One last Labryinth Zerg

One last Labryinth Zerg

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: courin.2314


SBI is going to be doing one last zerg run through the Labyrinth, as it’s believed this content will be going away with the patch tomorrow.

If you know anyone who still needs achievements in the Labyrinth, pls let them know that we will be forming up on SBI tonight (Nov 11) at around 6:00 pm server time. You can contact me ingame for more info if needed.

We’re hoping to get enough folks to finish all the champs for those that need them, and we look forward to seeing you there!

One last Labryinth Zerg

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: courin.2314


Thanks to all who came out! We got several players the Labyrinthine Horror and the Viscount, and several small groups were successful in taking down the lich. Was great to see so many people come together to help others out.