself on my weapons and armor. There is also the runes of the undead for your armor too that has synergy with condition damage and toughness. I also round out my stats with carrion stat combo which is condition damage, vitality, and power in my accessories. Oh, the sigils that you put on your main weapons still work when you switch to kits. Most engineers seem to only use grenades for max dps but I find it too much of a hassle. Mix and match the kits you like using. Max damage isn’t the goal in this game, it’s about survival.
(edited by kokocabana.8153)
Sweet. Thanks for the tips guys.