"Partake in the moot" heart

"Partake in the moot" heart

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Eastwind.7209


In Timberline Falls the “Partake in the moot” heart has several actions you can do, one of them is ‘rouse passed-out partiers’. It seems clear how this should be done, there are buckets of water and that works for the same objective in other hearts.

But pouring water on the passed-out drunks doesn’t wake them up. I’m thinking this is a bug, but was wondering if someone found some way that I missed (and the buckets are just a decoy). Even the wiki doesn’t say how to do it….

"Partake in the moot" heart

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


Sounds like a bug. I know some of the hitboxes can be kinda wonky when it comes to using an environment item on an npc like that, but if you’ve tried a bunch of different angles and it’s still not working, I would suggest submitting a bug report in game.

"Partake in the moot" heart

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Eastwind.7209


I can select the drunk, get a green ring on him, and hit 1. The animation shows the water being poured way off from the ring, but the drunk mumbles something, but doesn’t wake up. I’ve tried at least 10 buckets in a row, still comatose.

"Partake in the moot" heart

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Dolan.3071


That’s not the only way to do the heart, just jump from table to table mashing “f”.

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"Partake in the moot" heart

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Death Reincarnated.3570

Death Reincarnated.3570

Yes it is bugged. It has happend to me as well – lucky there are other ways to complete this heart (refer to Dolan.3071 response)

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"Partake in the moot" heart

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: synk.6907


Like, maybe 50% of all renown heart-related bucket interactions actually work. Maybe.

Please report them as you see them in game. Maybe we’ll eventually get them fixed.

"Partake in the moot" heart

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Eastwind.7209


I reported it the first time I came through that heart with a char, I wondered when I came through the second time if maybe I was missing something. Since you get no feedback on reports as to whether they’re confirmed bugs or not, I posted here.

@synk I think you’re pessimistic on that percentage, but I do agree that the number of bugs in hearts & events and really all kinds of ‘trigger’ related things is too high. FWIW I liked the most recent update (dec 3 was it?) — almost all bug fixes. Another 5 to 10 updates like that without any more intervening buggy content dumps and I’ll be enthusiastically recommending the game to my friends.

"Partake in the moot" heart

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: GuzziHero.2467


There is one with pirates in Bloodtide Coast that does the same. Throwing bottles at them works though.