New to MMOs should what cloth profession would be easiest?

New to MMOs should what cloth profession would be easiest?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Dabrixmgp.4758


OK my girlfriend wants to maybe buy the game so letting her type out a question to see what class might be right for her. Cause Im not letting her use my account to experiment. Im having too much fun to take a break and sharing accounts is probably illegal just like in most MMOs anyways

Im new to MMOs and looking for a class that might be right for me. Id like to play a cloth(light armor) class and really thinking about an Elementalist but I have read that they are hard to play. The only other choices dont seem much better. I dont understand Mezmers at all, even after watching some videos and Necromancer everyone said needs the most work done out of all classes. Are they easy for a new player to pick up and start playing? Im not talking new to this game I mean new to any MMO. I dont want to play something thats going to make me frustrated because I die all the time.

New to MMOs should what cloth profession would be easiest?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kal.2376


Well, it really depends on what she wants to do with her character. She probably wants an ele as a ranged caster class. However, all classes can be effective at range in this game. Even a warrior has very decent ranged abilities.

Elementalist can be a bit complex, because they have a lot of weapon options, and are pretty squishy themselves. They can be really effective when you get the hang of changing elements often so you can use lots of attacks with long cooldowns.

Anyway, I would recommend she try a few classes, and try all the weapon skills with each. It will take a while to train them all, but that will give a basic idea of how the class plays. After that, she’ll have a better idea of each class.

New to MMOs should what cloth profession would be easiest?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: kyuven.4973


any of them will be fine. They’re difficult to just jump right into, but you start off slow and get abilities one at a time, so you get used to it rather quick.
That said, I’d recommend engineer or elementalist. I know you said you like cloth, but the engineer only has 3 types of weapons (rifle, pistol, shield) and a lot of toys to play with. Easy to learn, difficult to master, and can fill almost every role.
The elementalist also isn’t THAT hard if you get the hang of switching attunements on the fly and knowing what each one does.

New to MMOs should what cloth profession would be easiest?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kentaro.6571


All professions are easy to pick up, however, the hardest to master are Mesmer and Engineer. ArenaNet stated some time ago while people waited for the release of the game that the order of the professions released were their level in difficulty to master and Engineer was second to last to be announced and Mesmer was the final profession to be announced.

Elementalist’s mechanic is to switch between various elements. Each element has different skills depending on the weapon you wield. This gives the Elementalist the largest array of abilities to choose from, which is why it might seem daunting to you. Necromancer’s mechanic is Shroud Form which is basically bonus HP when activated. I’m unsure as to who is saying they require the most work out of all the professions, but they’re wrong. Mesmer might be confusing due to the fact that is suppose to be the most complex to master, however, as I said they’re all easy to pick up. My advice is to simply play the profession you’re the most interested in. Don’t prevent yourself from playing a profession you might actually enjoy because of some “X factor.” We all learn over time and you can learn that profession over time.

Besides keep in mind every profession will has to do their fair share of work in order to not die all the time. There is no aggro system, there is no pure tank, and there is no pure healer in this game and it pulls from GW1 where various monster families have different acting AI and require the players to have synergy and work together throwing out blinds, dazes, condition removal, regen, vigor, etc.

New to MMOs should what cloth profession would be easiest?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: MoJoe.9063


If you’re new to MMOs and you want to play a cloth profession, I would go with Necromancer. It has the best durability/sustainability of the three cloth professions, with its life-stealing skills and minions tanking hits for you and its Death Shroud mechanic. Death Shroud in particular is really useful as a panic button, so if you’re worried about dying a lot, the Necro gives you a better chance to survive a dangerous encounter than the other two.

Borlis Pass
Azman – Asura Necromancer, Kemena – Human Guardian
Emracool – Sylvari Elementalist, Lyra Lightbender – Sylvari Mesmer

New to MMOs should what cloth profession would be easiest?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Dabrixmgp.4758


I might roll an elementalist just so she can watch me play one. Hell I might even end up changing from my Guardian but not likely as dieing as a Guardian is pretty much impossible and they take hardly any effort to play just keeping my shouts on cooldown.

If you’re new to MMOs and you want to play a cloth profession, I would go with Necromancer. It has the best durability/sustainability of the three cloth professions, with its life-stealing skills and minions tanking hits for you and its Death Shroud mechanic. Death Shroud in particular is really useful as a panic button, so if you’re worried about dying a lot, the Necro gives you a better chance to survive a dangerous encounter than the other two.

She said that was actually her first choice because she wanted to use a lot of pets but I told her they sucked and she changed her mind.

New to MMOs should what cloth profession would be easiest?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: BlueprintLFE.2358


Any of the light/cloth casters would be great for you/her. Mesmer and elementalist are a blast to play, the Mesmer is great and don’t let what people say about the ele bother her, they are a blast to play, and I’m sure all the classes will be re evaluated and it might change. Idk about the necro haven’t played one yet. Mesmer is my favorite of the 2 though, it’s cool to trick people and use intel to kill.

