New player starting out

New player starting out

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Fed.8796



I just started playing GW2 a little over a week ago… So far I’m loving it! I was wondering if anyone would be able to offer any pointers? Currently a level 28 Warrior, but I’m not sure what some of my priorities should be. I’ve basically been buying and using everything with +Power as well as upgrading it with more +Power… I’m really not sure what kind of equips I should be looking for, but this is what I’ve been after so far. But it’s getting to the point where gear is starting to feature more than one attribute bonus, so what other things would be good to take into consideration?

I think one of my favorite things so far is how frequently boss fights / champions are popping up all over the map. At least Kessex Hills, anyway; I hope that the others have just as many

If you guys could let me know if there’s anything else that might be helpful to know as a Warrior, or just in general, that would be awesome! Thank you!

New player starting out

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Aeon.6397


At level 80 you want exotic zerker armor and trinkets and weapons
thats the meta for warriors

leveling just keep up with your personal story and do a ton of events, explore, the basic stuff.
join a guild thats active and friendly. your going to want some friends to help you out
at level 30 you get your first story mode dungeon. its tough for new players so be careful
for armor while leveling. just wear what drops you really level to fast to bother buying or craft anything

New player starting out

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Danikat.8537


As Aeon said beserker (zerker for short) gear is the most popular for warriors at level 80. This gives +power as it’s main stat (which boosts damage) and also +precision (which increases your chance of doing critical hits) and +ferocity (which increases the damage your critical hits do).

This is a pure damage ‘glass cannon’ build, which means you’ll kill things faster but need to rely on killing them before they kill you or dodging out of attacks because you won’t be able to absorb as much damage as more defensive builds.

While you’re levelling I personally don’t think it’s worth buying gear too often, or worrying too much about getting exactly the right stats because you’ll keep out-levelling it and need to buy new stuff. But it can’t hurt to focus on stats that are useful to you.

As for other tips I recommend checking the ‘Combat 101’ and ‘Tips for new players’ topics at the top of this section of the forum.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

New player starting out

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: pdavis.8031


At level 28 I believe you priorities should be be exploring the world, learning the ins and outs of your class, which utilities to use and when, which weapon skills to use and when for a good rotation. Which combos you can setup or use your finishers on, etc. At this point I wouldn’t worry too much about gear, I generally just picked up whatever offered the highest armor at the time, as you can do pretty much anything in PvE while wearing any mix of gear with little to no trouble. And Lastly, have fun, explore, do things, get invloved in the story, and enjoy the game. There really is no need to rush through it.

“You know what the chain of command is?
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”