New public Mystic Forge Recipes came up!
Spamadan d1 ;)
Thanks for the heads up!
Oh god…. people ruining the fun of discovering the recipes themselves.
I hate this.
My 2 cents
- There is no spoiler here.
- The reddit title is, “Mystic Forge recipes and research (it makes exotics)”.
- For anyone who wants to discover the recipes themselves, all they have to do is not read the reddit.
- NO ONE is “ruining the fun of discovering the recipes” for ANYONE.
- This isn’t Clockwork Orange and no one is running around with retractors, forcing people’s eyelids open & shoving their face in front a monitor.
- You are hating a non-existent thing… PS the Tooth Fairy is also not real.
PS. TY Mawzen.8325, I did miss that reddit.
PPS. As the reddit OP stated, “…a lot of people have figured out Mystic Forge recipes, but are just hording the information to make profit, so I’m trying to share what I know…”
> I LOVE this kind of info sharing… to try and stop a few people from controlling the exotics market.