Picking the right profession for HoT

Picking the right profession for HoT

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Will.9865


I am sure that many have posted this question over the past few years, but with HoT released & elite specializations I was curious about picking a profession. I dislike character swapping and am looking to find a solid profession. Here is sort of my criteria:

1) Looking for a profession that can transition between ranged and melee with ease. I.E. I have played a warrior before for instance and felt bow (too situational I felt) was very lack luster, and melee was very stand still and press buttons (hundred blades, I didn’t care for being stuck standing still), but maybe there is a better build for a warrior? I am not outing warriors, just saying.

2) One that can survive, i am sure that all professions have survivability but I mean one that doesn’t have to run away when fights get a little tough. (a profession that doesn’t spend 50% of the fight kiting/fleeing its opponent.) But also not one that is going to be easy prey for someone that does nothing but kiting in structured pvp.

3) A profession that can be a boon to the team, not necessarily a dedicated healer but hey no one ever turned down a healer. I am just looking for something that isn’t just a self buffing profession, as I would like to be an assist to my team especially with large group events, i.e. raids & wvw.

4) A profession that can lay down decent AoE, but still able to go up against a hard solo target reasonably.

In conclusion, I am not looking for a demi-god, but I am looking for something that I can take with me to any game mode, have a universal feel to it (able to modify traits and abilities to my needs) and very engaging (keeps me on my toes). Thanks in advanced.

Picking the right profession for HoT

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Linken.6345


well if you want all that in 1 character I think engineer or elementalist is the way to go, you will be squishy as a elementalist untill you master it tho be aware of that

Picking the right profession for HoT

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Uden Reavstone.3426

Uden Reavstone.3426

I have a pre-HoT non-meta ele build that fits most of your criteria. The first one is alittle iffy, seeing that it does not have a melee weapon, and there is one skill that makes you stand still, but it fits the rest. If you want it, let me know.

“Blue team for life.”
“They can’t see me. I can’t see them.”
Michael J. Caboose ~ RvB

Picking the right profession for HoT

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: TheMurkMuffin.8213


Lol all of these are why you shouldn’t play a thief!

Honestly, I was searching for all those things after playing my thief for awhile and I fell in love with the necromancer. Worth a try, if you are still searching

Kaliabell – 80 Norn Reaper
-Retired Thief