No Mounts?

No Mounts?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: puny.1450


I sincerely hope mounts are never added to the game

No Mounts?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mandrax.7342


This game is about co-operation and helping your fellow players. When you are on foot you are more able to see what’s happening around you and jump in to lend a hand, you are more involved.

As much as mounts are a nice convenience, I think they would detract from the style of this particular game.

No Mounts?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Leaum.4753


i would like mounts too… but with some restrictions like:
no mounts in the city
walk at the same speed the player walk,
channel the speed buff to run at 33%,,
if take a hit when running mounted would knock off you and be dazed for a few seconds before engage combat,
have to repair or heal the mount in the city it if you have took too much damage mounted,
siege mounts…

i donĀ“t know, but i think a new way to fight in mount would be awesome

No Mounts?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Battlewill.5614


Why the hell on Tyria would you like mounts ?
Too expensive ? TP yourself to the spot and bruise some mobs you’ll be payed back your fee…
Going faster to run from TP to your quest location ? Kidding me, right ?

Seriously, except for fashion stuff that i can understand but disagree, this is utterly useless …

No Mounts?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Distroer.2531


Why are there no mounts?
Will there ever be mounts?
I like mounts. :-P

I actually hope there aren’t any mounts

No Mounts?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: gurugeorge.9857


Please no.
Mounts are useless in this game as a means of transportation and only make the world empty as no one is going to dismount to help you.

You can literally teleport to anywhere on map and mounts would make this game empty?

Just that. Right now, you port as close as you can, then walk. So there is no disadvantage in giving mobs a few shots to help someone and gain XP. If you ride, you don’t stop. The waypoints have fixed chosen locations that split the zones into regions that were designed to fight in, so mobs & events will usually occur between a waypoint and a special location like a task or another waypoint. Mounts would ruin that by breaking this fixed part, so events and mobs would have to be randomly scattered, reducing their actual value to the feel of the world as they would often not fit into their locations, I fear. Plus, no one needs mounts now, do we?
So as long as they’re not part of a costume and therefore only usable in town, no. No mounts.

You have the right of it, sir. Abundance of teleport points plus slow travel speed = more immersion, because whenever you’re in the persistent world you’re taking it at a relatively slow pace, so you can actually enjoy it without anxiety about having to get from A to B.

IOW you can stop and smell the roses and enjoy it, without resenting the developers, because you aren’t being FORCED to smell the roses because the developers are trying to eke out content because they require you to stay subscribed.

It’s just another example of Arenanet’s wonderful outside-the-box thinking. Normally mounts are just a sweetie to give to more experienced players who have already run the same low level content dozens of times and know it back to front. For everyone else, they’re useless, and people have to yomp around on foot through boring stretches when they just want to get from A to B to do something.

To me, the teleport system is almost “invisible”, what I feel a continuity of is immersion in whatever part of the world I’m in at any given time; yet at the same time, I never get annoyed with the game for preventing me from going where I want to go, when I want to go there.

(There might possibly be an argument for mounts in WvWvW, similar to some of the fixed “taxi” mounts they have in LOTRO. At least, until all the servers really fill up so there’s more player density in the WvWvW zones; but then taking them away again when the servers were full would be perceived as a downgrade.)

Having said all that, mounts are fun for many people, no doubt about it. And so long as they weren not a “go faster” mechanic, but simply a bit of fluff that carried you along not much faster than you could run, and so long as you had to tether them in towns (and couldn’t carry them in your pocket), I would be happy with fluff mounts.

(edited by gurugeorge.9857)

No Mounts?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Luthan.5236


Mounts = faster movement.
Faster movement = no waypoint teleporting needed.
No waypoint teleporting needed = less cost of ingame money.
Less cost of ingame money = less gems needed to buy and trade them into ingame money.
=> Less profit for ArenaNet.
=> No mounts.

No Mounts?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Diaspro.8529


The game isn’t designed to use mounts. Mounts have never been in the GW Lore, so, I don’t see the point or want mounts in game.
Like I said in another place: I would accept Dolyaks as mounts…but I doubt you’ll be faster with them

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No Mounts?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: sandwitch.6159


Mounts would probably ruin what I love the most about this game. The random player interaction.
Just going through a cave to get to the other side of a mountain, meeting another player in the cave and helping each other fight the mobs. Ressing players that hilariously dropped off a cliff. These things would diminish if people had to get off the mount and then back on to enable them further interaction with the world.

No Mounts?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Jonny.6013


I wouldn’t have a problem with Mounts being added to the game. Equally, I wouldn’t lose any sleep if they never materialised.

I envisage something that can attain speeds only marginally faster than character running speed, not affected by characters speed boosts and is prohibitively expensive for all but very seasoned characters. I would prefer it to be obtainable via in-game currency (whether coin or karma or a combination IDK). If anyone is worried about removing gold sinks, I think this may be a solution, rather than a problem.

Waypoints would be charging once each for mount and rider, naturally…

I don’t think this would discourage players from looking around. They may even be more inclined to do so, as it would be marginally less time consuming. As has been stated, the chances of a passing stranger reviving you or grouping to help out in a dynamic event depends entirely on the stranger, not their mode of transport. I stop to help out when passing through more often than not, but if I’m in a hurry, I could see me running past more often on foot than on a mount, just because game time is precious.

Also, I think mounts could be inherently skittish, and throw riders who try to detour around exciting situations like some dynamic events, requiring the event to be resolved before accepting a rider again. I think there are ways that mounts can be included without compromising the excellent community feel that has been created so far.

And the screenshots. Think of the screenshots...

No Mounts?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Raedwulf.3712


Mounts are completely unnecessary. I am perfectly happy with Anet’s oft-repeated stance that there will be no mounts in this game. I knew about this long before I bought the game and therefore, whatever my feelings on the subject, I am happy to accept this as part of the game. If I didn’t like it, I wouldn’t have purchased.

Guild Leader, The White Company, Piken Square

No Mounts?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: FINY.4710


I definitely like mounts. Preferably a bit faster than walking speed. Waypoints are expensive (why?) and load slow.

Moa birds, Dolyaks, walking trees, enough options for mounts for every race.
ANet make it happen, please!

No Mounts?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: VOLKON.1290


There is a way to add mounts without gutting the heart and soul of the game.

1. Mounts move at the same speed as dolyak caravans in WvW. i.e., they can actually be outrun by players. They’re for show, not convenience.
2. Mounts have terrain restrictions and cannot jump. There should never be dolyaks doing jumping puzzles.
3. Mounts may get a speed boost on roads only… debatable.
4. Mounts should never be allowed in the capitals or within any city, town or outpost walls. We don’t want dolyak poop on our streets, do we?
5. There should never be mounts that don’t make sense, nor should there ever be flying mounts. No dragons, no corrupted this or that. Dolyaks, travel golems, things of this nature could fit, but riding a minion of Zhaitan… no.

Restrictions like this could make mounts entirely tolerable. Me? I’d grab a dolyak mount in a heartbeat simply because they’re adorable with those big, soulfull eyes… sigh… but they should be for show, not for convenience or clutter.

Edit note: I’m quite happy without mounts, just thinking of a viable way they could be implemented without screwing things up (in my opinion).


(edited by VOLKON.1290)

No Mounts?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zalastra.6290


There should never be dolyaks doing jumping puzzles. .

That idea….. it’s hilarious xD

No Mounts?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: CC Dalmarus.8397

CC Dalmarus.8397

Community Coordinator

Thanks for your feedback, but this subforum is for Players Helping Players so will be closed. More forum sections appropriate for this topic will be opened in the future. Thanks for your understanding and cooperation!