Once you have the armour looks you want what's the point of PvP?

Once you have the armour looks you want what's the point of PvP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: RageGaming.9450


Not here to rant or poke holes at the game or anything. This game is awesome and it’s the best PvP I’ve ever played, having done WoW arena for 3 years. I just can’t shake the feeling that once I have the armour set I want there’s nothing to aim towards in PvP. I enjoy the PvP and right now I play just to play but that will wain in time.

So glory rank is simply time, Free Tournaments are just another pool of gear looks. The one thing I don’t know about is Paid Tournaments, is there/will there be a ranking system? Some way of checking which teams are really good? While I hate to compare, something akin to WoW’s arena rating system. I enjoy a game much more if I having something to aim for, whether it’s looks or rating.

I know I’m going to get a fair few “just play for fun” responses, but that dosn’t cut it months after launch.

Thanks, Rage.

Once you have the armour looks you want what's the point of PvP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Rynter.3975


I know I’m going to get a fair few “just play for fun” responses, but that dosn’t cut it months after launch.

Dude, why else would you play games if not for fun? Do you want to make this game a job?

(edited by Rynter.3975)

Once you have the armour looks you want what's the point of PvP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: RageGaming.9450


I know I’m going to get a fair few “just play for fun” responses, but that dosn’t cut it months after launch.

Dude, why else would you play games if not for fun? Do you want to make this game a job?

I take it you just didn’t read any thing I said. Typical.

Here we go:

“This game is awesome and it’s the best PvP I’ve ever played”
“I enjoy the PvP and right now I play just to play but that will wain in time.”
“I enjoy a game much more if I having something to aim for”
“I know I’m going to get a fair few “just play for fun” responses, but that dosn’t cut it months after launch.

Some people.

Once you have the armour looks you want what's the point of PvP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: RageGaming.9450


So to everyone who isn’t to lazy to read a post.

Is there a ranking system in Paid Tournaments that someone could use to see who are the good players?

Once you have the armour looks you want what's the point of PvP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Spacerogue.9127


I got the pve armor I wanted at lvl 40 and I’m still playing ,so no I don’t understand this so called ‘carrot’ players like you want.

I’ll just leave this here

Once you have the armour looks you want what's the point of PvP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Rynter.3975


I got the pve armor I wanted at lvl 40 and I’m still playing ,so no I don’t understand this so called ‘carrot’ players like you want.

I’ll just leave this here

Seriously some people just CANNOT break out of the WoW-box. This is not the game for them.

Once you have the armour looks you want what's the point of PvP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: RageGaming.9450


I got the pve armor I wanted at lvl 40 and I’m still playing ,so no I don’t understand this so called ‘carrot’ players like you want.

I’ll just leave this here

Why is no one reading what I’ve said. I don’t really know what to say.

I play just for the fun of playing RIGHT NOW. However MONTHS DOWN THE LINE, let me say it again, MONTHS DOWN THE LINE, playing with no aim other than just to play will not be anywhere near as fun.

Jesus, I just wanna know if there is going to a ranking system other than glory in PvP.

Once you have the armour looks you want what's the point of PvP?

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Posted by: wolonggong.3469


Lets make sure Anet keeps their focus on making sure PvP stays fun, perhaps with new places to PvP, new objectives and challanges…that is the answer to your question. Anet needs to make sure they continually update the PvP aspect with new places to PvP, new objectives added and new challenges as well.

Lets makekittensure they dont fall into the carrot on the stick BS of making it for new gear because then the fun aspect falls off and its just another grind.

Once you have the armour looks you want what's the point of PvP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: GooeyGungan.2056


Why is no one reading what I’ve said. I don’t really know what to say.

I play just for the fun of playing RIGHT NOW. However MONTHS DOWN THE LINE, let me say it again, MONTHS DOWN THE LINE, playing with no aim other than just to play will not be anywhere near as fun.

Jesus, I just wanna know if there is going to a ranking system other than glory in PvP.

I think their collective point is that months down the line, if you’re no longer playing just to play, you should move on to another game. No game ought to last forever, and playing just to get those few more numbers to be higher than that other guy isn’t worth it.

That is my attempt to paraphrase everyone else’s ideas, so it’s doomed to be a bit off. But yeah. Their point (I think) is that you shouldn’t care if there will be a ranking system. If you’re not playing just to play, stop.

Once you have the armour looks you want what's the point of PvP?

