One handed Legendary Weapons.

One handed Legendary Weapons.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Errant.4089


This is perhaps the most ridiculous thing in this game so far that I’ve experienced. My Legendary Dagger Incinerator should not require me to get 200 extra skill points (Level up 200 more times than a two-hand weapon user!). I don’t want to start flaming this forum, but this is just.. I don’t know, it ruins the game for me. Even leveling up was hard to keep my weapons up-to-date because I had to gather so many more materials than my mates using two handed weapons. Please fix the material cost for one handed weapons, a Dagger that’s a foot long should not require as much ore as a 5 foot long Greatsword.

One handed Legendary Weapons.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Faramir.3582


Sure crafting legendary require lots of various items,money,karma but skill points are very easy to get.I had almost 190(at roughly 60% map completion) before spend some to craft 2h hammer in mystic forge.Purchased almost all skills as warrior although i do not need/use some of them.Missing just several-like those 2 cute looking but useless hounds of Balthazar.Most probably till hit 100 % map completion will have enough for 2 legendary weapons not i have intention to make one for now.

One handed Legendary Weapons.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Errant.4089


The entire point of this post was to raise the question: Why do one handed weapons require the same amount of materials as a two handed weapon. Why does a 1 foot long Dagger require as much ore as a 5 foot long greatsword.

The point of the post was not how readily available these points (or materials) were to get.

One handed Legendary Weapons.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Garrix.7036


because you don’t need a matching pair.

One handed Legendary Weapons.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Errant.4089


Why WOULDN’T you want a matching pair of Legendary weapons? Regardless; This isn’t just for daggers, this goes for ALL one handed Legendary weapons, from swords to pistols, the material cost should not be the same for one handed weapons as for two.

One handed Legendary Weapons.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ulquiorra.6903


i agree with this…..however idk if it will ever get changed. best of luck though

One handed Legendary Weapons.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Errant.4089


It’s frustrating for sure, Ulquiorra. I don’t enjoy coming to these forums to whine about flaws in this game, but this is a huge flaw in the game.

One handed Legendary Weapons.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Garrix.7036


its an entirely optional item type, and dual wielded weapons generally have many more uses than 2h. I don’t think it needs to be changed, since it’s not something you need. you get two exploration tokens for a reason.

One handed Legendary Weapons.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Errant.4089


Once again referring to the topic of this post: Why am I required to farm twice as much for a single weapon set than a 2 handed weapon. That’s the entire point, and while this topic originally started off about Legendary requirements, ALL single hand weapons require the same amount of materials as 2 hand weapons. It’s not BALANCED. Garrix, it’s optional, that’s for sure, but that’s not an excuse to make it unbalanced.