No one uses chat?
shared exp without party, and dynamic event credit means that there’s no reason to actually talk to other players while completing zones.
basically if you see someone fighting a monster, you can walk up, hit it a few times, and get credit for the kill (experience and loot) without detracting any from the other person, and without needing to be in a party with him.
The same thing happens with dynamic events, in that anyone who participates get credit, regardless of their party setup.
This can lead to some severe anti-social behaviors, in which people dont talk simply because they dont need too.
You should be thankful. At launch map chat in every zone was like really bad barrens chat. Now it’s mostly confined to LA.
I meant chat in more of a general sense…people asking questions in chat and general BSing. I’ve gotten rezzed multiple times in game, and always say thanks, but am never acknowledged
What server are you on? Maybe the server that you’re on itself is relatively unpopulated?
A lot of the maps can be quiet, but if you’re like me, and harass map chat a bit you can quite easily get a map conversation going. People are normally there, they just aren’t good at starting the chat. Just throw a few feeders out from time to time and you’ll find you can liven the zone up quite a lot!
Fort Aspenwood. I guess I can ask questions, part of the reason I like this game is that its not the same old same old. So Im still a noob.
Like I hit level 10 on my Elementalist, and all my spells changed….And all i had for each element was the first one, I had to keep using them to get the upgrades. All the while getting my ares kicked! Does that happen every 10 levels, or???
You must have switched weapons. The skills on the left (slots 1-5) aren’t affected by your level or which skills you’ve unlocked, they’re controlled by your weapon. If you change weapons, you change those weapon skills. Makes being an Elementalist really fun, but really complicated because of all of the weapon/attunement combinations.
If you check the Hero panel (press H), and click on Skills/Traits and then Weapon Skills, you can take a look at all of the different skills you’ll get with each weapon. You do have to unlock the skills by using the weapon, but it happens really fast. Just use a dagger for a few minutes, and you’ll have unlocked all of the dagger weapon skills.
Does that make sense?
Dynamics of Synergetics – DOS
I tried several EU servers, they all had dead chat. US servers are much better. Even if you are euro-based, try one!
Can’t really chat much. Yesterday, I was a bit ‘chatty’ on WvW providing keep timer info for players who are on standby to port in when the timer counts down to zero.
I was slapped with a ‘excessive messaging’ penalty which locked me out of chat for several minutes (I don’t know how long as I did not go back to chat anymore after that).
So, it may not be the case that people don’t chat. The system does not encourage people to chat, noting the well intended design to prevent chat spamming. However, even with this design in place, I often see gold seller spamming their advertisement in chat over and over again. I don’t know how they overcome the ‘excessive messaging’ control but this has validated the fact this feature has hindered legit chat uses but has not stop what it was designed to stop.
Fort Aspenwood. I guess I can ask questions, part of the reason I like this game is that its not the same old same old. So Im still a noob.
Like I hit level 10 on my Elementalist, and all my spells changed….And all i had for each element was the first one, I had to keep using them to get the upgrades. All the while getting my ares kicked!
Does that happen every 10 levels, or???
Skills in GW2 are weapon-based. They change whenever you change weapons.
Example: If you go to the elementalist forum you’ll see people talking about D/D elementalist – those are elementalists wielding 2 daggers, one in each hand. Elementalists can also wield a staff (2-hands), a scepter (1-hand) or focus (1-hand), each have different skills.
Elementalist is a bit difficult to play at first. Expect to die a lot until you get used to the play style and get all your skills (lvl 30). Then you’ll start doing better, but the learning curve is a bit steep. The elementalist forum is a good place to ask questions. Also, try making your mouse more sensitive (Options menu), it really helps with moving in combat.
Re: Map Chat, try talking in map if you think it’s quiet. Sometimes you won’t always get a response right away, but after a bit I find people will start talking. Shout out champion events you find, rich veins, ask questions. I once started a 10-minute conversation in a silent map because I started venting about mob aggro. This can vary depending on when you get on too – servers aren’t always populated around the clock.
Joining a guild is another way to have chat going, Operation: Union ( ) is a cross-server social guild, we also do dungeon runs pretty regularly for both NA and EU. We are almost always talking. Or find some people you like playing with and ask them which guild they’re in and if they recommend it. That’s how I found my other guild.
Different races are more or less popular – Charr is the least popular I think, Human and Sylvari seem pretty popular. So that effects how populated their starting zone is.
The server I play has lots of chat! Map chat is usually used for players looking for groups to do dungeons, or to tackle champs, spawned dragons and the like. Also for when Orr temples are clear, but there is some banter going on.
I stay mostly in my guild chat, and this is very lively!
Cannot keep up with most of it ..
Easiest thing to do is to travel to Lions Arch and ask there if you need help with something, lots of normal chat in that place and easy to get to. If you haven’t found it yet there is a portal going there from every starting City.
