One thing I miss from WoW....LFG

One thing I miss from WoW....LFG

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zeph.5740


I absolutely love this game. I cancelled my pandaria pre-order for it and I haven’t regretted it at all.

The only issue that I dont like is that there is no way to queue for dungeons. To do one, you have to stand outside of the instance and hope you find a group spamming in trade.

Considering that composition isn’t as important when compared to other MMOs, I think it would be easy to put a tool together that would simply choose 5 people out of the queue and assemble them for the dungeon of their choice.

Anyone know if anything like this is planned for the future?

One thing I miss from WoW....LFG

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Rpgtabbycat.5869


Oh God no, I don’t miss LFG at all or LFR either. I love the community just as it is and I’m happy with the way people are grouping up so far.

One thing I miss from WoW....LFG

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Deified.7520


Join a guild. The dungeons, all of them, are meant to be for non casual players. Hence the difficulty. They also to promote this by giving guild members who do dungeons together more influence.

One thing I miss from WoW....LFG

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: gobberpooper.8165


LFG was in GW1 too, it’s not just a WoW thing. I’m surprised they didn’t get rid of all the LFGs in the chat by doing a server-wide dungeon LFG. I see people all around looking fr groups in dungeons and it really clutters up the chat, which is why the Trading Post is so wonderful for organizing, facilitating and cleaning up chat spam.

One thing I miss from WoW....LFG

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Damaskinos.7150


umm,,,…….. can’t you just use the “looking for Party” option for dungeons as well? Haven’t tried it yet myself but it would make sense that it works for dungeons as well

Assisting other players, one Google search at a time. :)
Sorrows Furnace — Damaskinos.7150
Super Taco Squad / The Elder Night

One thing I miss from WoW....LFG

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: NoFate.3786


Well may be I want to do some quests with group or something. it’s mmo, mmo meant to be played with other people, so handy LFG interface is must have. In Aion there is LFG interface and it is very simple and handy, and alot of groups that are not kittened are being recruited through LFG interface.
Now if you are going to do some instance – you have to stop all your quests and port to map where instance is and shout there for members, not too handy, i don’t like sitting on one spot and shouting for members when you actually can recruit and do your own stuff at the same time.
And if you think that all people have to be in guild – you are wrong, I’m not fan of randomly made guilds that will disband in half of year. If i will join guild – it will be certainly not to pve in instances and pick flowers together.
And also about being to lazy to form groups – not everyone can organize something well, some people just can not manage other people to do something. Other example is when you never done the instance before and you have no idea what to do or where to go – it will be kinda ignorant to recruit other people and lead them in to unorganized chaos and screw them. If you are going to lead group – you have to be certain with strategy and know the fight.
PS funny profanity filter changed well known slang word that means weak or weakened to kittened

One thing I miss from WoW....LFG

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Reeddog.9132


One word for you… NO. That is all.

One thing I miss from WoW....LFG

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Fugly.5287


LFG player status, and an interface to locate other players in current or other zones which are seeking a party is okay. An automatic matchmaking system is absolutely not okay.

The dungeon finder tool ruined world of warcraft. It accomplishes the exact opposite of what makes MMORPGs such a great genre.

One thing I miss from WoW....LFG

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Posted by: Satakal.6971


The PvE part of GW2 went straight to the opposite of GW1 to NOT being a 3D lobby game, as much as i love GW1, I’d hate to see all that effort go to waste.

One thing I miss from WoW....LFG

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Fay.2735


LFG type mechanics generally sticks you with the worst kind of people and there’s nothing you can do about it. Where as in a guild you know what people are like and if you act badly there are consequences.

If you aren’t interested in joining a guild (which seems odd seeing as this is a MMO). You can ask at the dungeon entrance (a lot of people do) you can tell from the way they ask for groups what they are generally like. Then if someone did really well in your group you can add them to your contact list and whisper them for future dungeon grouping.

The way it is now is perfect because people will have to do their best and behave maturely or nobody invites them to parties again and they will get a bad name. It builds a better community where being respectful is rewarded and encouraged. LFG allows people to get away with anything especially if it’s game wide. It breeds immature selfish and trolling behaviour.

