No reward chest from Shatterer

No reward chest from Shatterer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nighthauke.1372


For the past two days I have not received a dragon chest or bonus chest when doing the Shatterer. Both times it’s been the first time to do it on my account for the day, and I get a gold for damage and participation, but no chests.

Has anyone else had this problem?

No reward chest from Shatterer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


I’ve been getting chests from shatterer usual. Maybe submit a bug report so Anet can resolve the issue.

No reward chest from Shatterer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Black Wolf.7348

Black Wolf.7348

if you get to the area and start hitting the dragon when he is almost dead it is likely you get the event medal, but not the chests. idk why , but it have happened to me a couple of times with shatterer and tequatl.

No reward chest from Shatterer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

Another possibility. This can happen if you have an alt parked at the event and you use that alt do to that event only. If this is what happened, you ran against DR (diminishing returns). To get past it you need to take that alt into another area and play there for a while, do a few events. A quick way is to go to Queensdale or some other starter zone where events pop off fast.

No reward chest from Shatterer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nighthauke.1372


Astral Projection, thanks for that. I had been logging in on that character just to do the Shatterer, so I probably was running into the DR. I didn’t think about it carrying over from day to day like that.

No reward chest from Shatterer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

Yw. ^^

It happened to me is how I knew. I had alts parked at these places to save wp costs and then ran into that. Took me 2 days to figure it out. Lol.

No reward chest from Shatterer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Egon Spengler.1360

Egon Spengler.1360

This happens to me with Shatterer all the time, despite playing in different zones and doing other events in between. In fact, I’ll run it with two accounts during the same event, both accounts will get gold and often only one will get the chest. This occurs even if they both did it the same time the previous day. One char did the event 6 times (once per day for a week, missing one day) and didn’t receive a single chest despite trying different servers and whatnot.

(edited by Egon Spengler.1360)

No reward chest from Shatterer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

This happens to me with Shatterer all the time, despite playing in different zones and doing other events in between. In fact, I’ll run it with two accounts during the same event, both accounts will get gold and often only one will get the chest. This occurs even if they both did it the same time the previous day. One char did the event 6 times (once per day for a week, missing one day) and didn’t receive a single chest despite trying different servers and whatnot.

Well, if it happens again then you might take a screenshot and note time, date, and server and circumstances and make a thread in the Game Bugs forum. Alternatively you could make a ticket and contact support and see if they can pinpoint the problem.

No reward chest from Shatterer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Egon Spengler.1360

Egon Spengler.1360

Well, if it happens again then you might take a screenshot and note time, date, and server and circumstances and make a thread in the Game Bugs forum. Alternatively you could make a ticket and contact support and see if they can pinpoint the problem.

I have submitted a bunch of bug reports for it, but never bothered contacting support. I think it’s the rewards I usually get that make it seem like it’s not worth the time (I’m one of the people that generally just get blues from those chests – so it’s not really much of a loss). Maybe I’ll give this a shot next time.

Incidentally, I have a few characters camping the Jormag and Tequatl (before the patch) events. Other than a little gathering between events they do nothing else. I don’t recall ever missing a chest with them.

No reward chest from Shatterer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

Well, I have to wonder if it’s some sort of DR bug. And if you make a ticket, you should specify if it’s the little chest with the rare or the big chest at the end.

No reward chest from Shatterer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sola.7250


You don’t get a chest when the event fails, I saw this for the first time this week myself.

No reward chest from Shatterer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Egon Spengler.1360

Egon Spengler.1360

Brief update: No chest three days in a row on the same character with one account while the other account continues to receive it. Contacted support to see what they say.

No reward chest from Shatterer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SlaveIITheGame.3692


Is your character relying on conditions to do damage? I used to have my mesmer specced conditions and staff within the first few months around launch. After doing some world bosses from start till finish, I would get no rewards or medals. Found out later that conditions have a limit and anything applied last pushes off conditions applied first so was essentially doing no damage >.>

No reward chest from Shatterer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Egon Spengler.1360

Egon Spengler.1360

Is your character relying on conditions to do damage? I used to have my mesmer specced conditions and staff within the first few months around launch. After doing some world bosses from start till finish, I would get no rewards or medals. Found out later that conditions have a limit and anything applied last pushes off conditions applied first so was essentially doing no damage >.>

I’ve had this happen with numerous classes, but the ones that had the longest streaks were with a thief (6 consecutive missed reward chests, though received the gold reward medal each time), engineer (4 consecutive missed reward chests, though received the gold reward medal each time before taking a break from the event) and elementalist (4 consecutive missed reward chests, though received the gold reward medal each time before taking a break). I wasn’t focusing on condition damage with any of the builds so I’m not sure if this was the problem.

I contacted support and they offered no explanation. They simply recommended I submit in-game bug reports, which I’ve done many times for the issue, but apparently no records are kept – which is probably good for privacy reasons, I guess… Or use the forums, which is where we are. That’s about as far as I’m going with this issue.