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Posted by: Sinistre.1605


I hear you man.

Think about a game like counter strike…

FFA is just to warm up, train your skill
5vs5 is for even more training with team play…

Then, the true reason you play for is ranking / tournaments…..

So basically, they will have to get a ranking system in GW2 or people will just stop playing pretty quickly.

The PVP is fun, but how long will it last before boredom…..

Once you have the armour looks you want what's the point of PvP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: shaidyn.4016


Why is no one reading what I’ve said. I don’t really know what to say.

I play just for the fun of playing RIGHT NOW. However MONTHS DOWN THE LINE, let me say it again, MONTHS DOWN THE LINE, playing with no aim other than just to play will not be anywhere near as fun.

Jesus, I just wanna know if there is going to a ranking system other than glory in PvP.

There’s no ranking system in Final Fantasy Tactics. But I still fire up my PS1 every year or so and play the game through. There’s nothing I haven’t done in that game. Every quest, every storyline, every class, ability, battle, etc. But I still play it, because I enjoy playing it.

“Those who believe a thing cannot be done,
should stay out of the way of those doing it”
- Thomas Edison

Once you have the armour looks you want what's the point of PvP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Drella.9236


Work for Legendaries, Explore everything etc.
Break out of the WoW mindset, if you can’t this is not the game for you.

Once you have the armour looks you want what's the point of PvP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Wolfheart.1938


You opened up a can of worms :P

Anyways, I’ve never heard of anything about a ranking system but then again I haven’t read much news about spvp. I wouldn’t be surprised if they added it in the near future, though. It would be a great addition to the game.

“We have no first-person view because stupid people would lock into it”
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”

Once you have the armour looks you want what's the point of PvP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Soothsayer.9476


There will also be plenty more content added in future expansions, and probably more features and who knows what else. For the time being keep playing for the love of it, or if that’s not enough then do something else with your free time and come back in the future. There’s no subscription so you’re not losing anything.

Once you have the armour looks you want what's the point of PvP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: RageGaming.9450


Work for Legendaries, Explore everything etc.
Break out of the WoW mindset, if you can’t this is not the game for you.

Your 2 suggestions are PvE which isn’t the basis of this discussion. On a side note I already plan to 100% the world and do everything in PvE. My worries lie with PvP.

For all the problems WoW Arena had, and it had A LOT, the fact remains fighting for a higher rating, to show that your team is better than an other team, is FUN. Very fun. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want gear with stats, I Iove that it’s all about skill, that’s fantastic.

There are 2 reasons to play PvP: 1. For fun 2. To achieve something.

For a lot of people 1 does not happen without 2. The fun is in the achieving of something. So once, in a few months, just playing for fun is no longer fun. There needs to be something to keep people playing. A rating system is perfect for that.

P.S. The people who don’t want/like rating systems are generally the people who would have terrible ratings.

Once you have the armour looks you want what's the point of PvP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Amra.6028


I got the pve armor I wanted at lvl 40 and I’m still playing ,so no I don’t understand this so called ‘carrot’ players like you want.

I’ll just leave this here

Why is no one reading what I’ve said. I don’t really know what to say.

I play just for the fun of playing RIGHT NOW. However MONTHS DOWN THE LINE, let me say it again, MONTHS DOWN THE LINE, playing with no aim other than just to play will not be anywhere near as fun.

Jesus, I just wanna know if there is going to a ranking system other than glory in PvP.

Guess what, the problem every kind of entertainment faces.

Once you have the armour looks you want what's the point of PvP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: shaidyn.4016


P.S. The people who don’t want/like rating systems are generally the people who would have terrible ratings.

I think you should ride your high horse right back to wow, sir.

“Those who believe a thing cannot be done,
should stay out of the way of those doing it”
- Thomas Edison

Once you have the armour looks you want what's the point of PvP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: RageGaming.9450


P.S. The people who don’t want/like rating systems are generally the people who would have terrible ratings.

I think you should ride your high horse right back to wow, sir.

Who would be against ratings if they are good players? It’s simple logic. PvP is about beating the enemy. So why do people shy away from a system that shows who is better than who.

Once you have the armour looks you want what's the point of PvP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: eladox.3457


WE PLAY FOR FUN crowd is the worst thing ever happened to this game.
I hope anet is not taking them serious.

