Ogre Pet Whistle and Gortho

Ogre Pet Whistle and Gortho

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: revista.8395


Hello guys..

I was looking to buy the Ogre Pet Whistle item… Then i went on a search for Gortho (the npc that sells it)

I found him easily near the waypoint of Gladefall Waypoint. But he’s not a merchant. He’s just a regular npc that says some random lines.

Quoting the wiki (not sure how to quote properly, soo im using spoiler)

Gortho, Son of Malik will not sell the whistle if the proper events are not completed. The event “Help the ogres defend Bronzeglade Crossing from the Flame Legion” must succeed for Malik to switch from selling tonics to whistles. From Gladefall Waypoint, if the town, SSE – Newglade Kraal, bridge is destroyed, you have to go to Grostogg’s Kraal Waypoint to find the town invaded by branded. Complete that event, and Gortho, Son of Malik will revive. After the event, Gortho, Son of Malik will go outside of the town. A yellow circle will appear on its head, it will start the escort quest. Escort him to Gladefall Waypoint. When you get there, the event will finish and the Kraal will be rebuilt. Gortho will become a vendor. At this point, he will sell Ogre Pet Tonic. A few minutes later, the town will be attacked by Flame Legion. After this event succeeds, Gortho, Son of Malik will sell the whistle.

I couldn’t do any of those related quest because the Gortho is already at Gladefall waypoint, but he doesn’t sell nothing. Tested on 3 servers and on all 3, he’s at gladefall and he’s not a merchant.

I’m not sure if i’m missing something.
The wiki was last edited on september 27.

I’ve searched around but couldn’t find any solid information about that ..

Can someone help me on that ? Thanks.

Ogre Pet Whistle and Gortho

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Uvatha.5476


I get a stack of Ogre Pet Whistles every couple of weeks and haven’t had issues starting the quest. I always port to Grostogg’s Krall WP where I have to defend against a couple waves of branded, perform the escort mission, then defend Gladefall from the Flame Legion, so your wiki quote is accurate in the steps you need to perform.

The cycle of events seems to repeat pretty quickly after it’s completion, so if you see Gortho at Gladefall that means the event chain is over. Check back at Grostogg’s Krall in about 30 min to see if it’s starting over.

Ogre Pet Whistle and Gortho

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: revista.8395


But …. i can’t get the event to start… the npc is already alive and safe.. but he’s not a merchant. =/

Ogre Pet Whistle and Gortho

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

You then might have to wait for the event, Help the ogres remove the Branded from their land.

When I got my whistles, I did this event first then ended up at Gladefall with Gortho. After a pause the next event started and he became a merchant selling whistles.

Wiki, unfortunately, doesn’t seem to have this set of events fully documented. You might have to hang around by him till he leaves Gladefall to start the first stage of the events.