This is a MMO, Socialise, make contacts, join a guild. That’s what they are there for. It’s easy to find groups when you are in a decent size guild.

•— Fay Everdunes | Fay Erduna | Lilyfay (Fay.2735) — Mesmer/Revenant — [NA]FA — 8k±Hrs Played —•
Have you heard of the city? The ancient uru? Where there was power to write worlds

One thing I miss from WoW....LFG

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Vexus.5423


I love LFG because in WvW I can see enemies who are, which means they are alone, and a free badge

One thing I miss from WoW....LFG

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kal.2376


I would not mind some kind of tool that assist groups. I would not like a tool like WoW has, there is no need for autogrouping/teleporting and all that unneccesary stuff.

Just a place where we can see what groups are forming up, and we can list ourselves as looking for a group. Then we can talk to interested people. and get together to do a dungeon.

Spamming chat is really the wrong tool to look for a group. If no one is interested in running that dungeon, then you are basically spamming. Just sending a message over and over that no one is interested in. It wastes your time. and generate spam.

So we do need some kind of grouping tool. Not the WoW grouping tool, but something to help us find people who are also interested in X or Y dungeon.

One thing I miss from WoW....LFG

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nottix.7864


Not the WoW LFG system. But there should at least be a channel that is server only, that people can all join and post getting groups together. Not sure if it’s possible in this game or not, but players should be allowed to create their own chat channels. Or if not create chat channels. Sync all the capitals and Lions Arch to the same /m. It will make finding players for dungeons a lot easy seeing how this game is so easy for people to be spread out in zones.

One thing I miss from WoW....LFG

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: shaidyn.4016


The LFG tool was the nail in the coffin of wow’s community. There was no requirement to get into the group, and no accountability if you screwed people over.

This is an MMO. Learn to talk to people. Be social. Be friendly. If someone is such akittenthat they can’t find dungeon groups, I wouldn’t want them in any group LFG put together anyway.

“Those who believe a thing cannot be done,
should stay out of the way of those doing it”
- Thomas Edison

One thing I miss from WoW....LFG

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: dora.9610


Sorry peeps but in my opinion an automated group system is a must in modern games. We remove the fog of war, we remove the need to explore, we remove the need to find anything at all, we have autojoin PvP; so with all these ease and lack of thinking in this and all recent games, why would they not use an automated LFG system for dungeons?

Some people love it, some people hate it but I personally don’t agree that it killed any game out there. What “killed” the community in MMORPGs is the complete lack of discovery and adventure, its all me and me and self gratification now.

One thing I miss from WoW....LFG

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: talamoth.9674


Missing a feature like LFG or LFR in Guildwars 2 just screams to the community that you want groups but are too lazy to form them yourself. Please keep trash ideas like the aforementioned out of the GW2 forums.

Wow. Trash? Seriously? The last I knew, all players were free to express their opinions, wishes, ideas, etc. in this open community. What rock did you crawl out from under or were you just born nasty?

One thing I miss from WoW....LFG

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: talamoth.9674


Adding a LFG tool to the game does not stop players who prefer to create their own group from doing so. After all, no one would be forced to use it. No one was forced to use it in WoW either. My WoW guild grouped together a lot, in the days when I was still playing, so no need for the dungeon finder. However, on those days when there weren’t many guildies online and I wanted rewards, there was always the option to use the tool if I chose to do so.

Some people like it, others hate it. But the tool, in and of itself, is optional. I wouldn’t required people to use it.

One thing I miss from WoW....LFG

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nemo.6295


I’d like a tool like that TBH. It smoothens things out for everyone. Now I know there’s the usual dumb hate that comes with any suggestion from WoW but things that make the game easier is worth it. And before the “hardcores” start barking at me, by easy I mean from a social perspective. Finding a group does not make the dungeon any easier, it just makes it more accesible.

