Please Revert Camera Changes

Please Revert Camera Changes

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Dragonz.6953


I am not sure where to put this as there really isn’t a ‘suggestion’ forum. As mentioned in the title, Please Revert the Camera Changes in the last patch or at least give an option to turn it off. I play a human thief, I am not sure how or why this change was done, but in my honest opinion it makes downed state MUCH more difficult to use. Let me give an example. Thief- get downed, need to teleport away. How the thief teleport/shadowstep works is you need to select a location on the ground to teleport to within a certain distance of you. ( it turns red if outside range) Now the camera LOCKS you at a low angle. Anyone can tell you that at a low angle its much more difficult to select a location because less distance on screen correlates to more distance away from character. If you at a hilly region where you died which may just be a small mound, please tell me how someone is supposed to teleport away with such a limited view sight. its hard to get the max distance out of it now that the view angle is so low and the lack of a ‘zoom out’

In my opinion, if its not broken, dont fix it.

(edited by Dragonz.6953)