New to this game, please help!
Not to sound snide, but there are a million and one different threads pertaining to this issue. The 2 best options are to;
A: Try any and all professions to see what you like
B: Have a flick through the profession sub forums to see what’s happening in each professions’ world
Bone, dry basics:
Like playing up close?
- Warrior
- Thief
The warrior is your run of the mill dps/tank (depending on how you trait and gear it) it can have a high dmg output and good defense, good health. Or it can have good dmg output, high hp/defense. Depending on your play style, set it up as you see fit.
The thief…this is where it gets tricky. There’ve been a lot of flames about their being Over Powered. There are two types of thieves that people tend to choose: Glass Cannons or Survivor (for the lack of name). GCs have high burst dmg, which can have a critical hit of about 14k (yes this is possible). But they tend to be squishy. Survivors have…as the name would suggest, more survivability. They tend to have high hp, and good burst dmg. Probably what people love about thieves is the fact that their 1-5 skills have very little to no cool down. So it’s easy to spam stuff. I could go on and on about the greatness that are the thieves, but I’m biased. And it would not be a “general” overview.
Like playing from afar?
- Ranger
- Elementalist
I’m not too much of an expert, but these ranged classes offer high dmg and can attack multiple targets at once. AoE, etc. General description…I suppose
A ‘hybrid’ of both?
- Engineers
- Guardians
At the most general level, these classes offer great support to parties. Engineers can help regenerate hp of allies, guardians can help similarly.
As for the race….if you want to be immersed in a ton of players to help you find the rhythm of the game, I’d suggest human or norn. There’s a bunch of players who tend to choose those two races, so you can find your groove there.
Welcome to the game, Terratoise!
A one stop shop for a lot of your questions can be found at the wiki!
Start here and see what you find:
And I would disagree with Blarrg, I would stay away from the sub-forums and stick with research and experience, until you get an idea of the classes at least.
I think the overview of classes given is right on target.
As for race, I would just look through your choices in looks at the beginning and make one that appeals to you. I matched professions with looks. My warrior is a charr (I also considered norn for that, (I think if I was a guy making male characters I would have gone with norn as they look incredible). I went with sylvari for ranger, human for ele (again if I were making a male character I probably would have gone with a different race for ele), asura for necro, sylvari for mesmer, and norn for engineer. I haven’t decided on what my thief and guardian will be, but I have human place holders currently for them. I’d remake ones right away that you don’t like as once you invest time in them it is more annoying to restart.
You can play any profession that appeals to you. Seriously.
Barnaby Malong left out two classes completely. But both Mesmer and Necromancer are quite playable. Even by someone like me who doesn’t know the minute details of builds and such. I am enjoying both my characters of these professions. Necromancer, as well as Guardian and Ranger are levelled up, the Mesmer and Elementalist are comiong along at their own pace. Both a bit over 40 right now.
My personal team is consisted of:
Sylvari Ranger
Human Necromancer
Norn Guardian
Asura Mesmer
Charr Elementalist, who fights Flame with Fire.
None of them is a ‘main’. They all are as important to me.
These five are all female like me, but I plan on expanding and adding male character or two to the merry band in the future. I want to have enventually all eight professions.
Any combination of race/gender/profession is fine. Today I saw a very impressive Male Norn Mesmer, which is not the first combination that comes to my mind when creating a character. It was an eye opening experience and I am so glad I got to see that guy.
(edited by Garambola.2461)
Try one, and play it until about 10th level. Then try another combination. But, don’t delete the first character until you are sure. After all, you have 5 slots, so no point in cleaning old ones out unless you need the slot.
One thing: If you DO delete a character, make sure you save all the goodies you collected.
You can play any profession that appeals to you. Seriously.
Barnaby Malong left out two classes completely.
Oh do I forget two classes -.- haha woops! Glad you caught that :S
Not much to add here, just another voice to tell you “try it out before ignoring it”
Why? Well, i personaly almost never play a close fighting char (more into raining destruction from afar ) but i did try guardian and love it sooo much that at this point, its my highest leveled char i have.
So try it out, see if you get the hang off it and if not, there is not much time wasted.
I know a tip for you, go around helping everyone go to the hart points that arent colourd inm and help thm with what they wabt you to do rhat will gelp you level up
and go in your messages and if it says collect all collect it and it might give you money.
and also do your story.