One thing I miss from WoW....LFG

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: daemonlama.5413


An autogrouping, instaport lfg is not needed. Let this game be its own game. And no matter how much some want to deny that WoW’s LFG ruined community, it in fact played a HUGE part in doing just that.

I do not mind a channel or a Search for Group window, but simpley NO to anything remotely close to what WoW did. I am not trying to be rude, but it really does get tiresome to go to games only to have a certain group of people demand WoW features. WoW has those features, by all means go play it. But don’t try to change every game into a version of that game.

Learn to befriend people you encounter while you play, join a guild, play the game yourself.

One thing I miss from WoW....LFG

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: talamoth.9674


An autogrouping, instaport lfg is not needed. Let this game be its own game. And no matter how much some want to deny that WoW’s LFG ruined community, it in fact played a HUGE part in doing just that.

I do not mind a channel or a Search for Group window, but simpley NO to anything remotely close to what WoW did. I am not trying to be rude, but it really does get tiresome to go to games only to have a certain group of people demand WoW features. WoW has those features, by all means go play it. But don’t try to change every game into a version of that game.

Learn to befriend people you encounter while you play, join a guild, play the game yourself.

I disagree. I played WoW for 5 years and never found that the LFG feature ruined the game for me or any of my friends. Everyone has a different experience and not all see it or experience it like you do.

Also, some people are socially inhibited or shy – so while it might be easy for you to befriend people, join a guild, etc., some people have a hard time with that. A good game has something for everyone. I personally don’t care whether they add a LFG feature to the game or not. I’m not forced to use it so it would be my choice whether to have that ruin my experience or not.

I don’t understand why people speak about the LFG feature is if they are forced to use it and, thus, ruin the game for themselves. It’s an individual choice. If you are grouping with friends and guild mates – great. What harm can LFG do to your game experience if you ignore it?

One thing I miss from WoW....LFG

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Teracide.5137


I sure don’t miss it. LFG was largely detrimental to the health of the community in the game. Anonymity brings out the worst behavior in people.

If you want to run a dungeon, why not just grab a few buddies or guildies? I’m sure you won’t have much trouble at all finding people to run with you for a while. (Especially if you’re fun to run with.)

One thing I miss from WoW....LFG

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Teracide.5137


Adding a LFG tool to the game does not stop players who prefer to create their own group from doing so. After all, no one would be forced to use it. No one was forced to use it in WoW either. My WoW guild grouped together a lot, in the days when I was still playing, so no need for the dungeon finder. However, on those days when there weren’t many guildies online and I wanted rewards, there was always the option to use the tool if I chose to do so.

Some people like it, others hate it. But the tool, in and of itself, is optional. I wouldn’t required people to use it.

Of course no one is “forced to”, but people are going to make use of the most convenient methods. If an LFG system was implemented, forming groups manually would be seen as the obsolete method of grouping.

Path of least resistance and whatnot…

One thing I miss from WoW....LFG

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: dora.9610


What I really don’t understand is why people are not using the same arguement for PvP (I haven’t looked at this yet) or world events.

So it is ok for people to run around, join the event that you and your buddies have been doing without a word or anything but that exact same behaviour is not acceptable for Dungeon groups?

Someone explain to my why this isn’t a double standard and then maybe I will be able to partially comprehend how an automated LFG system would harm the community.

One thing I miss from WoW....LFG

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: JemL.3501


could not be a lfg system, but a party matching system, just a box which you make a room ‘’lf 4 people to do arah explorer mode’’ in the tittle, and people open the box and if see it enter to that room lobby so you invite them.

I took an arrow to the knee

One thing I miss from WoW....LFG

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kokoro.9234


LFG ruined the “world” aspect of World of Warcraft. All people did/do is sit in Stormwind or Orgrimmar and queue for dungeons. There’s no point in the world even existing because it’s barren. You generally don’t even interact with the people in your random group, and if you don’t like someone you just vote to kick them; where is the sense of community in that? It’s a stupid idea, I’m glad it was left out.

One thing I miss from WoW....LFG

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Reevax.2510


It’s funny we had this exact same debate in swtor and guess what side won?

