Passiflora Limits

Passiflora Limits

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: kokocabana.8153


I know there’s a limit on how many Passiflora nodes you can mine per day. I’m wondering if this limit counts towards the Blooming Passiflora. If so, then I should be looking to mine only the blooming ones first and then finish up the rest with regular ones.

Passiflora Limits

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mystic.5934


I’ve never heard anything about any limit.
except for after you gather all the nodes on the island, then you have to wait for them to respawn.
what are the respawn rates for passiflora and blooming passiflora?

Passiflora Limits

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


A limit would explain the weird thing I’ve been seeing. Seems more like a X/time period than a X/day. When switching between characters I would see a minimap full of passifloras but after harvesting a few the rest disappear and turn into harvested nodes.

Both the blooming and normal disappear so it seems the answer is “yes”.

Passiflora Limits

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: oliverstoned.2695


From Guild Wars 2 Wiki: "Unlike any other node, each character can only farm 15 Passiflora nodes per day. "

Seems to be different for Blooming Passiflora: “Appears to have an account limit of gathers per set time. (Tests Ongoing.)” Probably 3 per account per day.

Passiflora Limits

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Swimsasa Stoon.8936

Swimsasa Stoon.8936

blooming pasiflora respawn every day and the pasiflore respawn after 5 some hours. Same with ori nodes and mithril nodes.