Petrified Stump question
Can the Petrified Stump be harvested once per day per character on the account (like ancient wood) or only once per day per account (like quartz crystals)?
If you are referring to the Petrified Stumps that can be gathered from on the map, they can be gathered per character.
If you are referring to the node that can be bought from the vendor for your home instance, I believe that is just once per day per account.
Thanks for the answer. I meant the nodes on the map, and being new to LS3, didn’t know what to expect, since either answer exists in other parts of the game.
The Bloodstone Crystal wiki notes indicate those nodes cap at 35 per day per account, which is about 1.2 characters worth. Do you know if there is such a limit on petrified wood? Perhaps the bloodstone limit doesn’t exist any more? I’ll know in a few more days.
My intent is to get lesser capable 80’s into a gathering routine, leading to Ascended items that I can’t craft. If the port wouldn’t work w/o qualifying via the story quests, or I could only gather nodes once per account, it would be moot.
(edited by Michael.9403)
The portal scroll works for all level 80 alts, I can personally verify this as I keep it in a shared slot and took bunches of alts in for seaweed farming for a while.
Thanks for the answer. I meant the nodes on the map, and being new to LS3, didn’t know what to expect, since either answer exists in other parts of the game.
The Bloodstone Crystal wiki notes indicate those nodes cap at 35 per day per account, which is about 1.2 characters worth. Do you know if there is such a limit on petrified wood? Perhaps the bloodstone limit doesn’t exist any more? I’ll know in a few more days.
My intent is to get lesser capable 80’s into a gathering routine, leading to Ascended items that I can’t craft. If the port wouldn’t work w/o qualifying via the story quests, or I could only gather nodes once per account, it would be moot.
Petrified Wood also has a limit but I am not sure what the number is. You know you have hit the limit for an area if you find already used up stumps on characters that haven’t done any gathering in the area yet.
Yes, there definitely is a limit, and not a big one. My 4th player could not gather the first node, and I’m sure the 3rd one out there fell short, but was too sloppy with the bookkeeping over the night and following day it took between reset to get a handle on accurate count.
I wonder why a low limit? It appears petrified wood can be bought for karma at most of the heart vendors. I wonder if there’s a limit on that too? Like many others, I have about a zillion karma banked.
I’ll pay more attention after tonight’s reset, and should be ready for the first backpack, so will find out the wood issues.
Petrified Wood can be bought at all the hearts. So that is 15 per character.
Then there is wurm, dominator and sloth. That is another 9.
I have never bothered doing it on more than 3 characters so I don’t know if there is a limit.
(edited by Khisanth.2948)
Seems only 16 nodes could be collected today, which may be off by one. Net was 16 petrified wood, with a couple of bonuses from killing boss type mobs.
Indeed, only 3 per heart vendor per character per day, and the hearts don’t persist over the account per day. I.e. each character has to work the heart themselves, and each day. Ergo about 30 total petrified wood per character per day.
Is there a reason for this time gate, other than as being an irritation? Is there some exploit that’s being made from petrified wood?
Okay, so the grinding starts. I’ve been told several times what people like about GW2 is they don’t have to grind. Is there a more modern term for grinding? This sure seems to fit the definition. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind grinding, as I’ve done a lot of it. I just don’t like pretending GW2 doesn’t have it.
Why do timegates exist? Various reasons but in this case it is to stretch out how long the content last.
On the other hand this is already MUCH faster than it used. Back in the old days you would have to wait 2 weeks for 1 accessory and 10 days for a ring.
As for the other part … mostly because ascended isn’t actually necessary for most things. The sole exception being tier 2 or higher fractals but that is just because you need the agony slots.
Then there is wurm, dominator and sloth. That is another 9.
The Jade boss and the Karka boss each drop 3 Petrified Wood for the first daily kill as well.
Then there is wurm, dominator and sloth. That is another 9.
The Jade boss and the Karka boss each drop 3 Petrified Wood for the first daily kill as well.
Hmm they didn’t seem to when I was doing them a while back. Doesn’t really matter in the case of Jade. Even if it was 6 per kill without limit I wouldn’t bother with that thing.
Sloth and Dominator go by stupidly fast because they don’t scale well and lots of people flock to them, but Jade still isn’t bad, as long as you can fight it in melee. I can take it down solo in around 5-6 minutes.
It just sucks when a dozen people stand up on the top ledges and do dinky ranged auto-attacks, slowing the whole process down.