The bottom line is people who oppose a LFG tool of sorts just have this irrational hatred for WoW. They will oppose anything that Wow had.

The whole community issue is invalid since we can already randomly run around and join events, it’s even more random then a LFG tool would be.

Sitting in cities waiting for the LFG to pop was because of the LFG? Are you sure we did not sit around the city in wow because there was in fact nothing to do outside of the city ?

We do need a LFG in this game, they can add any sort of gw2 flare they want to make it unique.

One thing I miss from WoW....LFG

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: nysta.6713


It’s funny we had this exact same debate in swtor and guess what side won?

anyone still playing swtor?

the rabid love for gw2 comes from the fact it’s NOT wow…

One thing I miss from WoW....LFG

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: moiraine.2753


LFG killed WoW community.If such system is put in GW2 it MUST be only for server specific and NOT cross realms!Never!

TxS – Tequatl Slayer Alliance (EU)

One thing I miss from WoW....LFG

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Pondrow.2041


Missing a feature like LFG or LFR in Guildwars 2 just screams to the community that you want groups but are too lazy to form them yourself. Please keep trash ideas like the aforementioned out of the GW2 forums.

People like you are the reason I quit playing WOW, not LFG. Maybe you should keep your trash opinions out of the GW2 forums.

One thing I miss from WoW....LFG

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mato.1345


The dungeon finder tool ruined world of warcraft. It accomplishes the exact opposite of what makes MMORPGs such a great genre.

In every game people keep saying how LFG ruined the game, yet none of those people can prove how it ruined it, not one.

One thing I miss from WoW....LFG

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Potent.2369


Some people’s opinions on the matter of LFG are so unsavory that they are painful to read. The difference between finding a pickup group for a 5 man in chat, and queueing for one, is simply a matter of time. Nobody wants to be bored while playing a game, and this mechanic cuts out the boring activity of looking for a group. I can scarcely believe that someone has been derided for being ‘lazy’ for wanting this feature – this makes GW2 sound like a job rather than a game, which seems to me like something the developers have taken huge steps to avoid.

People need to get it into their heads that WoW did not fail because of the introduction of the optional LFG system. It failed because the only decent content it could offer was raiding, and mmo’s should be about far more than that. I (and I believe many others) would welcome a LFG system, as when I find time to play this game, I don’t want to spend it trying to organise my fun – I expect it to be there for me to enjoy.

One thing I miss from WoW....LFG

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Pondrow.2041


LFG didn’t do this, people sat around inside the city doing nothing LOOOONG before LFG existed. In fact, the reason people would sit around in the city before LFG is because they were trying to for a group because you couldn’t do it while running around out in the world. Also, just because you are in a guild does not mean that there will be people on who want to do the dungeons that you want to do. This is a problem in most MMOs. Wow was a huge success for many good reasons and anyone who opposes ideas just because they were in WOW are idiots. While I no longer play WOW and am having a lot of fun it GW2, there are still many things WOW did/does better than GW2.

LFG ruined the “world” aspect of World of Warcraft. All people did/do is sit in Stormwind or Orgrimmar and queue for dungeons. There’s no point in the world even existing because it’s barren. You generally don’t even interact with the people in your random group, and if you don’t like someone you just vote to kick them; where is the sense of community in that? It’s a stupid idea, I’m glad it was left out.

One thing I miss from WoW....LFG

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: daemonlama.5413


Wow Pondrow, with your calling peoples opinions trash and then calling them idiots…

I played WoW, and altough LFG is not the sole reason for a horrid community, it played a big part in its downfall. It is basicly a domino effect that leads to people treating others poorly, lack of basic communication skills.

I have to say, I have never seen any other mmo community go into other games and go on about bringing in their “home” games features into other games in such a way as a percentage of the WoW community has. And do so, in a lot of cases, with such aggression or insistance. You prove that point with your posts.

