Player Death & how it fits into the lore?

Player Death & how it fits into the lore?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Joan of Arc.1542

Joan of Arc.1542


(a bit about myself – im a recent GW2 player and a lore-serious-guy ~cannot find the word~ and a light-RP player who seeks to actively immerse oneself into the lore of the game. Currently over the expanse of my time in GW2 350+ hours in ‘no death’ runs, because i reset due the to fact death does NOT fit into the lore of the game)

So, i’ve done my research far and wide for multiple WEEKS and cannot find much about it. And here me asking your folks hopefully, to end my miserably stalwart journey in GW2 (yet to play past lvl 57) . I know the god Grenth is responsible for dead and allowing ressurection, but due the the leave of the Gods’ the effects are not evident and shouldn’t be so players can revive if we go along with NPC deaths. Evenso, from devs saying ‘deaths’ is actually a ‘downed’ state resulting in ‘defeated’ which allows a more flexible lazy choice of formatting easy plot lines w/o imo much depth (so far in my journey) ~ BUT THAT DOES NOT EXPLAIN the “/deaths” macro/control/input which shows your death count upon ‘defeated’! And given light signs and ‘speculation’ that the prev. God of death _ – people can ‘ressurect’ back to life w/o the form of undead , would be hunted down by his reapers due the His strict policy of death and mortality. Of course there are the ‘ascended’ forms which include the magics of ‘blessings’ of ghost form which the gods lay upon, which may arguably be stored in King _’ sword that caused the great foe fire, but that’s another matter. (sorry it’s blooding god-knows how much in the morning consecutively of my lore searching ~ if my sentences are not constructed well) And another matter is ~ death and resurrecting to a waypoint, which i never use unless im teleporting back to a place, getting sad and resetting myself for another retry. How does that work? We know that waypoints are created by the Asura by ‘chance’ across the Ley Lines which flow from the Magic of the Dragons. We know that all life and souls and etc come from the Mists, ~ but it is a primarily a domain of the Humans where champion spirits reside and normals ..not really there and that Super famous smart scholar dude discovered a way / portal to that place, got killed. And we can enter and do pvp stuffs (rifts between dimensions and time) ~ BUT BUT BUT, doesn’t relate to how our death, transport to there (oh yea, and those of who DONE HEROIC DEEDS, which is fallible as there are NPCs who have done so and does not seem to have appeared there) and to the way points. But the point of /deaths, deaths and ‘resurrection’ and ALLOWED (lorewise) of resurrection does not fit in! I demand a dev-support answer of this! (due to my lack of sleep, please feel free to say i left out some parts)

god my face full of bags i need to sleep.

(edited by Joan of Arc.1542)

Player Death & how it fits into the lore?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


Between the Wall O Text and rambling, all I can say is . . . What?

Player Death & how it fits into the lore?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Joan of Arc.1542

Joan of Arc.1542

I apologize for my badly constructed post. But what I’m practically trying to ask is: How does Death fit into THIS game’s Lore? As there are too many loopholes from what my research tells me. I try to place the lore of GW1 and GW2 together trying to figure out,

Player Death & how it fits into the lore?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Grassrab.9302


My opinion is that death within this game is basically final, you die you move on to the mists (or if you are unlucky you body is resurrected by Zaithan). The current lore simply contains to must stories about deaths of NPC none of which are brought back.
However the state you enter when ever your health run is called downed, after you run out of that bar you are defeated. At least that is what the state is called, though in some case it is also called death (i.e. the /death chat command).
The fact that you can be brought back to life is more something which in my opinion is not part of the lore but part of the game. I would for example would hate to have to start all over again if I died. But I do know there are players that do actually reroll their character if they die. If you are role playing that can be an integral. Or it may give you an additional challenge, playing through the entire story without dying is an accomplishment.
So I guess it is a bit up to you. Are you defeated or did you die.

Player Death & how it fits into the lore?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Iyeru.5240


I’d like to know the lore behind this as well, because in Final Fantasy XIV, players are “chosen” by Hydaelyn, and thus cannot actually die unless their mission is over or their aether is violently ripped apart from their bodies. Normal folk (Such as NPCs) require a bit more tact.

However, Final Fantasy XIV’s Developer Team often break lore with redundancies, etc. (IE: Talk to Raya-O-Senna without being a magic user and without White Mage Unlocked, she’ll still tell you it’s an honor to be a white mage, which is against the lore stating that white mages are basically gone.) This is also apparent later in Heavensward when you bring back someone from the lifestream / aether ocean, who has the Echo, which is a sign of Hydaelyn choosing you.

So believe what you want. Developers make mistakes.

* (A strange light fills the room. Twilight is shining ahead. You’re filled with, DETERMINATION.)