New player need advice
You really shouldn’t worry about long term/end game right now because things will inevitably change over time and especially with the new expansion coming in a month, all of the current ideas about what’s good or bad will likely change significantly.
Also, once you get your first guy to level 80, it won’t be nearly as hard to level up additional characters if you wanted them. In fact, if you’ve stuck with the game long enough to hit max level, you’ll likely want to buy one or both of the expansion packs and they each come with a level 80 booster, so it’s even easier to just pop another 80.
As such, really just pick what’s fun for you for leveling and such. If you like thief I’d go with that, it kills things very quickly, can move around really fast, go stealth, etc.
The interesting thing is with GW2, rather than add new classes, they add these Elite specs to the existing classes which in many cases radically change what the class even is. Like the Ranger you might think is perhaps a long range damage class with a pet, but then you can turn it into a Druid and it essentially becomes a healer, and then again with the latest expansion it changes into yet another archetype called Soulbeast where the pet goes away and you merge with it.
Anyway, long winded way of saying you should ignore the “bad” you are reading about and just go with what you personally find fun. All the stuff you’re reading now is probably not even going to be right in a month anyway.
Short answer: whatever you like.
Leveling in GW2 is extremely fast compared to other traditional MMOs that have a level curve system. The levels go by fast and you get XP all over the place, you don’t out-level maps (you will be toned down to the map’s level) so you can get XP by being a level 70 in a level 15 zone.
Thief tends to be better for map running, since they have a high damage output and stealth abilities to slip through tough areas. But in my experience (though I admit to sucking at playing the thief), I found that Rev had more survivability generally.
I wouldn’t really worry about the bad things that others say about the classes – everyone has something bad to say about every class and this rotates every balance change that happens. We’re getting an expansion in September that is going to have new mechanics coming along with it and an inevitable balance change sometime after launch of that, too.
So play around. Play some levels of whatever you find interesting and stick with the ones you find that you like. The later levels will always be more enjoyable as you unlock more of your class capabilities, but play around. Each class has a variety of things they can do and they all have elite specializations – a new set are coming with the expansion. There’s plenty of options – and try some that you think you wouldn’t even like initially. I have ended up enjoying classes I never thought I would have.
Figure out what you like in PvE. Each class has viable PvP builds that you can try out once you get to giving that a whirl.
The Archivist’s Sanctum [Lore] – Just Us Grown-Ups [JUGS]
All classes are viable. really just boils down to your play style and expectations.. do you want to fill a more support-y role or maybe high agility… or do you want high numbers.. do you like magic, melee or ranged. just figure out what appeals to you first then pick a class. they all have decent builds
All professions are incredibly viable, but they support players with specific play styles.
Thief is not a face rolly class. If you spam your weapon abilities because you have no cool downs, you will learn very quickly you will die for it. All of their weapon abilities are tied to their Initiative. This also includes most of their survivability. No initiative equals a dead thief. Part of the reason why people may talk badly about the thief, is because the thief requires a unique mechanical skill to use. He’s a dirty fighter, and most players fight dirty with thieves. Those that don’t, don’t normally win.
Revenant can get pretty complicated to use, but he’s a cross between tanky and damagy.
(edited by Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497)