I have played many mmo’s with EQ2 being my main game, and not once have I ever felt the need to try to get any other game to use features found in other games. No matter how much I may have enjoyed a feature. I understood the fact that each game is different and may do things differently. I appreciate and respect the devs vision. And if the differing of features was so great I felt I didn’t enjoy the game, I would either learn to live with it or move on. Something some WoW players need to try and learn and do.

(edited by daemonlama.5413)

One thing I miss from WoW....LFG

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mystic Beaver.4795

Mystic Beaver.4795

LFG didn’t kill WoW community, it was a big part of it though.

I remember the days, where people would talk in general chat trying to form groups for Zul’Farrak or something in WoW, most of the time by the end of that instance those people would be friends, since the instances were challenging, fun, and lasted a good 2-4+ hours.

Heck, i am still good friends with people i met in WoW from about 6 years ago, i know them better than some real life friends, and i met them just from asking to join a group for Maraudon while questing in Tanaris.

Actually it was incredibly easy to make friends in WoW back then, but then the game began catering to casual players (which was not a bad thing, but they removed essentially all challenge from the game), followed by LFG. LFG was great at first, people talked, did the instance, and went on their way.

But after about a month… people no longer cared about the randoms in their group. They would not care how they treated them as they will simply never see that player again once the instance was over, eventually people just stopped talking to each other all together, these days in WoW it’s honestly incredibly, incredibly rare to even have somebody say something as simple as “Hello” in an instance group.

And what is the point of saying ‘Hello’ in WoW anymore? You’ll never see these people again, and the content is so easy there is no coordination needed, so why bother? I’d really hate for that to happen to GW2.

Maybe if it was server only, to just make finding groups a little easier? (Which isn’t actually as hard as you guys make it sound…)

My beaver is mystic.

(edited by Mystic Beaver.4795)

One thing I miss from WoW....LFG

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: bravemoon.8053


here’s the thing..

for most of GW2, you dont need a group finder. the content scales accordingly, and you dont get penalized for assisting other players.

however, for dungeon content, you most certainly need to form a group.. and right now, to do that you need to either join a guild or sit in chat until a group forms..

i shouldnt have to join a guild just to see a dungeon. also, why should my guildmates be required to group up with me every time i want to do a dungeon. right.. they shouldnt.

so what is the alternative? well, at the moment its go to the dungeon entrance and sit around waiting for a group to form. yeah, that sounds fun :/

i understand getting a group may not take as long as a traditional trinity MMO.. but im still sitting around looking at a chat window until the group is ready… again, how is that fun?

why not have a system in place that allows you to continue playing other content while you are looking for a group. how does that ‘ruin the community’?

here’s a hint.. IT DOESNT

just my 2 cents.

One thing I miss from WoW....LFG

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Almoryk Kane.6085

Almoryk Kane.6085

In case you missed this in your Contacts option which should be “Y” there is a looking for group option that puts a little member icon with a magnifine glass over your head. So if you see people running around with that wondering what that is, yhea thats what it is.

One thing I miss from WoW....LFG

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ari Kagura.9182

Ari Kagura.9182

I can see the argument of having and not having an LFG and I respect both sides. Personally, I’d rather not stand in front of the dungeon and spam /map or /say chat in an attempt to look for a group. I’d rather spend some of that quality time waiting by doing other things while my time comes to be sent to do my dungeon thing. If you have ever been in a semi-hardcore raiding guild, or just any organized raiding guild, then you’ll often be told to stop what you’re doing and join in on the raid, often because you signed up for it and committed your time to the event (or your raid leader is /gkick happy psycho, which I would feel bad for you if it’s the latter). The same concept could apply to the LFG, except it’s more automatic and could take time based on your chosen role (though in GW2’s case, you just need 5 competent people who know how to utilize their traits and abilities to the fullest as opposed to a 3 DPS, a Tank, and a Healer).

Yes, I do have a guild but sometimes, I may not always be on at the same time that my guild runs something so either I end up pugging content or just doing something else.

