Please help me choose a profession!

Please help me choose a profession!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Esta.9645


Greetings! I have played this game on and off since release and loved every minute of it, it’s been an absolute blast! That being said, I’ve never reached level 80. My highest level character is 50. This is due to my inability to stick with one class for long periods of time, and it’s starting to really hinder my ability to enjoy the game

What I’m looking for:
— High end dps with high uptime. I’m not a fan of huge backstab crits then waiting a minute before I can do any damage.
— Not completely mindless (Relative amount of skill required). My warrior can do insane dps with 100b in PvE situations, but it gets boring just running up to stuff and pressing 2 and watching them die.
— Competitive in both PvE and PvP. I plan on doing both at 80, and I keep hearing that warriors are gods of PvE but are absolutely terrible at PvP. I don’t want to be shut out from parts of the game due to my class choice.

That’s basically it. Currently I’ve been messing around with an engineer (level 27) and necro (level 36) and have been enjoying them both. My necro seems to be capable of some serious damage right now, but my engi is much more versatile. However, the engi also takes about twice as long to kill things with a P/P build.

I loved the Assassin and Elementalist in Guild Wars 1, but unfortunately I can’t seem to find a similar replacement in GW2. The ele seems to have lost much of its dps and gained a great deal of support, and I don’t particularly enjoy attunement swapping with those huge cooldowns. I enjoyed the more upfront “swashbuckler” playstyle of the sin from GW1, I’m not a fan of the stealth nonsense of the current squishy thief.

I could go on and on about the various things I like and dislike about each class, but alas, I feel that I’ve rambled on enough! I can’t help but feel that there are niches not quite covered by the professions in GW2, and those niches are where I belong. Any advice at all would be greatly appreciated, I just want to be able to stick with one character and experience everything GW2 has to offer!

Many thanks for reading this far

Please help me choose a profession!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: rogerwilko.6895


Warr / guard.
At first sight they seam simple / easy / not complicated, but if you really want to min-max, you can find good examples(but few) on the prof forums.
After you do some research you may find what you are looking for.

Also, if you disagree with me, go check each prof forum, but not only the first pages. You may find there something that can help you decide.

That`s my opinion, good luck.

Please help me choose a profession!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: wouw.5837


Mesmer, I haven’t played it myself a lot, but it has a high skill ceiling can do all the roles rly and is great in Pve/sPvP/WvW

Elona is Love, Elona is life.

Please help me choose a profession!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Archenteron.7541


From what i read you don’ t really like the Warrior profession and you don’ t want do deal hude damage and then wait a little before redoing it (Elementalist).
I suggest you to use the Engineer, if you go with a full Berserker set and Flamethrower build you’ ll deal a lot of dmg and also the meta in PvP is going to the Engineer profession.

Seafarer’ s Rest – From Dusk Till No Dawn [DUSK]
Wrexya – Elementalist 80
….And Another 13 LV 80 Characters…..

Please help me choose a profession!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DrixTrix.7168


Engineer i would vote for too, as for the Meta, its not just the engineer

Please help me choose a profession!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Esta.9645


Thank you all for the replies! My biggest fear with the enginner is not being able to put out sufficient dps in dungeons and open world PvE at level 80. Many people I’ve talked to have said that they’re great in PvP, but PvE just isn’t really their cup of tea.

rogerwilko (Get Fuzzy reference?) mentioned a warrior or guardian , what separates an “okay” warr/guard from a “great” warr/guard? From my very limited experience, they seem to be the easiest to play (and thus I see very many of them running around) because they wear the heaviest armor and can just spam 2 on their greatsword and everything dies. I don’t mean to come across as argumentative, I’m genuinely curious to hear other perspectives!

I played a mesmer for a while, but I seem to struggle to handle multiple foes at the same time and do enough damage. I can detonate my clones doing a substantial amount, but then I have to wait a while and dance around the enemy before I can do it again. Mesmer dps seems to be more “burst and run,” so to speak. Once again, please correct me if I’m wrong!

I’ve been toying around with a S/D ranger and enjoying it so far. It kind of gives the same feel as the assassin from the original GW, but I don’t particularly enjoy the pet. I haven’t tried it yet in dungeons, but I fear it won’t be as viable due to how hard enemies hit in dungeons. In addition, I don’t feel as though there are very many skills to utilize. I use flame trap for a decent AoE, then the rest of my utility skills are just filled with signets.

Please keep the information coming! I really do appreciate all your replies, you all are really helping me out.

Please help me choose a profession!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: rogerwilko.6895


Esta: like I said, if you really read through the profession forums you will find that around 90% of people there complain about nerfs, broken skills, skills that they think are broken, stealth thieves owning them in wvw, strange suggestions for AN, so on and so forth.

You will also seldom find some movies about rarely used builds, like p/p thief, mace/shield warr, axe/torch ranger, s/d ranger like you said, etc that with the right gear and trait setup + the right player will show you another face of that profession.

Even if Ranger / Warr / Guard are the most played professions, be sure that most of the people will just chose the easy path, the obvious choices, and so on.

Since there should be no rush, take your time and experiment with them.

Please help me choose a profession!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lindbur.2537


I think a necromancer would be suitable for you, but eh.

A remnant of times past.
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”

Please help me choose a profession!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Archenteron.7541


I tried every build with every profession and what i found out is: (i speak about PvE)
1) Zerk Warriors aren’ t the best DPS profession (this will make quite some people rage, but seriously…we all know that’ s the truth, Warrior is the profession for noobs. It has nice damage and nice armor but in the hands of a skilled player it’ s the worst profession)
2) Greatsword is the worst weapon for every profession! Again, it doesn’ t do damage nor control nor support. It’ s a total waste. It works only (and again ONLY) for farming CoF.
3) Engineer deals a lot of damage with flamethrower build but my personal preference for best DPS is Elementalist but as i posted before it s a very hard to play profession and its damage is burst.
4) Please stop using Berserk Necromancer/Minion Master in PvE they are useless. Necromancer is a great support-conditioner with Wells and he can deal huge damage with conditions while healing himself and the party while removing conditions trasforming them into boons.
I don t see anything else to say right now, might add sometying later

Seafarer’ s Rest – From Dusk Till No Dawn [DUSK]
Wrexya – Elementalist 80
….And Another 13 LV 80 Characters…..

Please help me choose a profession!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DreamyAbaddon.3265


Hey buddy!
Have you found the Profession that fits your playstyle yet?

O.o You suddenly lost connection last time we spoke about guardian.
So what’s up?