New players need help with proffesions!

New players need help with proffesions!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Creator Xigfried.4912

Creator Xigfried.4912

Hello all. My friend and I just picked up HoT (got him a copy for his birthday). I’ve played Guard until level 10 or so and that’s all the experience I have other than reading a lot of forum posts and watching youtube videos.

Could you guys recommend some professions to us? Coming from WoW my main were Paladin, Druid, Priest and he was Mage, Shaman, Warrior

My top choices were Necro (really like 2H Reaper gameplay), Guard (Fan of jack of all trades), Ranger (Druid seems awesome), and I like the Elite Spec of Engineer.

I was going to suggest to my boy to go with Elementalist and Ranger.

What would be some good pairings for our first characters?

Planning on leveling to 80 first then probably boost another straight from 1 to 80. Focused more on PvE than PvP. PvP for us was usually doing capture the flag/point stuff for fun, not any ranked stuff really.


New players need help with proffesions!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

Why not just pick the 5 that seem interesting, and level up those?

Or, use the trial feature of the L80 Boost to try out each and every Profession.

Welcome to Tyria, and good luck.

New players need help with proffesions!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: AliamRationem.5172


Necro is highly recommended for new players as it’s a pretty straightforward class with lots of health, access to minions, and death shroud. All of this makes them very forgiving to play even if you’re new to the mechanics of the game.

Ranger is another class that comes highly recommended for new players as their pets are very effective at distracting enemies.

Elementalist and engineer are fun, but both have very complex mechanics. You might enjoy them anyway, but many new players have trouble fully utilizing these classes.

New players need help with proffesions!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Itz Jay.8941

Itz Jay.8941

As you have HoT already I would recommend picking 6 classes as you have 6 slots and playing them all in sPvP so you can play with the elite spec without unlocking it. This will give you a good idea of what all the classes feel like because honestly if you pick one class and main it, you will get stuck in that one class mindset and will never experience the enjoyment of another class.

When I started gw2 I mained revenant then when I decided to try warrior I fell in love, then when I decided to play theif I fell in love, then guardian I fell in love, then mesmer, engineer, elementalist, necro and ranger. Gw2 is really a multi class game, you will pick up so many tomes of knowledge you will level them all up in no time.

The great thing about levelling in sPvP is that you will get tomes of knowledge so you don’t need to level in the open world and you will get free exotic berserker gear, which is kitten expensive if you are a fresh level 80. You can do the same in WvW too whilst also levelling provisions master to 55 so that you can buy end game locked and otherwise expensive runes, sigils and upgrades. Doing this would be super efficient getting a heck of a lot out of the way for you guys in future.

The last thing I would recommend is that you look at the end game content and which classes are most popular, you’re going to need to pick up at least one if you want to be viable in raids and fractals.

So maybe try a load of classes in sPvP, then pick one and get it levelled in WvW “following the commander” then you’ll be level 80 with max gear in no time ready to jump into HoT and get your elite spec ready for daily fractals and weekly raids. Oh and if you enjoy sPvP and want to dominate make sure you guys duo as theif/mesmer, you will destroy everything check out sindrenerr on youtube for proof!

New players need help with proffesions!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Creator Xigfried.4912

Creator Xigfried.4912

As you have HoT already I would recommend picking 6 classes as you have 6 slots and playing them all in sPvP so you can play with the elite spec without unlocking it. This will give you a good idea of what all the classes feel like because honestly if you pick one class and main it, you will get stuck in that one class mindset and will never experience the enjoyment of another class.

When I started gw2 I mained revenant then when I decided to try warrior I fell in love, then when I decided to play theif I fell in love, then guardian I fell in love, then mesmer, engineer, elementalist, necro and ranger. Gw2 is really a multi class game, you will pick up so many tomes of knowledge you will level them all up in no time.

The great thing about levelling in sPvP is that you will get tomes of knowledge so you don’t need to level in the open world and you will get free exotic berserker gear, which is kitten expensive if you are a fresh level 80. You can do the same in WvW too whilst also levelling provisions master to 55 so that you can buy end game locked and otherwise expensive runes, sigils and upgrades. Doing this would be super efficient getting a heck of a lot out of the way for you guys in future.

The last thing I would recommend is that you look at the end game content and which classes are most popular, you’re going to need to pick up at least one if you want to be viable in raids and fractals.

So maybe try a load of classes in sPvP, then pick one and get it levelled in WvW “following the commander” then you’ll be level 80 with max gear in no time ready to jump into HoT and get your elite spec ready for daily fractals and weekly raids. Oh and if you enjoy sPvP and want to dominate make sure you guys duo as theif/mesmer, you will destroy everything check out sindrenerr on youtube for proof!

Thanks for all the help guys !