Pile of Bloodstone Dust. Help!
Would be nice to have a crafting wallet space for items such as this and candy corn etc.
Make bloodstone bricks, 1400 bloodstone dust can be turned into 14 bloodstone bricks which will save you space, but you’d need 28 obsidian shards for that (each shard is 1 laurel, 15 fractal relics or 2100 karma, depending on where you get them) plus thermocatalictic reagent (about 15s for each brick).
EDIT: I missread that you had 1400 of them, not that you’re level 400 in crafting. You need to be 450 on one to make the bricks. Following http://www.gw2crafts.net/ you’d need about 40g to level one of them to 450, assuming you don’t have any of the materials needed (probably less if you have some of them).
wrapped up in some crazy ritualist hoo-ha from Cantha.
A real grab bag of ‘you can’t hurt me. They’re called Guardians.
(edited by locoman.1974)
wow 40g! REALLY Anet? Sends me stack and stack of junk to charges me to get rid of it. LOL
oh well
Thanks Guys
It can be a lot less (at least in terms of gold) if you have the mats (and no other use for those mats).
You can go from 400 to 425 from refining ore and wood / discovering sigils (or potions if artificer)
Then from 425 to 450 you’ll need to discover exotics. About 7-10 if I recall.
So it all comes down to if you have a roughly a stack of ori orr and/or ancient logs and if you have 50 ectos sitting in your bank. Oh and make sure you pop a crafting booster, and it’d be better to wait till Thursday night or Friday before server reset to get as much of a WvW crafting bonus as you can.
(edited by Wallace MacBix.2089)
If you really have too many of them, just delete a few stacks. If you are working towards an ascended weapon, work out how much you need to save on Obsidian Shards. They are the bane of all existence since the recent Karma patch.
Just destroy them all except the 250 in your crafting bank. If you need any more (as in the 500 per ascended weapon) an hour on any Champ Train will be enough to get the required amount.
Ranger | Necromancer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief
To get to 450 weaponsmith without paying too much money
1: Gather all orichalcum and ancient wood with altelastone character. and gather ecto’s (e.g. do world events with a level 80)
2: Buy recipes (for karma) for exotic quality weapons
3: Discover exotic weapons. The ore and wood should be enough to discover one per day. leaving you only to buy the t6 mats.
Takes bout 2 weeks to level crafting to 450.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Right click. Destory.
No gold involved. You’re welcome.
Yeah I need to delete my bloodstone stacks. I have over 20 stacks = 5000 stones. I barely needed any to get my weaponsmith and artificer to 500. And once at 500 I only needed a few to make the great sword.
I plan to keep about 4 stacks…just in case….unless Anet wants to chime in and tell me to hold those because they will be needed for legendary precursors or ascended consumables?!
If you’re not going to be doing ascended crafting in the near future, just destroy them, I say. Easy come, easy go.
You can hang on to a few if you’re worried their drop rate will get nerfed before you get around to crafting, but 1 stack of dust = 2.5 bricks, and a weapon requires 5 bricks, so you really only need two stacks per weapon you intend to do, tops. Anything more than that, you’re probably not going to use even when you are able to refine it, except maybe for crafting XP.
(Just thinking about weapon crafting, of course. Armor crafting is still up in the air.)
I’m personally hoping an update will accidentally include giving a coin value to bloodstone (preferably in the vicinity of 2s each), allowing them to be sold to merchants at 5g / stack.
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Thanks so much for asking this question. I was wondering the same thing. And my bank is overflowing with dust. Shame it can’t be bought and sold on the BLTC or sold to a merchant.
At the end of each session now I have to spend time going through my loot throwing away these useless T7 materials.
It’s gone beyond annoying.
At the end of each session now I have to spend time going through my loot throwing away these useless T7 materials.
It’s gone beyond annoying.
Stop farming champs then, champ! Wait… just kidding.
Tin foil hat time: while ArenaNet may not actively discourage farming, what if the dust is a passive way to discourage it? Drown the players in the stuff until they finally reduce their farming routines?
Ranger | Necromancer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief
I’m personally hoping an update will accidentally include giving a coin value to bloodstone (preferably in the vicinity of 2s each), allowing them to be sold to merchants at 5g / stack.
This would include nerfing the drop infinitely. People have already saved up stacks upon stacks. If they did this, the people with loads of stacks would know that the price will eventually rise as everyone sells theirs. This would cause some people to become incredibly rich.
Think about what would happen.
I’m personally hoping an update will accidentally include giving a coin value to bloodstone (preferably in the vicinity of 2s each), allowing them to be sold to merchants at 5g / stack.
This would include nerfing the drop infinitely. People have already saved up stacks upon stacks. If they did this, the people with loads of stacks would know that the price will eventually rise as everyone sells theirs. This would cause some people to become incredibly rich.
Think about what would happen.
The price won’t eventually rise, as he’s talking about a merchant price. He wants to be able to mech them for some gold, instead of destroying them for nothing. They would still remain account bound, and thus untradeable on the tp.
There are 2 down sides to this though.
1) It makes champ farming even more profitable (which is already is too much so, in my opinion), and if you look at the the games patch history you have southsun (big zerg fest), QJ (big zerg fest, and solo farming), scarlet invasions (big zerg fest). And more recently, Ascended weapons and luck, both of which eat large amount of money/mats from the economy. I think they rewarded us too much, and are now trying to bring things back down.
2) Many players will outcry. For every person that has stacks upon stacks of dust in their inventory/bank there are more that just delete it. Many people would want to be compensated for all of the dust that they deleted over the past ~2 months.
I finally decided keeping it in the hope that it would be worth something and/or useful just wasn’t worth the space it’s taking up. I’m keeping 500 dust to use when I eventually get to 450 crafting (I might cut that down to 250, but for now I have space for an extra stack) and deleting the rest.
Which means they’ll probably give it a merchant value in the next update and I’ll be kicking myself for making this decision, but that’s the risk I have to take.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
I am now just deleting the 3 new crafting materials as soon as I get them. I already made 40 bricks and 10 of the 2 others. It is awful to destroy it but what else is there to do when you can’t even give it to someone else.