Alright, it would be nice to have more options than just flagging yourself for LFG. For example, putting in some kind of description or clicking some kind of check box of what the purpose of the group is. In this state, when I put myself on LFG, it could be for practically ‘anything’ not just for dungeons but for farming groups, chilling groups, or just grouping for the sake of grouping. If anything, I think the current LFG system could use a bit more refinement. It doesn’t have to be automatic like the queue systems in WoW and other MMOs, but at least a bit more intuitive and robust than the current form, perhaps tack on a few options like restrict party members to those from your World only, or avoid duplicate professions from signing up to your party. I’m sure there could be a lot of different ideas that not only makes grouping easier, but still encourages some form of communication amongst party members.

“I control my fate!” — Claire Farron
I am Fleeting Flash, in-game dungeon cosplayer of Reddit Refugees [RR] .

One thing I miss from WoW....LFG

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Adiyen.3582


I do not much care for the LFR tool in WoW but the LFG tool is nice. And, dont you think you were a bit hasty cancelling your MoP order? I’ve played the beta it is not the stinking pile of garbage Cataclysm is.

One thing I miss from WoW....LFG

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: elsbeth.3567


Ah, the great LFG tool wars. As context, a lot of the antipathy toward WoW’s tool comes from WoW being a game with dedicated roles that inexperienced or lazy players could screw up. GW2 is a very different game that equalizes the classes while demanding higher skills from every player. Let’s also remember that WoW needed that feature because so few people were running its older dungeons. As for the rest… It is quite possible to form a group without a tool. But to argue that a state fair style line of people standing outside a dungeon spamming chat and wearing an LFG flag to find a group is somehow more pure, more social and more community-minded than an LFG tool is unconvincing. They are both awkward and artificial, so the only question is personal preference and plain old efficiency. I say the more options for people to play with other people, the better.

One thing I miss from WoW....LFG

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nekroseth.5186


No. Why?

1, A LFG will make players lfg and run instances a lot, taking te players aways from the world map.

2,Dungeons are not seriously part of the “progress” here like in wow, you dont need to “dungeonrun” 20 times a day. You can find players for that 1-2 times a day quite easy.

3,Even if you do make 4-5 dungeon runs a day, when you hit higher lv and make runs for armor pieces, all you need is a global LFG chat, not a whole option. Exspecially since any class is good for dungeon. You dont need trinity.

4, A faceless LFG option destroys the party. When you just click and get inside next with 5 random ppl, its easy to start insulting and hating, since you can rejoin anytime.
Instead, when you have to look for palyers, and make them come, you think twice before starting to hate, the player you convinced yourself to come. I like this thinking, becosue it gets the players friendly, as they should be since its all abaut palying togather as a team. Since it a MMO rpg

I didnt made these up, those are mostly the thouts behind the development of the game. I also heart a lot of these alredy before betas even existed.
So i really hope these anwser your question. (besides i also woul like to se a lfg chat witch is global atleast., trough i didnt give it in depth thout yet, how it would impact the game)

One thing I miss from WoW....LFG

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ari Kagura.9182

Ari Kagura.9182


1) Not if there is a cooldown on the LFG matchmaker. In most MMOs, there’s generally a cooldown before running the same dungeon (or just any dungeon for that matter) after the previous one has been completed. This can range between a few hours to a whole day; however, you could still group up the traditional way regardless of time remaining on cooldown. Although, in subscription-based MMOs, that sort of cooldown is placed so that you get suckered into playing more and keeping you subscribed for more time to obtain your gear. However, in GW2’s case, I suppose the anti-farming code from GW1 could kick in if you run the very same dungeon (and even same exploreable path) over and over again.

2) It’s easier to find “a group” in GW2 because there are not dedicated tank or healer roles. “A good group” however can be tricky to find.

3) I agree with this part.

4) Not necessarily, especially when there are measures in place that would discourage rage-quitters, and tools that allow those to vote that d-bag out of the party and replace that one with someone with a bit more patience. If I recall from WoW, if you leave a party early or get voted off the party, you’ll get a Deserter debuff that prevents you from using the LFG tool for X amount of minutes. I know TERA is like that as well and maybe a few others. I think if the debuff is high enough, I think that player would think twice before deserting or just being a general hater. Of course, there should be ways of minimizing that vote-kick feature from abuse, such as a cooldown or even a threat of suspension.

