Hi. I’ve returned to the game after a long time away. I bought the game on release and because of one thing or another only dipped my toe in for a month or so before before quitting. I’m back now and play pretty much daily but in a very casual way. My extreme hardcore days were left back in EQ2 and EVE and I’m looking for something I can just mess around with as and when I have an hour or so to spare. That said I still have a tendency to try and min/max and therein lies my problem.
I have a couple of characters at level 80 in full self crafted orange gear and am in the middle of levelling my third character which is at or around level 50. I am unguilded and have not done any group content or living story, even the characters’ personal stories have stalled around level 70 with about 50% map completion. Ignoring PvP at the moment I still feel I have avoided vast areas of enjoyable content and am asking for suggestions for the best way forward as at present I’m getting to the stage of just logging on to complete the dailies.
Joining a guild seems to be a logical step but I really don’t want to end up hopping from one to another trying to find a good fit for my playstyle and aspiration. I know the answer from many will be “do what you want to do”. The trouble is I don’t really know what I want to do and I don’t want to waste time doing things that will send me up a dead end. I suppose the bottom line is that in other MMOs where I have got involved and embraced the meta I have been in a guild and in GW2 its difficult to see which guilds are active or relevant to me kitten many that are recruiting seem to be doing so from from a very low level and are likely to fold fairly quickly.
Anyway, all suggestions gratefully received. Oh I’m on Piken Square (EU) based in the UK if anyone’s interested.
Paddy Malone Human Level 80 Ranger
Also Level 80 Mesmer, Elementalist, Engineer, Thief & Warrior.
Aye, it’s a good idea to “do what you want to do”. Finding a good guild is key, but don’t forget you can have multiple guilds at the same time; you can only represent one.
Want to talk about the game, the guilds, or anything else?
Give me a poke in-game 
Have fun! 
EU The Right Trolls ~JiVE~