Playing with other servers in the overflow: It's flawed.

Playing with other servers in the overflow: It's flawed.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: aydencari.6312


The idea is great. Don’t get me wrong. I have friends on different servers then me, so it’s awesome that we have that option to still play with one another. The issue is that when you and your party (if in the company of people from other servers) pass through a portal there is the chance that some of you will be kicked from the overflow and thrown back into your server . Then once this happens you have no means to return to the overflow. I’ve noticed that this happens in normal parties sometimes as well. Another issue, is that while in the overflow you are constantly bombarded with messages telling you that you can go back to your server.

I guess my point is that there should be a toggle button somewhere to re enter the overflow area, and to turn off the overflow messages. Or maybe, write some sort of code that doesn’t ask you if you’d like to return to your server, but only if you’re in a party with people from other servers. It would also be nice, if the game would que normal parties as a whole to enter their server. It’s very annoying to be in a party, when some of us are still stuck in the overflow.

Please excuse my slight rant. I really hope that the GW2 team sees this and starts working on it, if they aren’t already. This game is so awesome. I just really want it to run as smooth as possible.

Playing with other servers in the overflow: It's flawed.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Moonthrower.1406


If you’re in a party, right click their portrait and click the “Join party member” or whatever it says to join their overflow.

Gonna have to just keep minimizing the pop-ups telling you your server is ready, though… although I’m not sure if other servers share overflows…

Playing with other servers in the overflow: It's flawed.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: aydencari.6312


They do. I’ve played with people from other servers in the overflow before. The “join party member” thing doesn’t appear for people in other servers. Thus, me saying it’s flawed. Also, it hardly ever works for people in the same server either. I’m always getting error messages when I try. That’s the point though. Making the game run smoother. Little things like this can really dampen an experience. They’re not huge problems, but they sure do get annoying. I’ve pretty much gave up playing with my friends in other servers until they fix this issue. I do hope they do it soon. The system they’ve implemented is revolutionary in my opinion. Just a few tweeks and it could really set the standard.

Playing with other servers in the overflow: It's flawed.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Duckzor.4327


Just be glad you can even play with them. Tbh you should just chose what friends you want to play with more and join their server.

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Playing with other servers in the overflow: It's flawed.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: aydencari.6312


What I’m talking about is something that Arenanet included in the game. It’s something that they want. I’ve read interviews with them talking about how they’d like people to be able to play with whoever they want. Don’t get me wrong. I’m happy that I even have the option. It’s pretty awesome. I’m just making a few suggestions on how to make it better, run smoother. I might even go as far as to hope this thread would spark an interesting discussion (between readers) on how to make the whole experience better. A little discussion never hurt anyone, and if the thread grows, who knows. Someone important might even read it, and like some of the ideas the posters have come up with.

Playing with other servers in the overflow: It's flawed.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Joker.6158


Remember that there is a feature called “Guesting” where you will be able to join other servers (WvW excluded). The feature is just not up until the Servers Population Settle.

Playing with other servers in the overflow: It's flawed.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: aydencari.6312


Remember that there is a feature called “Guesting” where you will be able to join other servers (WvW excluded). The feature is just not up until the Servers Population Settle.

Really? I didn’t know that joker. That’s pretty cool. Do you know more details about this function?

Playing with other servers in the overflow: It's flawed.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Joker.6158


I can just quote what Wiki Says:

Guesting will not be available at launch but is still planned.4 Players will be able to visit other worlds as guests as long as they have friends on those worlds. This feature is free, but guest players will not be able to enter World versus World PvP2 and the power of the Mists bonuses from their home world will continue to apply to their characters.3

Playing with other servers in the overflow: It's flawed.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: aydencari.6312


Well, that sounds pretty awesome. sounds like we have something to look forward to. Thank you for this useful information. I would still like them to do something about the overflow stuff though. That message constantly popping up is pretty annoying. lol.