New to HoT and need advice.

New to HoT and need advice.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Thomaszand.2836



So I just bought HoT today, and I had been playing f2p for the past about 3-4 months actively. Of course I was, and still am very hyped, but it seems to be a bit of a challenge getting to where I want to be.

I mainly do PvP, and due to experience in PvE in previous MMOs, I am looking to get into fractals, raiding and things like that once I get settled. But for PvP, nearly all professions seem to require the elite spec to be somewhat competitive.

Lets get to the main point; I have 2 level 80s that I am experienced with, and a freshly boosted 80. My mesmer has a bit of world completion and such so it has 100 hero points, my thief has 30 and my boosted guard obviously has 0. My goal is to unlock elite specs on these characters as fast as I can, because I genuinely enjoy pvp, and want to experience what I’ve been missing out on.

I’m looking for some quick ways to get the hero points, that wont hinder me in the future, and perhaps even ways that involve some positive experiences along the way, rather than just mindlessly running around for hero challenges.

Thanks for any advice in advance

tl;dr: I just got HoT and on my now 3 level 80s, I want to unlock elite specs as fast as I can, all are a long way from the hero points required and I want some tips on how to get the hero points quickly.

New to HoT and need advice.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Magma Fyre.6109

Magma Fyre.6109

The best way to get hero points fast are to get the ones in the HoT maps. Each one is worth ten. Verdant Brink alone will get you pretty far into your spec. People are regularly posting in the map chat looking for parties to run mastery/hero point gathering, and you can train your masteries to unlock fun things like gliding and other quality of life/ease of exploration abilities while running meta events between points.
I put off HoT content until after I had completed my personal story and LWS2, and the necessary running around maps helps you find hero points without the aimless wandering, although it is by no means efficient.
Maps that run off of mobile meta events will often bring you nearby hero points to run back and grab on your way through as well, so doing the Silverwastes, Dry Top and Orr should be fun.

New to HoT and need advice.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: onevstheworld.2419


For pvp you don’t need to unlock anything. Just owning HoT enables elite specs. You have to select it in the bottom specialization slot in your pvp build menu (not the normal hero panel).

This next bit is a cut and paste from another reply of mine:
I generally recommend doing the HoT HPs because they give 10 points at time, so quicker than core Tyria, and you need to gain HoT xp and mastery points anyway for your various masteries.

It starts out quite slow because you don’t have many movement masteries, but once you have the basics, doing HPs on alts gets much quicker. My 1st character probably took 5-6 days of intense effort, whereas my most recent alt took 2 days of casual wandering.

(edited by onevstheworld.2419)

New to HoT and need advice.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Thomaszand.2836


I see… I didn’t know that HoT HPs gave 10, and certainly not that elite specs were also automatically unlocked in pvp. Both of these are very useful points, and I think doing the HoT content for them while in queue will for now be a perfect way to play :P

Thanks for the suggestions, really appreciate them. I’d probably be running around for hours in core tyria, progressing really slowly if I wasnt told this.

New to HoT and need advice.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: onevstheworld.2419


I’d also suggest looking at the guides on They were written in the early days of HoT, so they assume you’re new with very few masteries. Also tells you which ones you can solo.

New to HoT and need advice.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Taxidriver.2043


use lfg tool for meta and hero point train. Use this for timer:

New to HoT and need advice.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: gimrob.9071


U can use your pvp points to unlock hero points at one of the vendors in pvp land.

But, I get into the new maps as fast as u can. AB mult gives crazy rewards.

Use the lfg to find hp trains for each map in hot. Most coms will be very helpful.

Get at least silver in those little mini activities. Gold better.

Find a good guild with good people.