Once you have the armour looks you want what's the point of PvP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: EyeSeeSound.1348


To be honest, any game is more fun if there is a ranking system. If you don’t care about it you PvP for the kicks, which is what I did in WOW. But if you get good at it ( I’m only ever a mediocre player but I do have a laugh) then having rankings is an additional bonus. In fact, even as a mediocre player I’d like to be ranked to see if I am progressing or regressing and set myself subsequent challenges and goals.

So there is no negative in having rankings and positives to gain from it, so stating ‘if you are stuck in the XYZ mindset GW2 isn’t for you’ is just silly.

Once you have the armour looks you want what's the point of PvP?

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Posted by: MorpheousXO.4968


It’s amazing how much people are being jerks to you. Now, I don’t particularly care about sPvP, but I agree with you that some metric like that would help a lot of people enjoy the game. Fun part is, people who don’t like it… just ignore it!

Once you have the armour looks you want what's the point of PvP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: shaidyn.4016


So why do people shy away from a system that shows who is better than who.

There is a segment of the population I like to refer to as “adults”, who do not need a digital pat on the back to provide them with a sense of self worth.

“Those who believe a thing cannot be done,
should stay out of the way of those doing it”
- Thomas Edison

Once you have the armour looks you want what's the point of PvP?

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Posted by: Wolfbane.4073


Well the game isnt really about individual players so i dont think individual leader boards will become a feature.

However im not fully sure how guild forts work in WvWvW. Im hoping that guild influence comes into it somehow and that the most influential guild can claim them.

i dont know if its coming but i would very much like to see some form of guild v guild feature added as at the moment guilds have very little to add to the game. And with it being Guild Wars its an ideal setting to make guilds a focal point.

Once you have the armour looks you want what's the point of PvP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Hieronumous.3541


I’ll get behind a rating system that has no mechanical benefit.
I understand bragging rights; speed runs for Dark Souls, UP character builds, etc. And I really can’t see the problem with including some sort of ranking system.

What I would see a problem with is implementing a system that would give a character a noticeable mechanical benefit over another player.

Once you have the armour looks you want what's the point of PvP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Hieronumous.3541


WE PLAY FOR FUN crowd is the worst thing ever happened to this game.
I hope anet is not taking them serious.

I fail to see how a group of people playing for fun is a detriment to the game.

Once you have the armour looks you want what's the point of PvP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: RageGaming.9450


So why do people shy away from a system that shows who is better than who.

There is a segment of the population I like to refer to as “adults”, who do not need a digital pat on the back to provide them with a sense of self worth.

It’s funny you should say that. Not wanting a system of rating ironically means you have no self-worth. So you go into a PvP match, you beat someone in a 1v1. You don’t get any thrill from knowing you are better than that person? I’m going to assume you do. Then what’s wrong with a rating system that shows who is good. Besides It’s not for individual players. It’s for teams.

How can you have a game that is supposed to be a “competitive e-sport” without a ranking system? It’s like Football without league tables.

Once you have the armour looks you want what's the point of PvP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: RageGaming.9450


I’ll get behind a rating system that has no mechanical benefit.
I understand bragging rights; speed runs for Dark Souls, UP character builds, etc. And I really can’t see the problem with including some sort of ranking system.

What I would see a problem with is implementing a system that would give a character a noticeable mechanical benefit over another player.

Exactly! I don’t what the rating to do ANYTHING but show who is good and who is not. Playing to have better numbers is a fun thing. A football team plays to get higher in the league, why do people get so repulsed at the idea of a tournament team doing that?

Tournament teams should be official things that you make, and that team gains rating when they win. There is then a table of every team with there rating. How can that be a bad thing for a game that is supposed to be a “competitive e-sport”.

Once you have the armour looks you want what's the point of PvP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: MorpheousXO.4968


So why do people shy away from a system that shows who is better than who.

There is a segment of the population I like to refer to as “adults”, who do not need a digital pat on the back to provide them with a sense of self worth.

So most adults aren’t adults? Most adults I know like getting a pat on the back for being better at their hobby, whether that hobby is IRL or online.

Once you have the armour looks you want what's the point of PvP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: shaidyn.4016


How can you have a game that is supposed to be a “competitive e-sport” without a ranking system? It’s like Football without league tables.

I must have missed the Anet announcement where they declared that they intended the pvp portion of Guild Wars 2 to be a “competitive e-sport”. But I’ll be honest, I haven’t followed development that closely.

