New player help?

New player help?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: stryker.8930


Hey guys,

I’ve had GW2 since release, played a little but stopped. Now I’ve recently quit WoW and want to get into GW2 properly, but the thing is, I have no idea about this game.

If anyone can give me any pointers at all, that would be great. I’m a total noob atm and I’m just wondering around without a clue on what to do, how to make money, professions or anything.

Thank you!

Heaven won’t take me; Hell’s to scared I’ll take over…

New player help?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DreamyAbaddon.3265


Hello Styker!

Welcome back to GW2!
If you have Skype, I’d be more than happy to help you learn everything about the game through voice chat.

Skypename: Dreamy Abaddon

^_^ Add me and let’s game!

New player help?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Seal.5964



Feel free to add me in-game as well!

Three’s a team

EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~

New player help?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: stryker.8930



Dreamy tried to help me, but has since been online and just left me in lions arch so I’ve created a new character and I just seem so lost!

I need someone to go through pretty much everything with me, especially like crafting professions, skills, stats, where to go, story lore, and things like WTF is karma? I know I can buy things with it but why?

Sorry guys, but this game is so much different than other MMO’s that I’ve played

Heaven won’t take me; Hell’s to scared I’ll take over…

New player help?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: oRx.9584


I’ll do that with you if you’d like!

I’ll start with the basics here, and we’ll continue in-game (unless you prefer to read about it here, in that case I’ll stick to this).

First things first, starting your journey you will select a race. Each race has their own lore, which emphasizes their characteristics and style. For the practical part, races are of little importance, so you should choose whichever one you seem to like the most.

The next step is of alot more importance; selecting a profession. Generally GW2 has a very balanced profession system, but not all professions are equally good at all aspects (necromancers offer very little support to the group for instance), so you should pick accordingly. For more information on professions, contact me and I will furthermore explain them.

Once in-game you’ll see there’s lots of things Guild Wars 2 can offer; Crafting is based on refining the materials gathered on the field and converting them into practical items (gear, inventory boxes, food, etc…) I’ll fully explain crafting some other time if you don’t mind, as it’s a very extensive topic.

Where to go first once your character is made? Wherever. Mostly, you want to follow your character’s personal story and help the citizens of Tyria out (the heart missions) – This is a great start to learn the game mechanics, how to play your class, gain levels and earn money!

Besides money, you’ll be rewarded with karma. Eastern cultures believed in karma deeply, as in “good deeds will be done to those who do good deeds”, if you get me. Basically, you are rewarded with it for helping the citizens out. You can purchase gear, crafting supplies, etc with it. Why? Cause you’ve been a good lad! :P

This is it for now lol, dont want to throw too much at you at once. Add me in-game and send me a whisper whenever and I’ll show you around! Also, you can contact me on here just aswell.

Hope I helped!

Regards, oRx

“Wars come and go, but my soldiers stay eternal.”
- Tupac Amaru Shakur (1971-1996)

New player help?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: stryker.8930


Dude thank you so much! I’m level 17 I think, just finished the starting area completely so it’s just a matter of where to go now even with the little arrow telling me where to go haha

I’m in Lions Arch now and that place is so big, I have no idea what’s actually there or what to do there! haha

I will definitely speak to you in game if that’s ok? Dreamy was helping me with combat but I had to go offline and he’s not been on since and I really want to play the game and not feel lost and totally confused xD

Heaven won’t take me; Hell’s to scared I’ll take over…

New player help?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: jackaljag.8637


Hey, just offering myself as extra back-up if you have questions and the others aren’t online! I’m heading off to bed right now but I’m online fairly frequently so hopefully I can be of some use.

Joran Blackgear – Engineer – EU | Juras Blackpowder – Engineer – NA

New player help?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DreamyAbaddon.3265



Dreamy tried to help me, but has since been online and just left me in lions arch so I’ve created a new character and I just seem so lost!

I need someone to go through pretty much everything with me, especially like crafting professions, skills, stats, where to go, story lore, and things like WTF is karma? I know I can buy things with it but why?

Sorry guys, but this game is so much different than other MMO’s that I’ve played

Dude I’m so sorry!
I hope you’re NOT mad at me! =(

We didn’t have time to start and you had to log off so I assumed you knew how to use the Waypoint but that was probably stupid of me since I never explained.

I really want to teach you everything I know about the game and even level with you!
You have me on Skype so please call me when you see me online.
I may not be in game but if i’m online on Skype it means I’m available to play! =D


New player help?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: oRx.9584


Dude thank you so much! I’m level 17 I think, just finished the starting area completely so it’s just a matter of where to go now even with the little arrow telling me where to go haha

I’m in Lions Arch now and that place is so big, I have no idea what’s actually there or what to do there! haha

I will definitely speak to you in game if that’s ok? Dreamy was helping me with combat but I had to go offline and he’s not been on since and I really want to play the game and not feel lost and totally confused xD

You’re very welcome!

Lion’s arch is what I love to call a “middleman”. It is where most players go in-between their training for several reasons; It has all the important features a big city can offer; a bank, merchants and a trading post, but what the most important feature of Lion’s Arch really is: Asura Gates. It has teleports to all of the races’ major cities, making it a great hub from which you can access all racial zones and all zones nearby those.

Brief explanation; each race has a 1-10 zone, and a few zones surrounding it (10-15, 15-20, 20-25, etc…), meaning you got several training options, as you can choose to train in any of these, and they are all equally good. The problem is you usually finish off a zone before reaching its level cap (you are level 22 when you finish the 20-25 zone, so you cannot proceed to the next) – in these cases, you go to another race’s zone of the same level.

Also don’t be afraid to finish off lower level zones at any level; it all gives solid xp!

“Wars come and go, but my soldiers stay eternal.”
- Tupac Amaru Shakur (1971-1996)