One more shot, then I'm gone.

One more shot, then I'm gone.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Majora.6028


I’m giving this one last shot, if nothing comes of this, I’ll either take a long break from GW2 or just move on to something else.

I don’t know what class to play. It’s driving me insane. I’ve done each of the starting zones more times than I care to think about. I’ve tried most classes to a decent level. Only ones I stopped playing at a low level were Mesmer and Engie.

I’ve got a level 80 ranger. but I’ve got some issues with it that make me just flat out not want to play it.

Level 6x Guardian. I just really don’t like this class. It seems, despite this game not supporting “holy trinity” and giving every class the aility to fill any role, that this class is tank. Pure and simple, I’ve tried so many builds and there just isn’t a good DPS build. It’s all tank and bunker. I’m a solo player, I don’t want to “outlast” and enemy. Then it takes far too long for me to do anything worth while.

Level 5x Warrior. I feel extremely squishy. I tried to go to help some friends with an event, and a monster 3 levels below me kept hitting me for half my health. This was a normal mob, nothing fancy or super powered, and it did this. I’m fine if I’m in a group of 1 or 2, but god forbid I get any more on me or I’m done for.

Elementalist, I just can’t do the element swapping. It’s 100% not my play style and I hate that you MUST swap.

Necro, I’m really not sure what I don’t like about it. I may try one out again. I think my biggest issue was the minions being glitched.

One more shot, then I'm gone.

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Posted by: EndlessDreamer.6780


Ok, so:

Ranger: What issues?
Guardian: Try a condition build. I have a friend who soloes on a fire based condition build and can kill things faster than me.
Warrior: Did you try toughness/vitality related stat builds?

Have you tried Thief yet as well? I didn’t see you mentioning that.

Though what exactly are you hoping for in response to this thread?

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Posted by: Truefaith.2039


I don’t quite understand what you’re complaining about really.. Unless this is just a pity post, in which case why post it? If a monster is 1-2 shotting your warrior, there is something very, very wrong with how you’re playing then. Are you not dodging? Are you eatting AoEs? Have you not looked at how the hate list is (mind you very slightly) controlled by both class priority and armor type?

Hatchback Delorean (80 Asuran Warrior)/ Aegis Wolfsblood (80 Charr Guardian)/ Dërp (80 Human Mesmer)

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Posted by: Toxyn.9608


If your warrior is taking hits for half his health by mobs at a lower level than you are, it is not the fault of the profession. Warriors have the tankiest armor class and the highest base health pool ingame.

Are you using gear at your level?
Does your gear have upgrades applied?
Are you creating synergy between your traits and skills?
Are you using defensive skills when needed?
Are you dodging telegraphed attacks? (visual cues)
Have you tried using gear with Vitality or Toughness on it?

No trinity in this game, so the #1 goal is survival. After you can survive, then build for damage.

“The fatal flaw in every plan is the assumption that you know more than your enemy.”

Antonius Duarte – Elementalist – Kaineng

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Posted by: PrinceCola.5620


Ahaha, i have the exact same problem…i make new characters all the time lol. Can never decide.

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Posted by: Curuniel.4830


If squishiness with your warrior is your main/only problem, that’s something you should be able to work with. Don’t rely on your heavy armour to make you tougher automatically (this can be especially deceptive because the only other heavy is guardian, and they have so many passive buffs to help them survive). As has been said, dodging is your friend – heavy armour or no. Warriors have support stuff and it’s worth using, even if only to pile bonuses on yourself and stack the odds in your favour. Take a look at the traits available to you, and see if you can find some things to focus on there.

Sounds like giving the necro another try is a good idea, and don’t forget that minions aren’t necessarily integral to the class. Overall though, it sounds like you’ve had the unfortunate situation of nothing being good enough for your expectations. I hope you find something that satisfies, and that you can get some effectiveness out of. Just remember to take a good look at all your options, and know what kind of build you’re working toward, no matter what the class.

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Posted by: GrandmaFunk.3052


Guardian feels too “tank” and you don’t want to “outlast” enemies…. but the warrior is too squishy?

I think the reason you can’t find a class that’s a good match is that you’re looking for a god class, something that will let you build a character with zero downsides and all the best stats.

this isn’t the game for you.

GamersWithJobs [GWJ]
Northern Shiverpeaks

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Posted by: Slalom.3174


Good luck finding what you are looking for.

Necro does NOT have to use minions, Your statement that you don’t like minions might indicate that you have not researched the game and class options.

All the other posters gave good information (imo).
So, keep looking either in GW2 or elsewhere.
Again, Good Luck.

“Please accept my text in the jovial, friendly manner that it is intended.”

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Posted by: Kurow.6973


I’m giving this one last shot, if nothing comes of this, I’ll either take a long break from GW2 or just move on to something else.

I don’t know what class to play. It’s driving me insane. I’ve done each of the starting zones more times than I care to think about. I’ve tried most classes to a decent level. Only ones I stopped playing at a low level were Mesmer and Engie.

I’ve got a level 80 ranger. but I’ve got some issues with it that make me just flat out not want to play it.

Level 6x Guardian. I just really don’t like this class. It seems, despite this game not supporting “holy trinity” and giving every class the aility to fill any role, that this class is tank. Pure and simple, I’ve tried so many builds and there just isn’t a good DPS build. It’s all tank and bunker. I’m a solo player, I don’t want to “outlast” and enemy. Then it takes far too long for me to do anything worth while.

Level 5x Warrior. I feel extremely squishy. I tried to go to help some friends with an event, and a monster 3 levels below me kept hitting me for half my health. This was a normal mob, nothing fancy or super powered, and it did this. I’m fine if I’m in a group of 1 or 2, but god forbid I get any more on me or I’m done for.