If the game’s designers intend pvp to be a strict, competitive, ranked e-sport, then I’m clearly in the wrong. That said, I’m fairly certain they intend it to be an entertaining mini-game inside the larger scope of the world.

You’re entitled to your opinion. I simply don’t think what you want meshes with the game as it is built.

“Those who believe a thing cannot be done,
should stay out of the way of those doing it”
- Thomas Edison

Once you have the armour looks you want what's the point of PvP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Hieronumous.3541


I’ll get behind a rating system that has no mechanical benefit.
I understand bragging rights; speed runs for Dark Souls, UP character builds, etc. And I really can’t see the problem with including some sort of ranking system.

What I would see a problem with is implementing a system that would give a character a noticeable mechanical benefit over another player.

Exactly! I don’t what the rating to do ANYTHING but show who is good and who is not. Playing to have better numbers is a fun thing. A football team plays to get higher in the league, why do people get so repulsed at the idea of a tournament team doing that?

Tournament teams should be official things that you make, and that team gains rating when they win. There is then a table of every team with there rating. How can that be a bad thing for a game that is supposed to be a “competitive e-sport”.

I think that’s actually a sound, reasonable explanation for what you want, and implementation wouldn’t necessarily hurt anyone. I’ll champion this, not necessarily because I want a ranking system (I am completely apathetic to the entire concept) but because there are people who WOULD want it, and it causes no harm.

Once you have the armour looks you want what's the point of PvP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: RageGaming.9450


How can you have a game that is supposed to be a “competitive e-sport” without a ranking system? It’s like Football without league tables.

I must have missed the Anet announcement where they declared that they intended the pvp portion of Guild Wars 2 to be a “competitive e-sport”. But I’ll be honest, I haven’t followed development that closely.

If the game’s designers intend pvp to be a strict, competitive, ranked e-sport, then I’m clearly in the wrong. That said, I’m fairly certain they intend it to be an entertaining mini-game inside the larger scope of the world.

You’re entitled to your opinion. I simply don’t think what you want meshes with the game as it is built.

Guild Wars 2 is officially a PvP focused MMO, the devs have confirmed this. They have also publicly stated many times that they wish this game to be the first MMORPG that is a “competitive e-sport”. It’s in many interviews etc. That is why they are so keen to implement a ‘observer mode’ for matches. So casting etc can happen. They have big plans for PvP.

But how can that be achieved without a ranking system?

Once you have the armour looks you want what's the point of PvP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Phyzzius.7859


may I remind everybody that the original guild wars also had a ranking system: the guild ladder

Once you have the armour looks you want what's the point of PvP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Soothsayer.9476


For those who want to play competitively there will be tournaments, and Guild vs Guild will probably be added in the future. Who knows what else they have planned. But casuals who just want to run through the world picking daisy’s, and hardcore “elites” or whatever the hell the jargon is, will both be catered for. There’s no point arguing which way is the best to play.

Once you have the armour looks you want what's the point of PvP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: RageGaming.9450


I’ll get behind a rating system that has no mechanical benefit.
I understand bragging rights; speed runs for Dark Souls, UP character builds, etc. And I really can’t see the problem with including some sort of ranking system.

What I would see a problem with is implementing a system that would give a character a noticeable mechanical benefit over another player.

Exactly! I don’t what the rating to do ANYTHING but show who is good and who is not. Playing to have better numbers is a fun thing. A football team plays to get higher in the league, why do people get so repulsed at the idea of a tournament team doing that?

Tournament teams should be official things that you make, and that team gains rating when they win. There is then a table of every team with there rating. How can that be a bad thing for a game that is supposed to be a “competitive e-sport”.

I think that’s actually a sound, reasonable explanation for what you want, and implementation wouldn’t necessarily hurt anyone. I’ll champion this, not necessarily because I want a ranking system (I am completely apathetic to the entire concept) but because there are people who WOULD want it, and it causes no harm.

Thank you.

In retrospect I think I didn’t really explain what I was looking for in my initial post. Hopefully when people read my subsequent replies they will get the gist of what I’m saying.

Once you have the armour looks you want what's the point of PvP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: shaidyn.4016


I hadn’t heard all of that. It certainly doesn’t jive with the game as I’ve seen it so far, but who knows, maybe things will change dramatically.

But how can that be achieved without a ranking system?

My first question is actually, “How can you have a serious pvp game without a dueling system?”.

