People are convinced necro's are terrible. What to reroll?

People are convinced necro's are terrible. What to reroll?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Dante Blake.3601

Dante Blake.3601

So necro’s are not terrible in pvp or pve. I know we are top 3 in both single or aoe dps in pve. In PvP Ikittenpretty hard.

However, this is an mmo, where opinions outrank facts. So I have to reroll. Reason being wvw requires you to get good gear from PVE. PVE requires you to find groups. No groups currently invite necros.

So what do the ignorant masses think the most powerful class is for inviting to PVE explorable dungeon farms?

People are convinced necro's are terrible. What to reroll?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Vertix.5693


Necro’s are not terrible!

I don’t play them, but they have done some mad damage on me. Although I will admit I haven’t played against too many good ones, I normally just plow them into the ground with my Thief or Mesmer… (Mesmer isn’t so much plowed as… trolled….)

People are convinced necro's are terrible. What to reroll?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Neglected.1260


Why would no groups invite necros is beyond me. They have great group supporting skills and decent damage.

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People are convinced necro's are terrible. What to reroll?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Dante Blake.3601

Dante Blake.3601

It may just be specific to the Jade Quarry server. I can answer “LFM CoF explorable” all day and get no replies. Getting irritated I started saying “I know your not going to invite me, and I would just like to know why”. To which the common answer is Necro’s being bad.

People are convinced necro's are terrible. What to reroll?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: amradio.2513


Ppl only say Necros are bad because they are boring to play (tho i disagree). It has nothing to do with their abilities, because quite frankly Necros are very strong. Mechanically, at least for some, they are bland and outright awful.

People are convinced necro's are terrible. What to reroll?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Dante Blake.3601

Dante Blake.3601

Back to the reason for this thread. What classes have the opposite issue. Warrior? Guardian?

People are convinced necro's are terrible. What to reroll?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Vertix.5693


Well a supportive guardian is always wanted…

A warrior is good also for the rolling the adds.

People are convinced necro's are terrible. What to reroll?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: BlueStripedTiger.3760


I mostly solo, but a necro is a ridiculous support class that can also hold its own in damage AND serve as a good damage soak, and certain skill setups give it a pretty good AOE nuke.

I haven’t experimented with it yet, but I was looking at one of the curse traits that allows you to ground target your wells. Throw a staff on that and, well, you’ve got yourself a hell of a support necro. AOE blinds, AOE conditions → boons, AOE damage, AOE heal, AOE chill, AOE bleed/regen, AOE fear, and a piercing attack to boot, not to mention your plague cloud which is 20 seconds of perma blind….

People are convinced necro's are terrible. What to reroll?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nazam.1540


Perhaps you should be asking which server you should be transferring to rather than what class to re roll. Dragonbrand has tons of Necro’s and most people there seem to understand they’re not only great at survival but also their damage.

People think Necro’s are bad because people say they are (which they say cause they’re probably just bored of the class). It doesn’t mean Necro’s are bad, since when did the masses opinion have any accuracy anyways?

People are convinced necro's are terrible. What to reroll?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Abarcine.7189


So necro’s are not terrible in pvp or pve. I know we are top 3 in both single or aoe dps in pve. In PvP Ikittenpretty hard.

However, this is an mmo, where opinions outrank facts. So I have to reroll. Reason being wvw requires you to get good gear from PVE. PVE requires you to find groups. No groups currently invite necros.

So what do the ignorant masses think the most powerful class is for inviting to PVE explorable dungeon farms?

You don’t want to dungeon with people this stupid. Trust me. Necros are far from weak right now. The only thing I think the class may struggle on is the burrow event in ACE option 3 and that has more to do with the hitboxes on said burrows to be buggy
as hell and staff marks not triggering on hostile objects ( seriously wth ). My group got around that by using blinds and circle kiting most of the adds with chills and cripples. Seriously the well that blinds + the trait that lets you place wells at range + the trait that chills targets you blind… so good.

People are convinced necro's are terrible. What to reroll?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Dante Blake.3601

Dante Blake.3601

If you’ve ever wondered why the boss and adds stopped doing any damage for 20s. It’s probably because the necro went plague form and is chain blinding everything.

Like I said, it is easily a top 3 class. People are just stupid.

People are convinced necro's are terrible. What to reroll?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Dabrixmgp.4758


they will get the most buffs in the first balancing patch. Minions will get a lot of love b/c now they are useless.

People are convinced necro's are terrible. What to reroll?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Neglected.1260


and OP I know this doesn’t answer your question but you shouldn’t reroll because other people tell you to, if you enjoy necro then stick necro is my opinion. Buffs and nerfs come and go but if you delete your char that’s permanent.

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People are convinced necro's are terrible. What to reroll?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Abarcine.7189


they will get the most buffs in the first balancing patch. Minions will get a lot of love b/c now they are useless.

I really do not think necros need any attention outside of seeing their mediocre pets receiving some love. Can you explain what you feel needs to buffed because I honestly agree with the top 3 sentiment and probably the most balanced all around in my eyes.

(edited by Abarcine.7189)

People are convinced necro's are terrible. What to reroll?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: prozakc.3940


If you’ve ever wondered why the boss and adds stopped doing any damage for 20s. It’s probably because the necro went plague form and is chain blinding everything.