LFG Chat would make sense, provided that it’s used for what’s intended for. My experience, however, is that it ends up turning into a general off-topic chat channel after a while. In that case, a GM could moderate the channel when it comes time.

“I control my fate!” — Claire Farron
I am Fleeting Flash, in-game dungeon cosplayer of Reddit Refugees [RR] .

One thing I miss from WoW....LFG

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Alex.7408


This game not having LFG feature is one of the great benefits. Searching for people on your own realm builds up a stronger community. I might be hated for using the following example, but look at World of Warcraft. At first when it launched, the community was strong, and there were less annoying whiners, etc. Because everything was on same realm, being an annoyingkittenwouldn’t do you anything good. People would stop inviting you to groups, battlegrounds(they were realm only way back).

But now these days it’s all cross-realm, and the community is shattered. Why even bother leaving the world when you can just camp in the City? I am glad GW2 is centered about exploring the world around you, finding your fellow realm members and grouping up with them to take down some dungeons. I hope ANet keeps it this way, and doesn’t falls down to implementing it.

One thing I miss from WoW....LFG

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ari Kagura.9182

Ari Kagura.9182

I’m going to re-iterate something because I think a lot of people may have assumed this, but a proposed LFG tool doesn’t have to be cross-world like the Trading Post. In fact, I’m sure an option could be implemented to only accept those who are from your own home world, or from select worlds where your friends or guildmates reside. Heck! Maybe even make the default option for that enabled so that a world-based community continues to stick together. And seeing that you don’t have to wait long for a Tank or Healer, your queue time should not be drastically increased because you chose to limit your player choices to those within your world.

With that said, you’re more likely to run into those same players again outside of a dungeon. You’ll still participate in some way, shape, or form with the community of players placed on your World, and perhaps continue with holding that bond with that community; and maybe talk about how awesome they were in your World-specific sub-forum on the official GW2 forums that might open up in the future.

“I control my fate!” — Claire Farron
I am Fleeting Flash, in-game dungeon cosplayer of Reddit Refugees [RR] .

One thing I miss from WoW....LFG

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nekroseth.5186


Whell Ari, you are half right.
1, Yes a cooldown is a good idea, but it actually turns into a bother instead of helpfull in the end.
When you want to make a run but palyers leave becosue something happens (it can always do) and you are cooldowned you get sokittenpissed. You noly have to wait a day to make the instance you so desired. And you might not even have time for it later.
The “you are saved to the dungeon” is the most terrible text i could see in the game in the last years.
This works better with Dungeon farm based games, where you are “delayed” in progress with gear. (exacly as you sead)
2,Agree totally
4, Whell discuraging “rage and hate” is a good thing. I also think like you, ragers and haters are born from the setting of the game mostly, and not from base behavior.
There are real cases when there is 1 person destroying the mood and the party and kick does help then. But its actually rare. Most players get like that from the frustration mostly.

-So basically the “debuff” from the “leave” or kick is a way to drastic measure. I pesonall had the tipical crappy team who did the dungeon like 2 times and i alredy done it like 300 times and wont listen and in the end I get kicked for some stupid reson they are responsible actually. And i cant even find another party becosue of a stupid debuff i get from idiots?
Vote kick is a bad otipon also. Players just midlessly click anything just to get on with dungeon. There is no real voting, mostly the only decent players get kicked who dare to say out the truth laud. And remember…stupidity is always in vote favor.

Also, who makes someone in the team more suited to Judge others then anyone other? Noone. So sorry i cant agree with this. Atleast not fully. The idea itself is not bad trough, but not in the way we seen it so faar.

One thing I miss from WoW....LFG

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: LeCreaux.3087


Missing a feature like LFG or LFR in Guildwars 2 just screams to the community that you want groups but are too lazy to form them yourself. Please keep trash ideas like the aforementioned out of the GW2 forums.

