Playing from Afghanistan during Deployment

Playing from Afghanistan during Deployment

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: wildmanviper.4351


Just wanted to ask the community if there are any solutions to help play during a deployment. The networks are not that great, high ping rates, packet loss, bandwidth throttling, high saturation of skype, magic jack, messenger and facebook users. I can play PVE with 5 second lag and speedtest and pingtest give me very undesirable results. Same laptop that works flawless in Texas was brought with me and Im cabled into the internet, not Wifi.

Would a world transfer to a closer server result in better “less laggy” solution? Such as a Europe server vs. US Server? Any bandwidth or network programs that help other users play while they are deployed?

I know I can just suck it up and wait until I return home but I would love to be able to tame my addiction while Im here playing Rambo. Thanks in advance for any responses.

Playing from Afghanistan during Deployment

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: GrandmaFunk.3052


I don’t think switching to the European data center would really impact your issues since all the network congestion and bandwidth problems happen between you and the backbone.

GamersWithJobs [GWJ]
Northern Shiverpeaks

Playing from Afghanistan during Deployment

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: wildmanviper.4351


I was also looking at Command Line arguments listed on the wiki.

-portal <string>

Specified the IP-address or DNS-name to use to connect to a portal server.

Sounds like something I could use, or maybe someone has tried SSH tunneling directly to a faster connection.

Playing from Afghanistan during Deployment

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mazer.8923


I doubt it man. I tried the same thing when I was playing Aion and the lag was absolutely horrible from Afghanistan. skype video barely worked so I just typed.