“Those who believe a thing cannot be done,
should stay out of the way of those doing it”
- Thomas Edison

Once you have the armour looks you want what's the point of PvP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: RageGaming.9450


I hadn’t heard all of that. It certainly doesn’t jive with the game as I’ve seen it so far, but who knows, maybe things will change dramatically.

But how can that be achieved without a ranking system?

My first question is actually, “How can you have a serious pvp game without a dueling system?”.

That is another problem in my opinion. But not a major one. The ability to have a 1v1 is very useful in a competitive game, you can test builds, strategy and sharpen your 1v1 skills.

Once you have the armour looks you want what's the point of PvP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Jenosavel.1756


Rage isn’t advocating grind, so lets stop pretending he is. I know its a hot-button topic for people with lives (myself included) who wouldn’t be able to play if there were grind, but lets not see boogeymen where there are none.

A ranking system is a legitimate thing to ask for in PvP, and I wouldn’t be surprised if we got one (perhaps if/when a 1 vs 1 dueling system would happen). There will certainly be tournaments, and likely there will be qualifying rounds prior to said tournaments.

I’m not a PvPer and undoubtedly am one of the people who doesn’t enjoy it because I’d have a bad rating, but I can still appreciate the people who enjoy PvP. The relentless pursuit of self-perfection can be great fun and without some form of measurement, as in rankings systems, over time you lose the vital comparison that marks your forward progress. Dunning-Kruger works both ways, after all, and the better you get at something the harder it becomes to see your own improvement at that thing.

Sorry I couldn’t answer your question better, Rage. But rest assured that the devs are aware of what you’re talking about, and if they’re not planning on a direct player-by-player ratings systems its because they have something else in mind to fill the role.

It never hurts to ask though.

Leaves and Embers - a fan written GW2 novel (complete!)
Servants of Fortuna [SoF] - We serve fortuna; may she grant us a smile.

Once you have the armour looks you want what's the point of PvP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Danicco.3568


Why is no one reading what I’ve said. I don’t really know what to say.

I play just for the fun of playing RIGHT NOW. However MONTHS DOWN THE LINE, let me say it again, MONTHS DOWN THE LINE, playing with no aim other than just to play will not be anywhere near as fun.

Jesus, I just wanna know if there is going to a ranking system other than glory in PvP.

How do you know?

I think of the PvP as I do about Counter Strike. Even after years, some people still play just because it’s fun.

I got a couple of games myself that despite having grinding and progression, I just play occasionally for fun, though I know I’m hindered by the fact I don’t spend as much time as others, so my character isn’t really “good”. But I still play because I find them fun.

This game is just like that.
Edit: The game is just like that, BUT I won’t be penalized for not spending hours and hours to get the best gear/maximum level to play with others.

Once you have the armour looks you want what's the point of PvP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: eladox.3457


So why do people shy away from a system that shows who is better than who.

There is a segment of the population I like to refer to as “adults”, who do not need a digital pat on the back to provide them with a sense of self worth.

And is this your excuse for being bad?
You know competition and arms race is the basis of life and evolution itself?
Stop being funny and labeling a 4 billon year instinct as being childish.
Games are about challenges and rewards. A reward can be a new level in game, new titles, some kind of scoreboard, bragging rights. If a game doesn’t have these things(gw2 doesnt-if you dont like dressing a barbie doll- after 80) it will only last untill “excitement of a new game” wears off.

Once you have the armour looks you want what's the point of PvP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: eladox.3457


Why is no one reading what I’ve said. I don’t really know what to say.

I play just for the fun of playing RIGHT NOW. However MONTHS DOWN THE LINE, let me say it again, MONTHS DOWN THE LINE, playing with no aim other than just to play will not be anywhere near as fun.

Jesus, I just wanna know if there is going to a ranking system other than glory in PvP.

How do you know?

I think of the PvP as I do about Counter Strike. Even after years, some people still play just because it’s fun.

I got a couple of games myself that despite having grinding and progression, I just play occasionally for fun, though I know I’m hindered by the fact I don’t spend as much time as others, so my character isn’t really “good”. But I still play because I find them fun.

This game is just like that.
Edit: The game is just like that, BUT I won’t be penalized for not spending hours and hours to get the best gear/maximum level to play with others.

No no.
People play fps because they have very high skill ceiling compared to gw2 and you have bragging rights(a scoreboard) in WvW you can’t even see your enemies armor.

Once you have the armour looks you want what's the point of PvP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Amra.6028


P.S. The people who don’t want/like rating systems are generally the people who would have terrible ratings.