Otherwise no. Map chat is used for things like saying there is an Event at xxx etc. Conversation seems to be restricted in general to /say.
Server: Gunnars Hold [EU]
If you talk /map or /say too often in a short period of time you will get muted for a certain duration that’s why people limit their messages, most of the social talking are confined in private chat, guild chat, party chat, team chat where you can post chat messages without worry of being muted.
Aug 2012 (IoJ) → Jan 2013 (FA) → June 2013 (BG)
Ill have to say something against this whole thing.
Chat is mainly used in either partys or guilds that are friendly so normally if you were just running through a zone normally nobody has a need to say something unless you want to talk to them. After 3 lines you are good to party up so what you mean is the public chat is not too lively where as my guild chat for example is really lively.
Gunnars Hold EU
Most of the maps on my server have at least a little conversation (boss is up, etc) going on when I am logged in. It may not be the server you’re on, but what time you’re on as well.
LA on ET is usually pretty lively, and it’s not all LFG. We talk about aspects of the game, random video game stuff, … pretty much whatever. Lower level areas are also usually chatty – I think the higher level characters running it for exploration just get bored and lonely, and lower level characters tend to have lots of questions about what to do and how to start building. Now in the mid and higher level maps, there isn’t as much chat, but I think that’s more because you have to keep fighting – which means carrying on a lengthy conversation is a bit hard.
Aurora has a lot of chat, some German some English.
There’s mainly questions or aspects of the game being discussed and the vets helping the rookies. Chat maybe a bit lonely on your server but might not be on others. There’s a lot of things that can factor when chatter is low. E.g time of day/player mood
Thanks for all the info. Especially about switching weapons changing my spells,that makes sense. Very cool, opens up a lot of options then for an elementalist.
Still debating whether to keep playing the game solo or finding a casual family type guild.
If your new, you might not have your chat settings clicked. Click the appropriate tab and drop the options box down on the chat window. Then click the type of chat you want to participate in.
“Say”….for local….this is generally where people say thinks. I always get a response when thnking someone.
“Map”…for the area chat of the map you’re in
Party, team etc….. you may know all this. But was just saying. Have had to help a couple of new guildies, so its not all that uncommon.
Ele’s die a lot…get used to it, lol.
Raf Longshanks-80 Norn Guardian / 9 more alts of various lvls / Charter Member Altaholics Anon
Haha yes, I’m finding that out! I spend lots of pennies on waypoints.
In game money seems hard to come by though. I’m level eleven now and only have around five silver. It looks like I need ten to buy a manual from the trainer. Haven’t really bought any gear, just what I’ve found
Yeah, young ele’s are expensive. I do not miss those days of my ele, but I would be happy to give you suggestions if you PM me or ping me in-game.
Whenever you see a dynamic event, try to kill even one enemy or get a few hits in on the boss. This will give you participation in the event and thus a few coppers. The more you participate, the more money you get – but as an ele, don’t expect to be able to easily solo events. Also, when you complete a renown heart for an area, the “thank you” mail the NPC sends you has a little money attached – sure, it starts at 50c, but you’ll soon be earning 1s + from those.
Buy crude (using karma) or basic (using c) salvage kits to salvage stuff for crafting materials. Unless you’re really hurting for money, salvage all whites and cheaper (under 60c) blues, and sell your more expensive blues to vendors. Sell any greens you don’t use on the BLTC or to the vendors, as well.
And gather, gather, gather! Those crafting mats may be useful if you get into it, or you can sell them on BLTC for some decent money.
I meant chat in more of a general sense…people asking questions in chat and general BSing. I’ve gotten rezzed multiple times in game, and always say thanks, but am never acknowledged
If you had to be rezzed, then the guy who rezzed you is probably busy.
FWIW, I try to say “thanks” or “ty” or “thank you” when rezzed, although first priority is making sure that I’m not immediately downed yet again. I get lots of “np” and “yw” responses, but it does not bother me when I don’t.
In WvWvW on Sanctum of Rall there is a fair amount of game-related chat.
My preference would be that folks find another venue for extended idle chatter and BS-ing, but that’s more a problem on my guild channel than the public channels.
I tend not to use global chat or even read it. That has been the case in every MMO I’ve played so GW2 can’t be blamed in my case. I think it’s a case of it being easier to converse in vent while playing. I don’t have to stop what I’m doing in game to type something out.
If I rez someone or vice versa, I will always say “thanks” or answer with “no problem” if they thank me.
Waiting For Death [WFD]
@ Borlis Pass Server
Chat in GW2 is a bit quieter than in other MMOs, but it’s also generally more under control than other MMOs.
I came to GW2 after trying out Tera, which had an absolutely terrible community when it came to in game chat, so I appreciate the chat here, even if it is a bit sparse at times.
I hear ya…..nothing like seeing constant Chuck Norris jokes in chat from 12 year olds