Wow. Trash? Seriously? The last I knew, all players were free to express their opinions, wishes, ideas, etc. in this open community. What rock did you crawl out from under or were you just born nasty?

Same thing I thought when I read that, completely unacceptable.

One thing I miss from WoW....LFG

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zizigata.8145


I like Lineage2’s lfg system.
They should change it a bit to the better and use it.

One thing I miss from WoW....LFG

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: moronpirate.8570


I think its implemented in future.

One thing I miss from WoW....LFG

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Unpredictability.4086


I can’t believe only ONE person mentioned how this feature (though limited) is already in the game.

It’s the second tab in your contact list. Go look!

One thing I miss from WoW....LFG

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ari Kagura.9182

Ari Kagura.9182

Whell Ari, you are half right.
1, Yes a cooldown is a good idea, but it actually turns into a bother instead of helpfull in the end.
When you want to make a run but palyers leave becosue something happens (it can always do) and you are cooldowned you get sokittenpissed. You noly have to wait a day to make the instance you so desired. And you might not even have time for it later.
The “you are saved to the dungeon” is the most terrible text i could see in the game in the last years.
This works better with Dungeon farm based games, where you are “delayed” in progress with gear. (exacly as you sead)
2,Agree totally
4, Whell discuraging “rage and hate” is a good thing. I also think like you, ragers and haters are born from the setting of the game mostly, and not from base behavior.
There are real cases when there is 1 person destroying the mood and the party and kick does help then. But its actually rare. Most players get like that from the frustration mostly.

-So basically the “debuff” from the “leave” or kick is a way to drastic measure. I pesonall had the tipical crappy team who did the dungeon like 2 times and i alredy done it like 300 times and wont listen and in the end I get kicked for some stupid reson they are responsible actually. And i cant even find another party becosue of a stupid debuff i get from idiots?
Vote kick is a bad otipon also. Players just midlessly click anything just to get on with dungeon. There is no real voting, mostly the only decent players get kicked who dare to say out the truth laud. And remember…stupidity is always in vote favor.

Also, who makes someone in the team more suited to Judge others then anyone other? Noone. So sorry i cant agree with this. Atleast not fully. The idea itself is not bad trough, but not in the way we seen it so faar.

I know that feeling of being artificially removed from the group just for speaking your mind. I have had that happen in almost every MMO I have played. Walking out or being booted out— it leads to the same conclusion. Sometimes, you just can’t help the stupid. There will always be “bads” as the hardcore players put it. It would be up to themselves to “unbad” their abilities; and seeing that Guild Wars 2 relies heavily on skill, I’m sure those who find themselves to be bad in the game will either seek guidance in this Players Helping Players forum, or simply find an easier game.

However, I do believe that if ArenaNet does implement some kind of LFG matchmaking system, it would be intuitive, easy-to-use, somewhat revolutionary compared to most LFG systems. After seeing what GW2’s version of the typical Auction House, I have some faith that they have some groundwork how it can work without shattering a close-knit server-wide community; while making non-dungeon content still relevant. Instead of abolishing something, I say revolutionize it by taking out as much of the “suck” from it as possible, and douse it with some “awesomesauce.”

“I control my fate!” — Claire Farron
I am Fleeting Flash, in-game dungeon cosplayer of Reddit Refugees [RR] .

(edited by Ari Kagura.9182)

One thing I miss from WoW....LFG

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Thunder.6719


Missing a feature like LFG or LFR in Guildwars 2 just screams to the community that you want groups but are too lazy to form them yourself. Please keep trash ideas like the aforementioned out of the GW2 forums.

It’s people like that gave LFD a bad name: rude, obnoxious, and a misplaced sense of self importance. You should help keep trash off the GW2 forums by logging out.

Nobody was ever forced to use LFD. If you are a in guild of active players and have no need for it, good for you, but what is your problem with it then? Personally, I’ve run with several hundred LFD groups, and most of them were a positive experience. The people in LFD are people just like the people in your guild and the random people you recruit through spamming chat.