I think you should ride your high horse right back to wow, sir.

Who would be against ratings if they are good players? It’s simple logic. PvP is about beating the enemy. So why do people shy away from a system that shows who is better than who.

Creating and leveling a character is about getting to know yourself, what you can do and what you cannot. If you need a number to tell you how good you are, you are not good at all. Grow up.

So why do people shy away from a system that shows who is better than who.

There is a segment of the population I like to refer to as “adults”, who do not need a digital pat on the back to provide them with a sense of self worth.

And is this your excuse for being bad?
You know competition and arms race is the basis of life and evolution itself?
Stop being funny and labeling a 4 billon year instinct as being childish.
Games are about challenges and rewards. A reward can be a new level in game, new titles, some kind of scoreboard, bragging rights. If a game doesn’t have these things(gw2 doesnt-if you dont like dressing a barbie doll- after 80) it will only last untill “excitement of a new game” wears off.

I’ll label it as “primitive” then and tell you to go wash yourself, get some manners and make it to 2012.

Once you have the armour looks you want what's the point of PvP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Stryker.9632


You miss the point of his problem

It’s not getting the carrot that matters, but the motivation the carrot inspires.
People need concrete goals to work towards, and aesthetics simply don’t cut it for most people who have had time to get what they want after 80.

So to answer your question OP, currently there is no Significant point to keep playing the game. It’s disappointing, and hopefully something will be injected into the game so players have a reason to log on.

Once you have the armour looks you want what's the point of PvP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: eladox.3457


Its not primitive, its the very fabric of life.
Thats how you progress, thats how you get your computers, iphones etc.
Thats why people should know basic science =>

Once you have the armour looks you want what's the point of PvP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: eladox.3457


They just don’t want a indicator shows how bad they are.
So they will keep missing the point on purpose.
Just don’t bother with them.

Once you have the armour looks you want what's the point of PvP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Jen Tull.5867

Jen Tull.5867

I’m going to create something imaginary you can play for, you’re not getting it until you are the best, some random matches with some other players will decide this then you can have it, the reward is an elite skill.


Using this skill the player will become happy with the profession and the game play of that profession, they will not want a fake rewards made up to keep them interested instead they will be satisfied they had some fun with some bros and ho’s.

Carrots are for donkey’s, now either we are talking with a very clever donkey or your a human and therefore are clever enough to know a carrot is a carrot and it’s not worth having.

Once you have the armour looks you want what's the point of PvP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: MorpheousXO.4968


Except a carrot is worth having because it’s fun to chase. The point of playing the game is to have fun, some people have fun chasing the carrot. Whether you are chasing the carrot or not nothing in game as real world value other than it’s entertainment. Why are you being such a kitten to someone who wants to be entertained when their entertainment doesn’t affect you?

Once you have the armour looks you want what's the point of PvP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Alex.9432


I hope they introduce a ranking system too. And I blow at PvP right now… its the right thing to do since it will help tell if people are good or not. Its not about the rank being a carrot its about being able to compare yourself to others.

Once you have the armour looks you want what's the point of PvP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Why play after you have the set you want? Here are some answers.

1. For fun (isnt that the carrot really, to have fun?).
2. To crush the enemy (thats a carrot right there, winning).
3. To get another set for another toon (you dont need to level all toons to 80)
4. Go focus on WvW (the real PvP that never gets boring)

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Once you have the armour looks you want what's the point of PvP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SiNoS.2147


So to everyone who isn’t to lazy to read a post.

Is there a ranking system in Paid Tournaments that someone could use to see who are the good players?

You could play to become one of the people reconized as a top pvper. In the original atleast in pve there were people that were one of those legendary players that anyone who actually played attention know these were some of the top players in the game. I happened to be guilded with one of them that was known for there mission running in prophecy’s. I was never into pvp but i know there were players there as well as entire guilds that most knew they werekittengood and even though they expected to lose it was an honor just to run with them. The feeling you get from that is beyond words.

Once you have the armour looks you want what's the point of PvP?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: shaidyn.4016


Its not primitive, its the very fabric of life.
Thats how you progress, thats how you get your computers, iphones etc.
Thats why people should know basic science =>

You’re comparing the process of biological, cultural, and technological evolution to the internal mechanics of a video game. They’re not the same things.

“Those who believe a thing cannot be done,
should stay out of the way of those doing it”
- Thomas Edison