Oops! Download woes!

Oops! Download woes!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Bassario.3465


Hey guys, my web connection takes ages for downloads since I am far from exchange and Australian ADSL 2 is a complete joke in some areas -_- I just shut the downloader for guild wars 2 when it had 4 gigs downloaded and now when I try to re-open it starts from fresh! even tho in my Guild Wars 2 folder there is a 4 gig Gw2.dat file.

Is this for reals? is there no way I can get it to start from that point again?


Oops! Download woes!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Bassario.3465


OH!! It is simply adding to that file everytime I restart the download!! awesome, sorry for asking silly question before I figured out the answer xD

Oops! Download woes!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Immortius.4537


To clarify for anyone else reading, if you close the GW2 launcher during the initial download or an update (because these are the same process essentially), when you restart it will be back at show as back at 0% downloaded – but this is 0% of the what is remaining to download, not overall.

Oops! Download woes!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tatty.9680


I love this I remember the very first game I had that did this and I was so confused :P I like the method now though as it seems like I can download a game in a shorter time if i do it in bits.

Fear The Chickens – http://cluk.enjin.com/

Oops! Download woes!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Bassario.3465


lol yeah, I simply figured it out by watching the size of the file each time I restarted, as there is no “pause” option I knew there had to be something I mean… 25 gig download :P that is sizeable.