One Profession to rule them all....

One Profession to rule them all....

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kaniro.7809


My life has gotten too fargin’ busy to play like I used to. In terms of getting my level 20’s up to enjoy the rest of what this game has to offer, which profession would I be better off spending my time on to enjoy everything. PvP, PvE, and WvW?

Cheers, mates.

One Profession to rule them all....

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Garrisyl.7402


Well, that depends on what you mean by “enjoying”. Warrior is the current king of classes and excels at all game modes. However, many players (including me) think they are pretty dull with their straightforward, plain skills and boring class mechanics.

Mesmer and Ele are classes that I feel are more enjoyable and fun to play, due to their more active gameplay and skillset. They are harder to master, but also way more rewarding when you do. Their class mechanic opens up for a lot of builds for all game modes.

Rangers are really only good at PvP and while leveling. Endgame PvE and WvW are doable, but you would probably be better of with another class if you want to play a little bit of everything.

Guardian is a great class that offers alot of different builds and playstyles. Their support skills make them vital and demanded for WvW, and they are also pretty decent at PvE and PvP.

I haven’t really played thief alot, but they fare best at PvP and some select parts of WvW. They also have skills that are very useful when clearing PvE content, but I don’t really see them often in Dungeons. Afaik you are also pretty much bound to one type of playstyle.

Engineer is the least played class, and IMO the most boring class to play. They are pretty mediocre at everything.

If you really want to play a little bit of everything, my recommendation is to pick one of the two heavy armor classes. If you feel you are having more fun with another class however, you should probably choose that.

One Profession to rule them all....

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Odin.1354


As mentioned above : Warrior
which I personally did not have that much trouble with to level it! Really strong, but not the most fun to play when compared to some others but if you like it, it will surely work!

I would say that my mesmer and elementalist (still leveling) are much more fun to play in general, but the leveling of a mesmer……..I would not recommend it to someone like you. But at this moment leveling my ele, and its fun!

-Gunnar’s Hold-

One Profession to rule them all....

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Equinox.4968


Use whatever class you like the best, because there’s no objective “best” other than what you prefer. If you understand a class and it makes intuitive sense to you, stick with it. If not, then try something else. There’s a playstyle for everyone, and traits only make your build even more personal as you choose them.

One Profession to rule them all....

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: LordEnki.9283


Yeah, Warrior is the current OP class. Personally I love my guardian. I find him apt at any form of game-play without having to work twice as hard for the same results that some classes have too.

One Profession to rule them all....

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: jknrich.1549


Ill tell you from a engineer perspective we are far from boring. You either dont play, can’t play it or dont know how. Im gonna be pretty biased as I play engi. We may have to work harder than others but its a hell of a lot of fun doing it. Try it, run flamethrower, bombs and elixir S. Burn stuff, blow kitten up. And stealth away.

One Profession to rule them all....

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


out of my 5 80’s I’d say my Mesmer is the most balanced and my go to character.
I will try all new content on her first, she barely has 16 000 hp but boy does she kick butt

Engineer is an absolute hoot to play- just for the sheer mayhem they can cause.
It is also a very active class and I enjoy that.

I do love my Ranger and my Necro but they do not have the badaboom factor of my Engi or the deadly elegance of my Mesmer.

Ele is a challenge I am currently trying to come to grips with

I personally do not enjoy the heavies at all- My Guardian is barely hanging on at lvl45 because she is dead boring and I can’t get a Warrior past lvl10- I don’t even have one anymore.
I find thief too spammy- don’t have one anymore either.

Really just pick the class you enjoy the most be it for whatever reason and go for it- if you have fun you will be happy

Gunnar’s Hold

One Profession to rule them all....

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Dante.8456


Guardian. Useful in every game mode. Always reliable, great survivability. Warrior may be OPed at the moment but the profession fluctuates between being OPed and getting nerfed into the ground every few months. Guardians are the most stable profession in terms of updates and are consistently one of the best in the game

Desolation EU
Guardian / WvW Enthusiast

One Profession to rule them all....

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tman.6349


“Engineer is the least played……boring to play” O.o “boring to play”!?! REALLY? Have you ever even touched an Engineer? They are one of the most fast paced, action packed, havok wrecking, versatile professions in the game, nearly rivaling the chaos induced, “wtf is this guy gonna do next?” style of the Elementalist. I have 10 80s and I main a Thief and I love face paced, aggressive play. My favorite professions are Thief, Mesmer, Engineer, and Elementalist for that very reason. They might all have steep learning curves, but they are all VERY rewarding to learn to play well. Warrior and Guardian are definitely the most ‘popular’ professions because both are very straight forward and simple to use and have inherent tools/aspects that allow for more mistakes than the other professions. This is one of the primary reasons you see so many of these two professions and they ‘seem to be good’, while the other professions require a lot of certain gaming ‘skills’ to be proficient with and to excel with. By this, I mean, situational awareness, capacity to quickly prioritize, rapid analyzing coupled with quick reflexes, developement of muscle memory (for their ‘finger breaking’ playstyle), good timing, and, most importantly, a good sense of humor/self esteem! (for being repeatedly told that your chosen profession sucks and Warrior/Guardian are better) Make no mistake about it, the build system allows for all of the professions to be built for nearly the same things, though certain ones do have a bit of a bias toward a certain game type/playstyle. There is no ‘best’ profession…there is only good or bad PLAYERS. Rest assured though, all of the professions are great in different areas of the game. Oh, and once again, HELLO no! Engineer is NOT boring! :p

One Profession to rule them all....

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: rabidsmiles.5926


My only problem with Engi is the lack of integration of the legendaries/weapons with effects into the basic kit usage. I’d love for the grenades to explode into ribbons and glitter when you have Quip…or lasers with Predator…just something to show off…since that’s the point of investing the time and money into a legendary. And the kit backpacks…but that’s a whole other story of course

I find Ele play style fascinating to watch but hard to replicate. I tend to go easy-mode and run around with a lighting hammer most of the time. Mesmer can be fun but the whole slow as molasses without runes thing bugs me. It’s fun to make a whole bunch of Me all over the place. Necro was a lot of fun to level but I am sad that hardly anyone wants them around for group work. I love my ranger for the pet…I just like have Mr. Whiskers following me around, I am never alone. I am leveling a thief to have Dreamer, the class is fun but that revealed status gets annoying fast when in PVE.

The ‘one profession’ is warrior right now…but maybe in a few patches the Devs will obsess over another profession. We can only hope!