USMC 1st Battalion 10th Marines
Guardian-Blueprinted, Warrior- Grizzilli
[JCM] Guild: Ehmry Bay WvW

New to MMOs should what cloth profession would be easiest?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: MoJoe.9063


I might roll an elementalist just so she can watch me play one. Hell I might even end up changing from my Guardian but not likely as dieing as a Guardian is pretty much impossible and they take hardly any effort to play just keeping my shouts on cooldown.

If you’re new to MMOs and you want to play a cloth profession, I would go with Necromancer. It has the best durability/sustainability of the three cloth professions, with its life-stealing skills and minions tanking hits for you and its Death Shroud mechanic. Death Shroud in particular is really useful as a panic button, so if you’re worried about dying a lot, the Necro gives you a better chance to survive a dangerous encounter than the other two.

She said that was actually her first choice because she wanted to use a lot of pets but I told her they sucked and she changed her mind.

I don’t think it’s fair to say that the Necromancer sucks just yet, it’s still a perfectly playable class. She should at least try one out and see how it feels. Or if she wants a more persistent pet as opposed to the Necro’s disposable ones, maybe try out Ranger.

Borlis Pass
Azman – Asura Necromancer, Kemena – Human Guardian
Emracool – Sylvari Elementalist, Lyra Lightbender – Sylvari Mesmer

New to MMOs should what cloth profession would be easiest?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: JemL.3501


all of em are fun thought

I took an arrow to the knee

New to MMOs should what cloth profession would be easiest?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Rainshine.5493


Eles have the lowest base health out of all the cloth classes and require a lot of active defense/CC to do well. I love mine, but you seem to pay for mistakes a lot more early on (especially true if you don’t stack some toughness/vit on your gear before you head into dungeons). If she doesn’t want to have to be constantly moving/CCing/attunement swapping, I’d recommend another class.

Imo the most newbie friendly class I’ve tried is guardian (not that it doesn’t take skill to truly master one, but the passive defense makes them very hard to kill early on in PvE especially). Unfortunately that’s not a cloth class, though, and clothies do get most of the very cool gear skins.

Ruse Torrent (elementalist) on JQ
trixnotes tumblr: quick hits of lore | personal tumblr (some other GW2 stuff)

New to MMOs should what cloth profession would be easiest?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Leiloni.7951


I have all three and for an experienced gamer the Ele and Mesmer are not that hard to learn and are definitely fun, but both are complex and the Ele especially requires a lot of APM when played to it’s fullest. There’s just so much going on with the both of them, though so I wouldn’t recommend them to a newbie.

If your girlfriend is new to MMO’s I’d recommend the Necro. The pets first of all are not hard to manage and I personally think they are fairly useful. But they are not at all required, pet builds are just one of many builds you can do as a Necro. Necro is a lot simpler to play than the other clothies and much more forgiving if you make mistakes, but it still has enough variety to keep it fun and useful in various situations.

(edited by Leiloni.7951)

New to MMOs should what cloth profession would be easiest?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Dabrixmgp.4758


Imo the most newbie friendly class I’ve tried is guardian (not that it doesn’t take skill to truly master one, but the passive defense makes them very hard to kill early on in PvE especially). Unfortunately that’s not a cloth class, though, and clothies do get most of the very cool gear skins.

She refuses to play a heavy armor class because after seeing my Guardian in armor she said it makes her breasts look too small. I guess thats a valid reason to not wanna play a class?

New to MMOs should what cloth profession would be easiest?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Razamis.1062


Necromancer is definitely the most forgiving and easiest to play in PvE because of that. They have multiple life bars before they die =P

New to MMOs should what cloth profession would be easiest?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Rainshine.5493


Imo the most newbie friendly class I’ve tried is guardian (not that it doesn’t take skill to truly master one, but the passive defense makes them very hard to kill early on in PvE especially). Unfortunately that’s not a cloth class, though, and clothies do get most of the very cool gear skins.

She refuses to play a heavy armor class because after seeing my Guardian in armor she said it makes her breasts look too small. I guess thats a valid reason to not wanna play a class?

There’s some skimpier heavy armor out there, but she’d be stuck with fuller coverage at first.

Ruse Torrent (elementalist) on JQ
trixnotes tumblr: quick hits of lore | personal tumblr (some other GW2 stuff)

New to MMOs should what cloth profession would be easiest?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Dabrixmgp.4758


Imo the most newbie friendly class I’ve tried is guardian (not that it doesn’t take skill to truly master one, but the passive defense makes them very hard to kill early on in PvE especially). Unfortunately that’s not a cloth class, though, and clothies do get most of the very cool gear skins.

She refuses to play a heavy armor class because after seeing my Guardian in armor she said it makes her breasts look too small. I guess thats a valid reason to not wanna play a class?

There’s some skimpier heavy armor out there, but she’d be stuck with fuller coverage at first.

What are they called would like to get some for my Guardian?