Elementalist, I just can’t do the element swapping. It’s 100% not my play style and I hate that you MUST swap.

Necro, I’m really not sure what I don’t like about it. I may try one out again. I think my biggest issue was the minions being glitched.

Lol…contrary to popular beliefs, I can assure you Guardians do a ridiculous amount of damage if played right. If you choose to play a tank and support, that is your own choice.

Warriors are ridiculously OP in PvE, and in PvP, unless you’re against an extremely heavy condition build like necros.

Eles are the MOST OP class in the game. Hands down. Your short comings here is not the game’s problem.

You say you understand that the game isn’t supposed to be holy trinity, yet you’re trying to play it like one. I am getting the feeling that you’re far too accustomed to holy trinity to try shake your bad habits.

One more shot, then I'm gone.

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Posted by: Drunken Mad King.8193

Drunken Mad King.8193

I can only say that you have to play a profession to 80 and work the traits and the weapons to really get a feel for what it can do.

I can only state that the problem most people have is that they stand in one place and fight. This is very much a problem ingrained by so many games. It’s hack and slash mentality. In this game you should be moving and weapon switching. Finding synergy with weapons for your game style is what really fleshes a game out. Sometimes that is the saving grace. Try weapons and how they interact. Sometimes I found I didn’t like a profession until I found a weapon synergy.

When an ogre does a big windup the last thing you want to do is simply stand there. Blind them, interrupt them, or dodge. It’s a more interactive battle.

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Posted by: Blacklight.2871


You really should re-examine what you’re doing with your Warrior if you’re taking that kind of a beating. They’re by far, the most overpowered profession in the game. My guess is you haven’t upgraded your armor since — well, since you completed your tutorial mission. Get your gear up to scratch and you should be facerolling mobs in the manner that ANet intended for that profession.

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Posted by: Korsbaek.9803


i dont understand why people are saying that worriers are the most op tho as what class is the most op is not the disucsion then lets leave it at that.

you said that a gurdian is a tank and that is true it can be that tho you can also make guardian builds that dont go down very easy and still hold a damage thats insane its all about the build, and many times this game is not a stand there and lash out damage, you need to dodge, swap weapons, kite and so on,

are you sure the problem for you is that there is no trinaty so there is none to tank for you so you can just stand around doing damage?

Commander Korsbaek lvl 80 Guardian
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele

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Posted by: Jenvo.3578


For your guardian, you may want to check out the Guardian 101 – A Beginner’s Text guide:

It’s a good read, albeit a little long but you can skip through most parts of it as it might not all be news to you as far as what the conditions are boons are and such. However I can almost guarantee that you will enjoy playing a Guardian more after reading the guide in-depth as it explains all aspects of the Guardian, how they work, what they can do, even suggests good ways to set up traits for your playstyle and interesting synergies of traits/weapons to use for good results.

I found the class to be particularly interesting as there is a pretty good range of weaponry to use, and it’s all technically very viable for use in different situations. He even suggests carrying a good copy of each weapon so you can switch up your game on the fly.

If the Guardian is still not for you, I would suggest trying out the thief as well if you haven’t already.

At the very least I would suggest doing more research on any of the classes you consider playing or picking back up. Often times you will end up learning something about your class that causes you to change up your playstyle for the better and you will have a much more enjoyable experience.

One a side note, if you often feel a bit overwhelmed trying to play a class (the elementalist has to be the epitome of this) you may want to consider changing up your controls a bit. I recently simplified my controls for minimal effort button presses and quick targeting/dodging and I noticed a huge difference in my overall game experience. It’s much more fun to have good controls that you don’t have to think about rather than trying to stretch over and hit 0 for your elite, for example.

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Posted by: Leohart.4610


You could watch this 6 minute video someone else posted:

Or go to this page:

Hope you’re still into the game. I had the same problem you had where I couldn’t choose a profession until the beginning of February I believe, and I had the game since the 3 day headstart. It really is extremely frustrating. For me, I went to pvp first and stayed there until rank 40, which is a really far way into pvp but it really helped me choose what class. At the beginning, I told myself I would only choose the soldier classes (guardians and warriors) and never even bother with the others, which really limited my options and gated me from being able to see the potential of the other classes. In the end, I ended up with the thief, a class who I found was absolutely boring and dull but turns out, this class is amazing and despite the hate from certain people out there, I managed to recently get it to level 80.

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Posted by: Thorin.9624


Majora, I play a Guardian and would not mind showing you my build. This toon is a level 80 and I completed the story line, most of the map completion and have been running Orr with her with very little difficulty. The guardian is not going to put out the pure dps of certain other classes unless it is glass cannon built. But if balanced right the guardian still puts out a respectable damage and has a much better survivability rate. If you are soloing you really want to be able to take some damage because no matter how good you are, you are going to occasionally get smacked, no way around it. Hit me up in game if you would like when you see me on.

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Posted by: Saulius.8430


game starts at lvl80. you are wrong. and i hate you. (main mesmer)

kill all ze thingz

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Posted by: DrixTrix.7168


while your post is fine (imo) and i have had alt-aholic syndrome before too (though mainly in TES series) i know how you feel but,
Lets try this from another perspective;

what play style do YOU enjoy?

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Posted by: One Prarie Outpost.4860

One Prarie Outpost.4860

Perhaps you need to spend a bit more time to open up your skill options on a class before you dump it.
Level 5, level 6… really? smh…

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Posted by: Jornophelanthas.1475


Perhaps you need to spend a bit more time to open up your skill options on a class before you dump it.
Level 5, level 6… really? smh…

When Majora says “level 6x guardian” or “level 5x warrior”, I am assuming that is shorthand for “level sixty-something guardian” or “level fifty-something warrior”.