Newbie Questions

Newbie Questions

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Third Dementor.8693

Third Dementor.8693

Hey, everyone.

As the title suggests, I am a new player in need of some insights. There are bound to be some questions you’ve heard a million times before, but I’ve read the stickied threads and did some digging of my own so as to minimize that.


1. Crafting. There are 8 crafting skills and 5 character slots, which means 2 will have to overlap. Any recommendations?

2. Still on crafting. I’ve got Armorsmith and Weaponsmith on my Warrior, but progress seems to be slow. I mine every resource node I see, but the advancement is pretty small compared to the amount of resources I have to expend for crafting something. Am I doing something wrong, or do I really need to mine hundreds of more copper nodes?

3. I thoroughly enjoy soloing quests which I’m not supposed to (a habit I picked up from SWTOR). Which class is the strongest at solo PvE: the Warrior or the Guardian? I mean, of course the Warrior kills stuff faster, but does the Guardian’s tankiness and sustain triumph over the Warrior’s tankiness and sheer damage when fighting a strong enemy with a ridiculous amount of HP?

4. I’ve been told that everything is viable and everyone can play whatever they like and still do well, but that sounds too good to be true. While I do believe anyone can play anything and reach the highest level and do all the PvE stuff, isn’t there some build that is ideal for PvE or PvP on [insert profession here]? Or some weapons whose skillset is better than others for PvE or PvP for [insert profession here]?

5. How do you rate the overall friendliness of the community? I’m used to League of Legends, so I’m not picky, but I wanted to get the overall feel. Do people flame and curse a lot, or are they kind and helpful and loving and caring?

5.5. If people are indeed nice, just out of curiosity, is it a whole different story in PvP? Because I know that’s how SWTOR is. Nicest people I’ve ever met, but PvP turns them into monsters.

6. Guilds. Aside from the bonuses of being in a guild, I would also like to know how… clingy guilds tend to be. That is, how much activity they usually demand. I don’t mind coming along for some quests, and I tend to be active and friendly in guild chat, but I also like to have these things as my choice, and not have them forced. So are guilds generally relaxed and no pressure, or are they run like an army?

7. Feels like the silliest question of them all, but how do I trade items between my own characters?

Newbie Questions

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Melanie.1240


1. I personally did Tailor+Artificing, Huntsman+Leatherworker, Armorsmith+Weaponsmith and Jeweler+Cook because it made sense to me.

2. This site gives you the cheapest way to level a craft: But yes, if you wanted to keep up crafting with your level you’re going to have a bad time. XD

3. I can’t comment on that.

4. Almost everything is viable but only a few builds are optimal. In PvE you want to maximize direct damage. Check the profession forums for the “meta” for every class. There is also a meta for WvW and PvP I guess, but I can’t comment on that.

5. 9/10. It’s the best community I’ve ever seen, but I come from F2P MMO’s so I’m not used to much either. XD

5.5. I can’t comment on that.

6. There are both hardcore guilds and casual guilds. I’m in a few casual guilds myself, I rep them every now and then to go do some dungeons and WvW together.

7. Put them in your personal bank (you can find a bank in any racial city and the Vigil Keep) and have your other character pick the items up. The bank is shared across all characters.

(edited by Melanie.1240)

Newbie Questions

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Saint.5647


Hey, everyone.

As the title suggests, I am a new player in need of some insights. There are bound to be some questions you’ve heard a million times before, but I’ve read the stickied threads and did some digging of my own so as to minimize that.


1. Crafting. There are 8 crafting skills and 5 character slots, which means 2 will have to overlap. Any recommendations?

2. Still on crafting. I’ve got Armorsmith and Weaponsmith on my Warrior, but progress seems to be slow. I mine every resource node I see, but the advancement is pretty small compared to the amount of resources I have to expend for crafting something. Am I doing something wrong, or do I really need to mine hundreds of more copper nodes?

