New to the game and need help
Where to start?
First, welcome to the game. Second, there are lots of great guilds out there, in fact there’s a whole thread here with info on Guilds. The Amazon Basin, which is the guild I’m in, is on Stormbluff Isle, and we are welcoming to new members regardless of experience. We are a family friendly guild that goes way back to GW1 Alpha testing, and our motto is “Play nice and show some class.” Check us out here
The Guild Wars 2 Wiki is also a great resource for many new players.
As for toons, you get 5 with your initial purchase of the game. You can buy additional character slots for 800 Gems. Gems are one of the in-game currencies, and the only one that works in the Gem Store. You can purchase gems with real money OR by trading in-game gold for them. Both of these transactions are done through the Gem Store, (O is the default hot key I believe).
All of the toons on your account stay on the server (or World) that your account belongs on. Until the 28th, server transfers are free, but there will be a Gem cost (amount unknown) after the 28th.
However, you can belong to more than one Guild – up to a maximum of 5 right now.
Hope that info helps, feel free to PM me in-game if you need something more.
Most of all, have fun!
Thank you, that actually helped me a ton. I really like GW2 but it will take a bit to get used to the way it works over how wow was. I was really bored with wow in mist so my wife said no wow for four months and I can buy this game. Now she wants it and I bought it for my son. : )