Other total newbies?
I am not a new player, but I’m going to be playing a lot more starting Tuesday. Look me up and I’ll be happy to play.
I just bought the game yesterday, once I’m a bit more familiar with the game I would love to go exploring with someone else!
I’ll add you guys as friends when I next log in.
@AshTree: I’ve basically been playing for about a week, so we’re in about the same place! Just let me know when you feel like you’re ready!
Please also add me too… I will be starting tomorrow late evening. Cheers!
I’m 3 weeks new! Loving it so far!
I’m in my second week, feel free to add me as well :P Always game for something though I’m in GMT time zone so hopefully you don’t mind occasionally doing some Dungeons, Exploration or PvP with an English Norn.
Same for anyone else poking around who fancies some random fun.
Main – Senstara [Ranger]
Guild – Legends of Absolute Glory [LAG]
I purchased the game on release but haven’t played it more than a few hours at most. I don’t know anything or anyone in the game so I’d be happy to hook up for some adventuring.
Yessss, look at our lovely new noob group! I love it!
@ceryia: I happen to be in NA, but the most east you can get, so my time zone is probably closer to yours than to other NA people haha!
Still looking for friendsssss. I’m getting a little bored running around by myself and my real-life target has declined my invitation to go adventuring together, heh.
I can be your friend but i’m not new tough, i do daily dungeons and fractals if you want to take part in that.
Definitely not new to the game but currently trying to get 100% on map exploration :P add me if you want to explore the world
I’m fairly new as well. Just started playing again after a long break. Feel free to add me. I’m always looking to make more adventuring buddies.
OK, adding you guys now!
I am somewhat new, but definitely looking for people to play with. all the guilds i join/people i find are either not nice, or just plain not helpful.
Don’t forget to add whether you’re on NA or EU servers. You can party up and chat, but will never be able to be in the same map instance or dungeon.
You guys can add me too. Im fairly new and I am also looking for partners to explore the world with:D
Hi there. I am not at all new to the game but I will always be a newb and proud of it!
I am always open to new friends so please add me and I would be very happy to help you with anything or anyone else new to the game that I can. Don’t be a stranger!
P.S. I play on Tarnished Coast and people are very social here. Perhaps it’s your server? I don’t know. I am always goofy in public chat and people are responsive here.
Also, I have a mumble server if you would prefer to “ask questions live”.
The game has a very “supportive” community, and talkative… but only in cases where we can take some kind of personal interest. Asking for help in low level areas is hit and miss due to how the population moves around the world…. but there huge spikes of activity surrounding world boss spawns. In the pre stages of the those events are the best time to find Vets willing to talk, give advise, or answer questions.
At the higher levels, any map that tends to have Karma trains usually has a fair amount of chatter between map pings, as the activity is profitable, but seriously boring after the first 15 minutes.