(edited by TheBob.9863)
Performance on minimum settings is lackluster
agreed, 4 fps in mass WvW with minimum settings on a laptop far above the requirements. not expecting anything incredible on a laptop but better performance than this…for sure. if i can run bf3 online on medium with no lag whatsoever i should be able to see what direction i’m running in GW2 WvW and events.
either way i’ve ordered a new computer but it will take a few weeks…
Far Shiverpeaks
I am on the lowest end of the requirements as well. While I know I won’t be able to stick with this computer to play it forever, I believe there are some things that should be added that would not only help to increase performance but also to help in a gameplay sense. What I’m speaking of here is the skill effects animations; As it is in situations where a large group of players using large amounts of skills there is a drastic decrease in performance for us on the lower end of things because of all the AoE and particle effects going off, but not only does this effect performance but it can also effect situations like say a boss fight in dungeons where you have to pay attention to when the boss is doing certain animations and react accordingly. There have been many times where the boss will be charging a one shot skill and there will be so many particle effects going off on him that its literally impossible to see it charging.
That said, being on the lowest end here I am pleasantly surprised at the performance I’m getting from overall playing the game. The only times I have issues is when the concentration of players in one area(not zone just very close proximity to each other) starts to get into the 20 or higher range. Other than boss fights where there is always a huge zergs like the Shatterer or doing WvW with large confrontations I can gladly say that I have had 0 performance issues with a PC that is basically exactly the one described on the minimum requirements.
I can run everything max 60-70fps even in WvWvW but I AGREE with the low settings.
If i put everything on low I only gain 5-10fps ??!!
The game looks poor but the performence gain is Barely noticable. Engine needs some tweaks
I can run everything max 60-70fps even in WvWvW but I AGREE with the low settings.
If i put everything on low I only gain 5-10fps ??!!
The game looks poor but the performence gain is Barely noticable. Engine needs some tweaks
The minimum settings client definitely needs a decent amount of optimization, I just hope ArenaNet hasn’t forgotten about us poor people.
Perhaps the game’s settings aren’t the issue; what hardware are you running and when was the last time it had a fresh format/Windows install?
Crucial m4 128GB SSD (64GB SRT cache) | WD 2TB 2002FAEX | Antec Twelve Hundred
When I was your age, I could outrun a centaur…until I took an arrow to the knee
Perhaps the game’s settings aren’t the issue; what hardware are you running and when was the last time it had a fresh format/Windows install?
See what you can do with an optimisation program before you go knee-jerk reacting with a format install … this isn’t windows 3.1 anymore. I use Slim Computer not because I cant dig into my system but because even for less techy people it works. consult with it to see what start up programs you can disable it will also do a range of thing helpful to your everyday usage. Oh and its free and microsoft gold certified.
Perhaps the game’s settings aren’t the issue; what hardware are you running and when was the last time it had a fresh format/Windows install?
Lol, it has nothing to do with my OS, minimal settings client isn’t really minimal, its quite obvious even to the naked eye that a MINIMAL settings client shouldn’t have 1000 particle effects flying around, snow effects that are there just to boggle down your performance even more.
Also if ArenaNet would at least allow us to mod the files, we could remove particle effects on our own with no work from them, as most games allow this hopefully ANet will either optimize the minimum settings client or allow us to mod out particle effects. Thank you.