3. I thoroughly enjoy soloing quests which I’m not supposed to (a habit I picked up from SWTOR). Which class is the strongest at solo PvE: the Warrior or the Guardian? I mean, of course the Warrior kills stuff faster, but does the Guardian’s tankiness and sustain triumph over the Warrior’s tankiness and sheer damage when fighting a strong enemy with a ridiculous amount of HP?

4. I’ve been told that everything is viable and everyone can play whatever they like and still do well, but that sounds too good to be true. While I do believe anyone can play anything and reach the highest level and do all the PvE stuff, isn’t there some build that is ideal for PvE or PvP on [insert profession here]? Or some weapons whose skillset is better than others for PvE or PvP for [insert profession here]?

5. How do you rate the overall friendliness of the community? I’m used to League of Legends, so I’m not picky, but I wanted to get the overall feel. Do people flame and curse a lot, or are they kind and helpful and loving and caring?

5.5. If people are indeed nice, just out of curiosity, is it a whole different story in PvP? Because I know that’s how SWTOR is. Nicest people I’ve ever met, but PvP turns them into monsters.

6. Guilds. Aside from the bonuses of being in a guild, I would also like to know how… clingy guilds tend to be. That is, how much activity they usually demand. I don’t mind coming along for some quests, and I tend to be active and friendly in guild chat, but I also like to have these things as my choice, and not have them forced. So are guilds generally relaxed and no pressure, or are they run like an army?

7. Feels like the silliest question of them all, but how do I trade items between my own characters?

1. No real reason you have to do certain crafting professions on certain characters. It won’t really matter. I guess just pick 2 that you think work well with your character.

2. You’re not doing anything wrong. Keep farming nodes. Also, salvage gear that you don’t use. It’s tough when you just start the game. Crafting requires a lot of mat and will rarely every pay off. Keep that in mind. You are better off buying your gear or farming it.

3. Warrior is a lot more efficiently ‘tanky’ than a guardian. Guardians are great as a utility class and carry a good amount of DPS as well. Warrior is a much more beginner friendly class to play properly. That said, don’t bother wasting your time gearing to tank. It’s not really a thing in this game. You don’t fight an enemy with high HP by standing there and trading blows. The combat is active and both classes are just as capable of downing the boss.

4. Everything is viable, not everything in optimal. People keep saying DPS is king. This is false and assumes that DPS, Healer, Tank are still a thing. Every class is responsible for their own DPS output, dodging/evasion, and to a degree healing. So, gear for highest damage you are comfortable/able to survive with. With a good group, synergy is the most important thing than individual build and damage.

5. Some people are cool. Some people are kittens.

6. Some guilds are relaxed. Some are not. Just find what you’re looking for.

7. Put them in your bank and any of you characters can retrieve them if they are not soulbound.

One True God
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Guild Wars Dinosaur

Newbie Questions

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lanhelin.3480


1. You can max all crafting skills on one toon, but only have two of them active. You maintain progress and recipes in the inactive ones. Swapping a crafting skill costs some silver, depending on your skill level.

2. Every toon can collect all crafting ressources, independent of the chosen active crafting skills. By the time you will get a lot of ressources and even use some slots in the shared bank to store them when your ressource slots are full. The fastest way to progress a crafting skill is to “invent” new recipes instead of repetitively craft one item again and again.

(edited by Lanhelin.3480)

Newbie Questions

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: CalamityO.2890


1. Choose the crafting profession that is viable to you, since your starting out.
2. No, your not doing anything wrong. Crafting is a time consuming thing. You have to either; farm for the resources or you can buy them off the TP (trading post) they will cost in game currencies though. Lower tier mats will be cheap, higher tier mats will be expensive.
3. Warrior has the higher DPS. However in terms of build, it’s very limited and it’s skill set hit the ceiling pretty quickly. Guardian is balanced, but has more viable builds over the warrior.
4. There is no meta / build requirement for PvE. Your survivability & DPS is what it is needed, since you are down scaled to match the area you are in.
5 & 5.5. Depends on the people you are dealing with. And just how competitive they really are in PvP. Personally, the community here is pretty good.
6. Depends on their requirement, some guild(s) want you to represent them 100%. You’ll have to read their guild requirement post.
7. Personal bank.

