On weapon swap sigil cooldown

On weapon swap sigil cooldown

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: AZY.8352


Please can someone explain to me how the cooldown works on sigils that trigger on weapon swap?

When you can only swap every 9 seconds it’s irrelevant, but warrior can swap every 5 seconds, so if I put superior sigil of energy on both my weapon sets would each sigil have its own cooldown or would they share it (meaning I won’t get a trigger if I swap too fast)?

Also, does it share the cooldown with other on swap sigils? If I use a sigil of battle on one set and energy on the other, will I get both buffs by swapping every 6-8 seconds?

On weapon swap sigil cooldown

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


Different sigils do not share cooldown. The same on two different weapons probably do share but it is easy to test in heart of the mists.

On weapon swap sigil cooldown

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: AZY.8352


I think you’re right. Did a few tests and different “on swap” sigils trigger every time, whereas the same one twice only triggers every other swap.