Like I said, it is easily a top 3 class. People are just stupid.

I totally agree with that. Also they have wells that blind at each 2 seconds for 8 seconds, AoE heals and lots of condition control.

People are convinced necro's are terrible. What to reroll?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Shifted.3697


isn’t crafted gear on par or better than what drops in equivalent level dungeons?

Fear the Reaper

People are convinced necro's are terrible. What to reroll?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: darkoracle.6483


They aren’t terrible, but I don’t like the fact minions don’t scale with gear at all, +power gear should give a slight dps boost to them and +toughness should make them a little tougher.

Rangers tame a wild animal and their gear makes it stronger, a necro summons his with magic and him having more +power does nothing, makes no sense -_-

People are convinced necro's are terrible. What to reroll?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Dabrixmgp.4758


they will get the most buffs in the first balancing patch. Minions will get a lot of love b/c now they are useless.

I really do not think necros need any attention outside of seeing their mediocre pets receiving some love. Can you explain what you feel needs to buffed because I honestly agree with the top 3 sentiment and probably the most balanced all around in my eyes.

Top 3?

1. Warriors
2. Guardians
3. Rangers

I think those are easily the top 3. I mean which one of those would you switch out for Necro?

People are convinced necro's are terrible. What to reroll?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: darkoracle.6483


Ye fix the pets, make them scale and improve their AI, and I am one happy necro.

People are convinced necro's are terrible. What to reroll?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Abarcine.7189


Guardians or Ranger easily. Much stronger team condition removal, AoE control. Excellent boon removal from other team. We make a lot of fights so much easier if you’re willing to play around with traits. Plague form elite is amazing for some of the worst packs in dungeons. You also didn’t say what you felt needed buffed or why those classes were in the best shape right now. Although warriors don’t really need an explanation.

(edited by Abarcine.7189)

People are convinced necro's are terrible. What to reroll?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Rainshine.5493


You don’t want to dungeon with people this stupid. Trust me.


They’re doing you a favor by announcing their stupidity. Find a good guild/fill up your friends list with competent players and go at it.

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People are convinced necro's are terrible. What to reroll?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Macero.6934


Wierd linkage not saving build


Consume Conditions
Corrupt boon – Turns ALL boons to conditions
Plague signet- transfer conditions to target on use, passive: transfer conditions from allies to myself
Signet of Undeath- Generates life force in combat 1% every 3sec(user preference) OR well of darkness
Plague form

Spite: 0
Curses 30 ; Hemophilia 20% bleeding duration, Reaper Precision 33% chance to gain life force on crit, Weakening Shroud Cast enfeeble when entering death shroud(for fumble)
Death Magic10; Dark Armor Gain 400 toughness while channeling(a tremendously noticeable difference)
Blood Magic 15 Transfusion to heal allies or switch to Vampiric Precision Steal health on crit
Soul Reaping 15 Vital persistence Life force drains 25% slower in DS

i stacked precision and condition dmg
70% crit>spvp

Anyway, this can 1v1 any class. Mesmers are a bit of a pain tho.
FYI, condition dmg ignores toughness so laugh at the war’s and guards with their toughness and wall of boons…little do they know their boons will be the death of them lol

but on a side note just take a class and decide what you want them to do EXACTLY. I built this with the idea of playing with conditions. Epidemic would be pretty fun for spreading the necro love.


(edited by Macero.6934)

People are convinced necro's are terrible. What to reroll?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Eldryth.6831


they will get the most buffs in the first balancing patch. Minions will get a lot of love b/c now they are useless.

I really do not think necros need any attention outside of seeing their mediocre pets receiving some love. Can you explain what you feel needs to buffed because I honestly agree with the top 3 sentiment and probably the most balanced all around in my eyes.

Top 3?

1. Warriors
2. Guardians
3. Rangers

I think those are easily the top 3. I mean which one of those would you switch out for Necro?

Since the OP seemed to be mostly focused on dungeons (the only place in PvE where you wouldn’t just take everyone, or even need a group)…

Ranger. A million times, Ranger. Every other Profession is in a good spot (except possibly Mesmer, which is very unique, gimmicky, and hard to measure), with Ranger being way at the bottom. They have the worst support (spirits aren’t very good, and they’re the only support that dies to AoE), pets are always dying, so you never reach your damage potential, and they lack good combo starters and finishers. That’s not to say a good Ranger isn’t a valuable member- in fact, I’d always pick a Ranger I know over a stanger of any class. They’re just considerably worse off until their inevitable buffs, but still workable.

On topic, Necromancers are one of the best classes at the moment. Especially when it comes to combo fields- Dark fields are the most useful in most cases, and Necros are full of them. They’re also the most durable class, if you know what you’re doing- not so much basic mitigation as a Soldier, but if you know how to effectively use abilities like Death Shroud, it wouldn’t surprise me to see a Necro single handedly keeping a fight from resetting after a near wipe ling enough for the group to run back.

People are convinced necro's are terrible. What to reroll?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Rainydays.5368


Well if you are absolutely sick of what you are currently going through, I can tell you that an Engineer brings a whole lot to the group. Everything from heals, damage, AoE’s, Buffs, Debuffs, group stealth and more. They really are the staple of team play.