Newbie Questions

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: pdavis.8031


Welcome to the game!

to answer a few of your questions, several of them have been answered multiple times with the same answers, but here is my take on a few:

4.It largly depends on if you are in a group (dungeons, fractals, etc.) or running solo PvE. Solo, just go with it. Experiment. Find out which utiliy skills/weapon sets and traits work for what you want to do. There really is no sense in copying the meta while running solo. Just have fun. However in a group (Dungeons, fractals, etc.) the dynamics change. Some, not all but some, people in pugs (Pick Up Groups) only want you to run the meta, or a certain build. If you are joining those groups, be prepared for gear checks and possibly getting kicked because you don’t have what they are looking for. That being said, it’s not a requirement for you to use the meta in pugs (unless thats whats in the description). I run a non meta warrior in groups, and change up my traits and utilities according to the situation and do well. So it depends on the group and situation, but that part is up to what the group needs, and what you are comfortable playing with.

6. Most guilds I’ve been a part of are very casual and friendly. Although I was in one that was more strict in their repping requirements, and they tended to be jerks anyway. I actually left the guild after listening to some of the leaders and officers, as well as other members, bashing on me in teamspeak when they forgot I was logged in. Current guild is a very casual, and really cool, and doesn’t have much in the way of repping requirements, although they do kick if they see you rarely rep, just to clear space for some more active players. So it depends on the guild, and what the guilds goals are.

Hope this helps!! Good luck, hope to see you in game!

“You know what the chain of command is?
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”

Newbie Questions

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lankybrit.4598


Just on point 1. You get 5 character slots for free, but you can get more character slots. They are bought with Gems, via the Gem store. You can buy Gems with IRL money, or buy them with in game gold too. Extra character slots cost 800 Gems, but go on sale from time to time too. I have bought 3 more character slots, so now I have 8.

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Updated every Monday

Newbie Questions

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Dragonic Elemental.2674

Dragonic Elemental.2674

1. Doesn’t really matter. If you have all 8 crafting disciplines, than the 2 open slots can be used to level the characters you have them on (gaining a crafting level grants exp).

2. I’d recommend that you start crafting after you did other things. I only started crafting after about half a year, and by then I had so many materials that I could just go 0-400 in a couple of days.

3. I don’t know.

4. No, there isn’t in PvE. There may be a slight difference in certain areas (dps may be higher for a certain class) but it is balanced by other areas (higher survivability). DPS differences are overal not noticeable.
In PvP it’s a different story, and there is less variety in builds, because everyone wants the optimal one. But each class can be good, some are just harder to play (Warrior vs Elementalist)

5. As a fellow League player: extremely friendly. I did get called a noob once in PvP. Once. That’s it.

6. Completely depends on the guild.

7. via the bank!

May the Six watch over us. And come back to Tyria soon.

Newbie Questions

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: JCROY.5730


3. also depending on the kind of gear you use and runes you put on them
full berserker goes BOOM, Power Toughness Vitality gear takes longer to kill but makes you less vulnerable
pick your own
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“see cow, grab bundle, feed cow?”

Newbie Questions

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Third Dementor.8693

Third Dementor.8693

Thanks for all the tips, guys. Rest assured, I’ll take them to heart.

I’d like to ask one other question, more open this time:

Could you list some things that you wish you’d known when you first started playing? Stuff like using the PvP window to get to Lion’s Arch to travel around.

Once again, thanks in advance.

Newbie Questions

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lankybrit.4598


Thanks for all the tips, guys. Rest assured, I’ll take them to heart.

I’d like to ask one other question, more open this time:

Could you list some things that you wish you’d known when you first started playing? Stuff like using the PvP window to get to Lion’s Arch to travel around.

Once again, thanks in advance.

Here’s a nice list:

My Life in Tyria:
Updated every Monday